More Close Encounters of the Best Kind (3 Viewers)

Originally Posted by Capitolron

I did see your Flying Tigers - they are great. Are those Figarti's ?? Really smashing scene you have there !!
Do you have any of those K&C Warbirds ??

Hi Ron,
Sorry its taken me so long to respond to this one. No, I don't have any K&C Warbirds, but I do have these 1/32 items that I bought in Germany last year; not up to K&C's standard, but quite nice displayed on top of a cabinet all the same.





Havildar Ram Singh, Flashman's Brother and Havildar Gupta Laki.
The gentleman on Flashy's left hand side wearing that tall shako has never been identified.
Could be Harry Andrews, that well respected British thespian's great-great-grandfather.....;), but then again, he does look somewhat, well, Germanic....:rolleyes:.


Have got around to thinking about a Flashman & the dragon display again. But to be honest, I don’t care too much for K&C’s depiction of Tsu Tsi. Check the figure on the throne – she has just got to go.

She’s not ugly enough to represent Tsu Tsi in her old age. Old granny out of HK116 might do for an old and decrepit Empress

– but Flashman met her when she was young and beautiful – a bit like Me’n’Missus Heid actually….I even thought about using the female figure out of the Tai Chi Too set, dancing on the throne - You know, a bit like those daft Bollywood movies where everyone starts singing and dancing no matter what's happening in the plot (or maybe they just loose the plot).

What I really need is a young and beautiful seated figure to represent Yenola, Empress of the Western Palace and Chief Concubine of the Middle Kingdom. Which kinda rules out using the seated Mom with her knitting.

Thought about using Tai Tai, but she's not exactly "ravishing" is she..??

Might be able to use the concubine if I can get her out of that covered cart, but I really want to use this set for Yenola's Escape from the Forbidden City diorama

So, I think the best solution to my dilemma is to shell out for the HK101 Fortune Teller set and use the Lady With The Fan as Yenola, Empress etc. etc.
She’s a bit more mature looking than I’d like, but hey – these are Toy Soldiers – right..??

Cummon K&C, we're really short on beautiful, seated, Chinese Ladies. :D:D:D
Dear Harry

Great to see your recent additions.....super shots and dios, especially the SOHK. Thanks for posting.

What is this with the 'eliteheid'? :confused:

Too much sun (or other liquids)? :D:rolleyes:

If you lie down long enough it may pass!:D;)
Dear Harry

Great to see your recent additions.....super shots and dios, especially the SOHK. Thanks for posting.

What is this with the 'eliteheid'? :confused:

Too much sun (or other liquids)? :D:rolleyes:

If you lie down long enough it may pass!:D;)

Sorry Mate....these are old photos taken around 3 weeks ago before I got used to the settings on the new camera - and also some of my "musings", done to pass the day and stop from getting too bored cos I'm presently experiencing "a life on the ocean wave" again. I.E. I'm supposed to be working out here in the Gulf of Thailand.
I'm afraid the only way I'll get myself through to 28th March when I hit Hong Kong again then 30th March when I finally get home, is to plan the new dioramas in my heid...!!! And dream of the new Toy Soldiers I'm going to procure. Dunno if I'll be home for 2 weeks or if its going to be 4 weeks during April. But I have plans for two more Desert dios - not Western Desert (Libya/Egypt) this time. Plus if the new full-sized Chinese "antique-style" table has been delivered tae the hoose by the time I get hame, then I'll maybe get my Flashman & the Dragon display done at long last.

Someone mentioned on some other thread that you get a "Mention in Dispatches" if you have a post pulled by our splendid hosts. They also happened to comment that only the ELITE get handed a suspension from the forum for being a Baaad Boy. So I'm just trying out how EliteHeid sounds. Och, I'll get back to obscure songs in my strap line soon.....:D:D;)

Thanks for the nice comments BTW. As always, I've been keeping tabs on your dio-dramas as well. Hopefully, I'll be able to pitch into your Desert War thread fairly soon.

Best Regards
Hmmm.....maybe I could use the Bride out of the Manchu Wedding Party as Yenola, Empress of the Western Palace, Concubine to the Celestial Stars, Most beautiful Woman in the Middle Kingdom......etc., etc.


Wonder what I could replace her with though. A seated Napoleonic perhaps.? Would certainly give the Groom as bit of a surprise......:D:D:D
How about using one of the Mahjong players to substitute for the empress? They're not exactly sitting up straight but they are young and pretty. I'm thinking specifically of the one dressed in purple as she could be made to look like she's leaning over listening to one of her officials.
Sorry Mate....these are old photos taken around 3 weeks ago before I got used to the settings on the new camera - and also some of my "musings", done to pass the day and stop from getting too bored cos I'm presently experiencing "a life on the ocean wave" again. I.E. I'm supposed to be working out here in the Gulf of Thailand.
I'm afraid the only way I'll get myself through to 28th March when I hit Hong Kong again then 30th March when I finally get home, is to plan the new dioramas in my heid...!!! And dream of the new Toy Soldiers I'm going to procure. Dunno if I'll be home for 2 weeks or if its going to be 4 weeks during April. But I have plans for two more Desert dios - not Western Desert (Libya/Egypt) this time. Plus if the new full-sized Chinese "antique-style" table has been delivered tae the hoose by the time I get hame, then I'll maybe get my Flashman & the Dragon display done at long last.

