More Close Encounters of the Best Kind (5 Viewers)


You are fast approaching the level of photo quailty we are used to seeing from Panda, Fishhead and The Lt. Well done!

You are fast approaching the level of photo quailty we are used to seeing from Panda, Fishhead and The Lt. Well done!

Cheers Louis, but being realistic, I've still a fair way to go before I can begin to approach the skill level of those gentlemen.
Here's a few more snaps. No backdrop, or even any real attempt at cropping or photo enhancement because I really just want to show the new Desert dio base which is earmarked for the AK 105mm Field Gun. I'll be adding this item to our collection next time I'm travelling through Hong Kong. Once the layout's been decided, I'll add a few rocks and some vegetation to the base.
And a paint conversion on that NMA armoured car is also on the to-do list next time I'm home.
I've taken a bunch of photos during the various construction phases of my last 3 dio bases, so hopefully I'll find time during the next few weeks while I'm in Oman, Libya, Yemen, Wherever, to write some notes on how I built them and post in the "how to" section of the forum.
Right, its almost 22:00PM local, so time to go watch Zulu Dawn - YET AGAIN...!!!




Hello Harry,

What you think about theses characters from AK AK016 and AK021? I’m thinking buy then and repaint with some Eastern front clothes.

But I am not sure about of their faces look.

Hello Harry,

What you think about theses characters from AK AK016 and AK021? I’m thinking buy then and repaint with some Eastern front clothes.

But I am not sure about of their faces look.


Just a minute Rodrigo, I'll have to check on the Treefrog website. I don't know the K&C catalogue numbers like you K&C fanatics do.....:D:rolleyes::)
Pant, Phew, Pant, Pant.
Okay just got back from the TF website. To be honest, Canadian Samurai is probably the best experts you could ask regarding this one. I would imagine you could in fact use them for summer EF with a repaint. Apart from the firing figure with the topee helmet I would have thought.
What's wrong with the faces? Apart from the fact that they think they'll be drinking Stella beer in Cairo 1 week from now?
Pant, Phew, Pant, Pant.
Okay just got back from the TF website. To be honest, Canadian Samurai is probably the best experts you could ask regarding this one. I would imagine you could in fact use them for summer EF with a repaint. Apart from the firing figure with the topee helmet I would have thought.
What's wrong with the faces? Apart from the fact that they think they'll be drinking Stella beer in Cairo 1 week from now?

Theses sets are from the begging of K&C Afrika Korps set. They improved very much the quality of their faces since 2002; you can compare with the new sets.

Take care.

A well-hard squad of Jocks move up to the Maasah Matruh start line. Them Jerry's just have no chance....!!!! Might as well "Kammerad Bitte" right now.
"Just don't steal our watches or pics of Lille Marlene - Bitte...?"....:D:D
Desperate pleas that fall on deaf ears. These guys ARE from Paisley after all...:D:D



Great photos but just how many eras are you collecting?:eek: A few more and you could be challenging Hamley's.

When your China expedition is over that's surely going to cost you a lotta of palooka to ship that army back to Scotia!!!!!!! That's of course if you ever come back cos it's still cold as hell!!!

Great photos but just how many eras are you collecting?:eek: A few more and you could be challenging Hamley's.

When your China expedition is over that's surely going to cost you a lotta of palooka to ship that army back to Scotia!!!!!!! That's of course if you ever come back cos it's still cold as hell!!!

UKReb do not be surprised when Harry post his first group of photos he's taken of his newly acquired WBritain Zulu War figures set in one of his newly created dio's.........The Lt.

Great photos but just how many eras are you collecting?:eek: A few more and you could be challenging Hamley's.

When your China expedition is over that's surely going to cost you a lotta of palooka to ship that army back to Scotia!!!!!!! That's of course if you ever come back cos it's still cold as hell!!!

Well, lemme no particular order, K&C as follows;
LAH (for Missus Heid, although she's calmed down a bit since the first few were bought)
Plus there's a few Patriot, Figarti, Frontline, NMA, 21st C and others mixed in there.
And as the Lootenent says - there'll probably be some Britains Zulu War next year - and I really like the EofI Greeks, Persians & Samurais.
So all in there'll be a few more Dioramas being built in 2008.
I've lived overseas for around 15 years now, and have no intention of ever moving back to the Peoples Soviet Republic of Scotland. Believe it or not, the PR of China is much free-er. :):):cool::cool::cool: And a sight cheap-er as well.
By the way Harry your photos get better day by day.

UKReb do not be surprised when Harry post his first group of photos he's taken of his newly acquired WBritain Zulu War figures set in one of his newly created dio's.........The Lt.

Lt. Harry rarely surprises me anymore with anything he posts but you never know I just might beat him to the punch with a Zulu dio.

As I said before you hold the Oscar for the best Drift dio I have ever seen and I wouldn't dare tread on that hallowed ground so if I do don a blood-red tunic it's got to be Isandlwhana.
As you know I just lurve those big dio's and there's got to be a lot of scope depicting Pulleine's and Durnford's Waterloo.
Lt. Harry rarely surprises me anymore with anything he posts but you never know I just might beat him to the punch with a Zulu dio.

As I said before you hold the Oscar for the best Drift dio I have ever seen and I wouldn't dare tread on that hallowed ground so if I do don a blood-red tunic it's got to be Isandlwhana.
As you know I just lurve those big dio's and there's got to be a lot of scope depicting Pulleine's and Durnford's Waterloo.

I just might beat him to the punch with a Zulu dio

I wouldn't be surprised if you do Reb. If I do go for the Zulu War (if? Ha-Ha, don't see how I can resist), it'll be the 2nd half of 2008 at the earliest. Still too much existing ranges I want to get first.
And like I say, I really like the look of those EofI figures as well.
PS. I finally made time to sit down and watch Zulu Dawn (again) this afternoon - brilliant stuff.
Looking forward to seeing which of you two post your first Zulu diorama and Isandlwana is an ideal choice if I don't beat you to it got a littl edge on ya but would love to see what you come up with UKReb for they'll be no doubt it'll be a winner.......The Lt.
Harry, your collection is simply incredible. Just when one thinks hes seen it all, more arrives. I am guessing , you have a tracker trailer full of toys, or you own your own museum. Mike:)
Harry, your collection is simply incredible. Just when one thinks hes seen it all, more arrives. I am guessing , you have a tracker trailer full of toys, or you own your own museum. Mike:)

I don't have any Saracens as yet - and I really like some of them, especially because of the fine paintwork, so a few are on Decembers shopping list. Missus Heid doesn't like them simply cos "They are Arabic Men" unquote. She has her reasons for her dislike, but I think I'll be able to sneak some of them into the house. I'll just tell her they're supposed to be Ghengis Khan's Mongols - that'll keep her happy.
Thanks for the kind comments.
Harry, echo these earlier comments, great dios you are building up, thanks for posting and don't stop!

P.S. Sorry about Scotland, they deserved better (no offence to the French and Italian supporters).

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