More Close Encounters of the Best Kind (5 Viewers)

Looking forward to seeing which of you two post your first Zulu diorama and Isandlwana is an ideal choice if I don't beat you to it got a littl edge on ya but would love to see what you come up with UKReb for they'll be no doubt it'll be a winner.......The Lt.

I'm thinking of something along the lines of the death of the Prince Imperial, Louis Napoleon. Don't think I've seen this before.
Like I said though, it'll be the second half of 2008 anyway. But I've been hounding K&C off and on in their section of the forum for some figures to depict a few of Queen Victoria's small conflicts. If K&C won't do them then I'll certainly be going with the new WB releases.
Really need to get my finger out, stop dragging my feet, and arrange for a postal address in China. I suppose I could still use Dubai, but the postal and customs charges were adding anything up to 40~50% onto the original cost of the figures.
Some snaps of our Flying Tiger display. I'm hoping to turn it into a real diorama in January.




These are 'specially for the Lt.
Missus Heid's under strict orders to get this and a few other posters framed during December so's I can get them up on the wall properly in January.



Originally Posted by UKReb
Lt. Harry rarely surprises me anymore with anything he posts but you never know I just might beat him to the punch with a Zulu dio.

I think for sure you'll beat me to the punch with a Zulu dio Reb - But as well as being "The Cooler King" - I'm also "The Poster King". :D:D
Only kiddin'. I'm really looking forward to seeing the photo's of your Zulu War dio when you get it completed. If its anything like your ACW dio then it'll be astonishing and well worth the wait. :):cool::)

Today is my last full day at home before I travel to Dubai tomorrow night, so an ultimatum was presented this morning.
"Get that room tidied up - or else there'll be no Filipino Band or German Grub at the Kempinski Hotel for you tonight..!!" :(:(
So to prevent any further naggety-naggety from Missus Heid, which she can deliver at supersonic speed, her wishes were complied with.
After much scrub-a-dub-dub, an astonishing thought hit The Heid. Why not post some snaps of your cave? Everyone's seen the photos of the display cabinets for the SOHK & IC ranges that are in the living room, but no-ones seen how some of the other stuff is stored/displayed, so here goes.







This was my solution to the "lack of space problem" in our apartment and although I had to source industrial strength shelf supports cos of the weight of those dio bases, I think it works extremely well. As can be seen though, I definitely need to do something to tidy up the diorama base edges. :eek::eek:
Harry, echo these earlier comments, great dios you are building up, thanks for posting and don't stop!

P.S. Sorry about Scotland, they deserved better (no offence to the French and Italian supporters).

Och, okay Panda, here's another one of the new dio base. Just don't even think about asking what those Patriot Han Chinese are doing there. Maybe they hired Dr Who's TARDIS or something. :D:D:eek::eek:
PS. The Scotland International Fitba Team are always the same. So close - but so far.....:eek::eek::):):eek:

I think you're going to need a new house soon :)

Not yet Brad.
Just need to get to work on Mrs Heid so's she'll agree to storing/displaying some of the collection in the bedroom as well.
Hmmmm.....Suspect she'll finally draw the line at that suggestion.
You will make us jealous, what a such collection:eek:

I know what you are meaning, but jealousy really ought not to enter into the topic. Plenty of people have better collections than me and the Missus. The reason I'm posting these photos here is to (hopefully) provide other people with ideas as to how they can display their collections in better ways, for a relatively modest outlay. I've never built dioramas before, but both the Desert Rendevouz and Winter dios only took me a few days to build, and the main cost was only a few commercial items available from a model train hobby store. Everything else was constructed from everyday items such as acrylic paint, plaster, electrical wire, a few pared down chopsticks and some stones and sand I picked up in the street (!!).
I've also tried to show how, even though space to display a collection might be at a premium, with a bit of imagination you can still utilize what space is available in an effective manner.
Regarding your latest PM, I hope you had a good conversation with Pierre and were successful in your request.
Cheers Mate
Your doing very well Harry please keep up the good work but I must agree with Brad at the rate you are going you'll soon be out of space. Very neat job in complying with the lady of the houses request to put things in order and seems your well trained or very adaptable to doing so. Take care and be well....The Lt.
Your doing very well Harry please keep up the good work but I must agree with Brad at the rate you are going you'll soon be out of space. Very neat job in complying with the lady of the houses request to put things in order and seems your well trained or very adaptable to doing so. Take care and be well....The Lt.

Aye well, that room I use as my office was like a building site this morning, with plaster and brick dust, old 2-part epoxy packaging, handtools, paint-daubed newspapers, etc. strewn everywhere, so I can't blame "She Who Must Be Obeyed" for laying down the law. Bitter experience has taught me to comply with "orders of the day" toot de sweet. :rolleyes: Non-compliance within a reasonable timescale has been known to lead to uncontrolled bleeding from the ears. :D
Thing is, putting those dios, and kitchen chopping boards earmarked for future dio bases up on the walls with those shelf supports has created much more space - and gives me room to expand our collection in 2008.
Result = Happy Missus, which of course = Happy Harry....:):););):rolleyes:
I know what you are meaning, but jealousy really ought not to enter into the topic. Plenty of people have better collections than me and the Missus. The reason I'm posting these photos here is to (hopefully) provide other people with ideas as to how they can display their collections in better ways, for a relatively modest outlay. I've never built dioramas before, but both the Desert Rendevouz and Winter dios only took me a few days to build, and the main cost was only a few commercial items available from a model train hobby store. Everything else was constructed from everyday items such as acrylic paint, plaster, electrical wire, a few pared down chopsticks and some stones and sand I picked up in the street (!!).
I've also tried to show how, even though space to display a collection might be at a premium, with a bit of imagination you can still utilize what space is available in an effective manner.
Regarding your latest PM, I hope you had a good conversation with Pierre and were successful in your request.
Cheers Mate

I was just kidding, but you have an impressive collection anyway. I talked with Pierre by phone last night and I think we fixed the logging problem.

See you there,
take care
I was just kidding, but you have an impressive collection anyway. I talked with Pierre by phone last night and I think we fixed the logging problem.

See you there,
take care

Yeah, I noticed that Pierre had hepled you out. Great stuff.
Some more oldies. Only 5 weeks to go and I'll have my paws on the 2nd set. The entire range is a must-do for a diorama.







A couple more from my previous and now defunct thread. These were experimental layout exercises. And personally, I don't give a flying monkeys if the scales are slightly out. I happen to like mixing K&C and the larger FOV vehicles. Will be changing these photos into real dioramas when I get home.


A couple more from my previous and now defunct thread. These were experimental layout exercises. And personally, I don't give a flying monkeys if the scales are slightly out. I happen to like mixing K&C and the larger FOV vehicles. Will be changing these photos into real dioramas when I get home.




looking at your sign off note about elvis, applied to the tank riders do they ride along to mustang sally? In dublin?

looking at your sign off note about elvis, applied to the tank riders do they ride along to mustang sally? In dublin?

Haw-Haw. Yeeeeeees Kevin. You've sussed out that I recently re-watched "The Committments"

10 out of 10 for the connection......:D:D:D:D:D
Haw-Haw. Yeeeeeees Kevin. You've sussed out that I recently re-watched "The Committments"

10 out of 10 for the connection......:D:D:D:D:D

And I thought I was just of my all time favourites (I have a touch of the shamrock........somewhere):D:D:D

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