Someone mentioned on some other thread that you get a "Mention in Dispatches" if you have a post pulled by our splendid hosts. They also happened to comment that only the ELITE get handed a suspension from the forum for being a Baaad Boy. So I'm just trying out how EliteHeid sounds. Och, I'll get back to obscure songs in my strap line soon.....:D:D;)

Thanks for the nice comments BTW. As always, I've been keeping tabs on your dio-dramas as well. Hopefully, I'll be able to pitch into your Desert War thread fairly soon.

Best Regards

All the very best to you Harry. I'll give your regards to the granite city next week.
How about using one of the Mahjong players to substitute for the empress? They're not exactly sitting up straight but they are young and pretty. I'm thinking specifically of the one dressed in purple as she could be made to look like she's leaning over listening to one of her officials.

I thought about that Shannon, but;

a) I end up being shy of a Mah Jong player. My Precious Little Lotus Blossom (AKA Missus Heid) tells me you simply MUST have 4 people playing. Guess its more difficult to cheat when you're betting before each round if there's only THREE people playing.

b) she's cast onto the stool she's sitting on which means a hacksaw job...:eek::eek:

c) she goes really well with her friend who's sitting next to her. It's one of the best depictions I've ever seen of female gossiping in the TS world.


Its really disappointing that K&C's Tsu Tsi looks nothing like (I think it was) Flora Robson in "55 Days at Peking" - great movie BTW. In fact K&C's version looks more like some kindly old granny, which I'm assured by Missus Heid most certainly wasn't the case...:eek:

Hmmmm......nope, for a "Flashman and the Dragon" display, the more I think about it, the more it looks like the female figure from the HK 162 Tai Chi Too set. On being introduced to Flashy for the first time, she decides he's the answer to a maiden's prayer and starts dancing for joy on top of her throne.....:D:D:D
I've had another look at the male figure from the Tai Chi Too set as well - and I reckon he would fit in perfectly as the court eunouch "Little An", and the "woman" out of the IC005 could be strategically deployed as well.
Yup, it's all coming together in my heid at long last.

Of course, I'm sure that at least 50% of viewers have sussed out by now that these "musings" are simply an excuse to recycle my old photos while I'm stuck offshore on this rustbucket of an oil production platform in the Gulf of Thailand. :)

Right, time to get back to perusing the K&C catalogue (and Britains, and JJD, and Front Line, and EofI, and.........)

All the very best to you Harry. I'll give your regards to the granite city next week.

Granite City..??....What...???? You're going to be in my home town of Aberdeen next week...? If so, can you please look up Jeannie Robertson for me.? Last heard of, she was living in Torry and working as a barmaid in the Neptune Bar down beside the harbour. Tell her I'm sorry I haven't paid her the maintenance money for the past 15 years.....:)
PS. It'll be March so I'd advise you to wear your woolly underwear cos it'll be wet, windy, freezin' and generally miserable weather.
Meanwhile, here's a genuine newspaper cutting that appeared in the Daily Mirror a few years ago.

Havildar Ram Singh, Flashman's Brother and Havildar Gupta Laki.
The gentleman on Flashy's left hand side wearing that tall shako has never been identified.
Could be Harry Andrews, that well respected British thespian's great-great-grandfather.....;), but then again, he does look somewhat, well, Germanic....:rolleyes:.



Not only does he look Germanic - he looks like he's had a night (well, several years) on the brandy. In fact, he looks inebriated in the photo.....Must remember to have a look at his nose. Bet its just a lump of dust or something.....;);)
Harry my friend, great pics again; you developed your own style for displaying those interesting figurines.

Best regards.

Harry my friend, great pics again; you developed your own style for displaying those interesting figurines.

Best regards.


Hey, thanks Rod. As you know, I'm a big admirer of your style. When are we going to see some more of your amazing photos?

Hey, thanks Rod. As you know, I'm a big admirer of your style. When are we going to see some more of your amazing photos?


Thanks Harry.

I am working now on a small Crusade Dio, if my wife allows me :eek::D, I think by the beginning of the next week I will be able to post the pictures. The Crusaders is a new range for me so I had to do a few researches to be accurate, so far its look good let’s see the result. I hope you will enjoy.

Have a good day my friend.

Granite City..??....What...???? You're going to be in my home town of Aberdeen next week...? If so, can you please look up Jeannie Robertson for me.? Last heard of, she was living in Torry and working as a barmaid in the Neptune Bar down beside the harbour. Tell her I'm sorry I haven't paid her the maintenance money for the past 15 years.....:)
PS. It'll be March so I'd advise you to wear your woolly underwear cos it'll be wet, windy, freezin' and generally miserable weather.
Meanwhile, here's a genuine newspaper cutting that appeared in the Daily Mirror a few years ago.

that should keep me out of trouble.........on second thoughts:eek::eek:

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