This one is going to be called "Western Desert 1941".
It needs a fair bit of work done to it though.
a) The FOB tank commander needs a repaint job, and I'm not sure yet how to disguise the gas mask case. Maybe I don't need to. Could be they were still being used in 1941 (?). The EA Vickers badly needs some dry-brushed weathering effects cos its far too clean IMO.
b) The FOB Vickers needs a repaint job. I don't have any EA decals so the original formation markings will just have to stay as is for the time being. If I foul up the paint job, then I can always add some camo netting to hide my ham-handed efforts.
c) The sandbags need to be raised a bit. Not much cover there at the moment.
d) The figure bases to be blended into the groundwork and some scrubby-looking bushes added.
e) Print out either of the backgound pictures rotated by 180 degrees. This'll make them blend in better for wide-angle photos. The backdrop needs to be on ordinary photo-copy paper to avoid reflections.
f) Still getting to grips with the settings on my new camera. Also need to load up the recently obtained copy of "Photoshop Elements" onto my laptop and start playing with it.
Overall though, I think this is a good layout - apart from the fact that we Brits hadn't learned the advantages of having our tanks in hull-down positions yet.

Reckon this one can be worked on along with the "Charge of the Light Brigade" dio. While one's drying out the other one can get some attention. It'll be towards the end of the week before they're finished. Going out tomorrow to (probably) buy a new full-sized Chinese table for the new SOHK display.