More Close Encounters of the Best Kind (4 Viewers)

PS. Reb, I'm not even going to ask if you know where my latest strapline comes from cos I just know that you know, ummm...if you know what I mean, you know....:rolleyes::rolleyes::eek: Think I'd better go and lie down....:D


Her album with Waylon Jennings is simply a must-have classic.
Playing around with figures and layout again. Will be on the hunt for something suitable for Ms Le Fey to stand on tomorrow. Would be nice if I can find a tower or something like it in an appropriate size.
The finished diorama photos will take elimination of shadows into account.




Her album with Waylon Jennings is simply a must-have classic.

Jessie, Waylon, John Dillon and Steve Cash with a tale from the ACW.
I bought the vinyl version when it first came out, think it was in 1978. Even Slowhand makes a few contributions :). Excellent and very under-rated album. Not too well known in the UK either due, I suspect, to most people of our generations' distaste for anything remotely resembling American country music......if they only knew what they're missing. ;);)

Hello Harry, how are you?

I like to see your Crusades pics, it gives me ideas as a new Crusades collector.


Have a nice week.

Superb dio Harry and very well put together.

All you need to do now is invest in another 2000 figures of Saracens and Christian Knights and you will have a splendid Kingdom of Heaven diorama.:D

Good stuff H

(Following message from The Lt is copied & pasted over from the SOHK thread).
Nice seeing you up and about and playing again on both threads Harry. The Lady in black is someone I wouldn't mind protecting. Like the outcome of your photos of DER-EZZR it's a very nice touch. What's next?.....The Lt.

Der-Ezzor is an actual Town/City in Syria close to the Iraq border Lt. I've been there several times and that's what gave me the idea for adapting my original LRDG/SAS diorama base. That particular scene isn't quite finished yet as I'm still messing around with the layout and figures. I'll post new photos of it here in the correct thread in future.
As to what's next, well take a quick look below. Reinforcements for (one of) the new eras I'm breaking into are on their way, but it'll be a couple of months before I'll be able to incorporate them into some (hopefully) interesting scenarios.
Not great photos cos the light was awful this morning here in Dalian, but you'll get the general idea.



Hello Harry, how are you?

I like to see your Crusades pics, it gives me ideas as a new Crusades collector.


Have a nice week.


Thanks Rod,
I'm kind of breaking away from WWII and exploring other era's. I love the K&C Crusader/Saracen range and intend to add to the small collection I have of these over the next several months.
Now, having said that I'm breaking away from WWII, that's not quite true as the Desert Campaign and Bulge will always be #1 in WWII for me, and its going to be a while before I get my paws on the new era(s) stuff I presently have on order. So cos I'm home until 25th April on this occasion, I'm toying around with the idea of another Winter dio, but featuring the Americans this time. I'll see what I can come up with.

Superb dio Harry and very well put together.

All you need to do now is invest in another 2000 figures of Saracens and Christian Knights and you will have a splendid Kingdom of Heaven diorama.:D

Good stuff H


Thanks Bob.
Unfortunately I'm just a "humble" Engineer with a limited income. :)D) So I'll have to leave the large scale dioramas to those who do them so well. (;)) Only pulling your leg. As you've previously commented, I simply can't choose an era and stick to it. I tend to cherry-pick those figures I like in any particular range and go from there. Still, now that we've got almost all the SOHK range, it means I can now turn the focus onto other eras.
Meanwhile, here's a few more Crusader/Saracen snaps.

To Rod (and Randy if you're looking in here),
I'm using an effect called "Antique" in HP Image Zone to achieve that "washed-out and slightly out of focus" look in some of these photos, and I think it works in some snaps. I do have Photoshop Elements software loaded onto my laptop, but still have to make time to get to grips with that particular application.

Cheers Guys




Now safely back in their display cabinet after guest appearances over on the Flashman thread. That's some amount of firepower old Flashy's going to be up against in the forseeable future. No doubt he'll fumble his hapless way through it all as usual...:cool::cool:

Somehow or other, at least a few of these figures are going to find their way into the Flashman thread. Just haven't yet thought of a way to do it without getting banned from this "Family Forum". Quite sure I'll dream up some suitable scenario...:D:D
Sword and Sorcery Harry? Whatever next?

But very very innovative for this forum. I wait with anticipation for your completed shots.

Nice one H


You want Sword and Sorcery Bob..??
You're wish is my command in this case, my fine rebellious friend. Here you go......





You want Sword and Sorcery Bob..??
You're wish is my command in this case, my fine rebellious friend. Here you go......


I do believe you must be smoking something whilst you're on furlough.

Chinese Gods & Goddesses/Warriors/Flashman/Morgan Le Fey/Saracens/Crusaders and now huge fiery dragons.

What's next St George? Elves? Orcs? Wraiths :confused::confused:

H you're enjoying yourself too much! Stay out of those Chinese opium dens!


I do believe you must be smoking something whilst you're on furlough.

Chinese Gods & Goddesses/Warriors/Flashman/Morgan Le Fey/Saracens/Crusaders and now huge fiery dragons.

What's next St George? Elves? Orcs? Wraiths :confused::confused:

H you're enjoying yourself too much! Stay out of those Chinese opium dens!


Are you spying on me Reb..?? How else could you have known where I was, and what I was up to, last night..??:(
"Another Toke Misstaah Hally?"
"Why, uughh. Cheers Misstaah Du. Don't mind if I," :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Only kiddin'. The strongest narcotic I'm on is "Honghe, Extra Special Filter, Hinge Lid Pack". At least, that's what I think it says.

Cheers :)
Wish "Classical Studies" had been more like this when I was at school. Come to think of it,
when I was at school, this was "Current Events"....:eek::eek::D:D:rolleyes::rolleyes:


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