The Dodgers are now at +332 in run differential. Only the Yankees are above +200. Unfortunately, none of those runs carry over to the playoffs.
Was very happy to see Pujols hit his 2 Hr's to get to 700. Heck of an achievement. Now, would like to see Judge hit his milestone Hr's, win the Triple Crown and take the MVP, just because they would be great baseball achievements to go with Pujols. -- Al
I think it's just the LA need for the spotlight. After all, wasn't it LA pitcher Al Downing who served up Mr. Aaron's record breaking Hr back in the mists of ancient history? Better to be remembered for participation in a big event, even if on the wrong end of the big blow, rather than be an unknown spectator. ^&grin ESPN is also getting a lot of mileage out of the commentator (can't remember name) who predicted Pujols would hit #700 on a Friday night in Sept., while facing the Dodgers, specifically Kershaw. This prediction was made and recorded in April. A remarkable bit of seeing into the future. No Kershaw, who had his start moved back, but the rest of the prediction was spot on. -- AlMy spidey senses tell me that the Dodgers, who have clinched their division and are cruising toward the playoffs, served up a couple of softies for Pujols.
Simply fantastic to see Pujols get to 700.
Pujols had another good day a double, homer (702) and 3 RBI's which tied him with Babe Ruth for first place (2214). I hate to see him go but he couldn't leave on a higher note. Haven't seen the Yankees but the teams seem to be pitching Judge real tough. Plus he's probably nervous with everyone watching his every move. I hope he gets his 62nd.
Watched every Judge AB against the O's this weekend. He isn't getting much to hit and as a result you can see him pressing, trying to make something happen on any pitch that might be close to the strike zone. Would love to see the record set but there are only 3 games left. Even if the record remains tied, it is baseball history, and it has been a real thrill to watch the chase unfold all summer and watch Judge handle the pressure with class. Glad to have been a small part of the fanship on this one. -- AlPujols had another good day a double, homer (702) and 3 RBI's which tied him with Babe Ruth for first place (2214). I hate to see him go but he couldn't leave on a higher note. Haven't seen the Yankees but the teams seem to be pitching Judge real tough. Plus he's probably nervous with everyone watching his every move. I hope he gets his 62nd.