More Close Encounters of the Best Kind (3 Viewers)

Harry, good to see you enjoying your camera, good shots, look forward to more!:D

I haven't quite got to grips with the new camera settings yet, mainly cos there's around a bazillion of them.
Anyway, here's some of Missus Heid's new SOHK. The Chinese table I've earmarked for this set is having to be built to order down in Guangzhou (better known in the West as Canton) cos the shop I use in Dalian doesn't have that deep lacquered red colour that we like so much. We've been quoted anything from 7 days to 3 weeks delivery on it. Meanwhile, that half-round table is an adequate stand-in.





Yet some more. Its easy to see I was away from home for 9 weeks last time, cos the bulk of my K&C shopping in Hong Kong last week was SOHK stuff for Missus Heid. :eek::eek:;);)





Firstly I must say how impressed with your collection. I agree it is not a commonly seen collection, but does add some variety away from the typical war soldier.

Excuse my ignorance as I am fairly new to all these different manufacturers and the world of toy soldier collecting. I am learning !!! :) Are these figures K & C - The Chinese Imerial Army Collection ?

I was looking at a Canadian supplier last night and that was the only thing I could find that looks similar. I presume SOHK means Street of Hong Kong ?


I've had my eye on that hand-carved wooden Chinese building for months now. I first noticed it in the shop where we buy our old-style Chinese furniture, and it wasn't really for sale cos it actually belonged to the owner who used it for display purposes. She originally quoted a quite ridiculous price - probably to put me off trying to buy it from her. I finally beat her down to just over US$120 today, which is around US$380 less than I had originally planned to offer for it. So, good bit of business today Heid .
Even Missus H was amazed at the price I got it for....




Firstly I must say how impressed with your collection. I agree it is not a commonly seen collection, but does add some variety away from the typical war soldier.

Excuse my ignorance as I am fairly new to all these different manufacturers and the world of toy soldier collecting. I am learning !!! :) Are these figures K & C - The Chinese Imerial Army Collection ?

I was looking at a Canadian supplier last night and that was the only thing I could find that looks similar. I presume SOHK means Street of Hong Kong ?



Thanks for the kind comments Scott. Nuthin to excuse. At one time we were all new to the world of "Miniature Figurine" collecting, (my preferred description of what we do...:D).

In response to your questions, may I suggest that you click on the box in the upper left hand side of the forum page - the one that says SHOP @ TREEFROG TREASURES. This will take you to the TF Home Page.
Scroll down until you see King and Country in the manufacturers list at the left hand side and click on King and Country. This will take you to the page that shows all K&C's ranges. Click on "The Orient". This will open up a page that allows you to access K&C's Imperial Collection (IC), the Manchu Chinese Wedding Party and, as you correctly guessed, the Streets of Old Hong Kong range.

This is quite a long thread now, but if you care to work your way backwards, you'll see plenty of other SOHK and IC displays, and a few WWII ones as well.
There's not too many SOHK & IC collectors on the forum. Just Me'n'Lucy, Jeff, Pierre, and a few others.....but we are quite passionate about these ranges, and as you say, they do make a refreshing change from the usual war stuff (not that there's anything wrong with that).

BTW, you'll also see plenty of references to OUR collection. This is because my wife is just as avid a collector of miniature figurines as I am....Which = Happy Heid....:D:D;);)

I really hope you enjoy your experience on the TF forum Scott. While we can have our occasional disagreements (to say the least).....Its still a great place to make friends and discuss similar interests whether they be figures, vehicles, books, movies, whatever.

PS. K&C's Crusader range is also excellent. We only have a few of these figures at the moment, but that situation shall be rectified over the next few months. I really like those Saracens - 'specially the mounted ones.

Best Regards
You always find beautiful furnitures in Asia...! Nice piece of art....:)


Just got in from along day up in the smoke and read your PM. This is just too much to take in at one go :eek: That Wedding set is just something else isn't it........and that carved wooden building and the table etc. etc..

That's alot of brownie points there! :D

Thanks for sharing.



Just got in from along day up in the smoke and read your PM. This is just too much to take in at one go :eek: That Wedding set is just something else isn't it........and that carved wooden building and the table etc. etc..

That's alot of brownie points there! :D

Thanks for sharing.



That's a lot of brownie points there!

Isn't that a fact - best move I could have made to ensure reasonable audio treatment from "Little Boss" after being away from home for so long....:D:D;);):eek:
The wedding procession is brilliant and I've been thinking about getting it for ages. I also especially like the Opera Stage and the Children At Play sets, and I think that they look stunning when displayed together.
While I was still in Thailand I kind of alluded that I was going to buy something special when I finally hit Hong Kong on this occasion. Its going to look even better once we take delivery of the Chinese table that's on order. It could almost have been made for that set.....Hmmm.....
, come to think of it, the Chinese table IS being made for that set, if you know what I mean.
I'm not a completist by any means, but I've been going through the K&C catalogue and there's not a lot left in the SOHK range that's still to choose from in order to ensure peace & quiet in future. Missus H has a distaste for Middle East gentlemen, so I can't use the Saracens - in fact I might have to sneak these into the house and hope she doesn't notice (ha, fat chance).
Actually, I think I mentioned elsewhere that I'm considering starting a collection from another manufacturer and time period altogether. I've a feeling that the subject matter, colours, etc. will appeal to Madame Zhai's female sensibilities.

Cheers :)
You know, with a bit of work on the weathering on the P40B's and a good backdrop instead of that disgusting looking curtain, I reckon this has the makings of a nice little scenario. Of course I need to disguise the thread that's holding call sign 47, but I can do that with Photoshop (I think).







Those "Charge of the Light Brigade" look great - congrats !!

I wish the US Dollar wasnt so in the dumps - I might go crazy and start buying these guys !! :eek:

There are so many lines that I am into with K&C - just hard to start another one. But, WOW - they do look great.

Hope you are doing well, Ron
You know, with a bit of work on the weathering on the P40B's and a good backdrop instead of that disgusting looking curtain, I reckon this has the makings of a nice little scenario. Of course I need to disguise the thread that's holding call sign 47, but I can do that with Photoshop (I think).

What do you mean "has the makings" I think it looks amazing. Although if you think you can improve it I'd like to see that too :)

Have you thought of using fishing line for hanging the plane ?

I did see your Flying Tigers - they are great. Are those Figarti's ?? Really smashing scene you have there !! :D
Do you have any of those K&C Warbirds ??

Two of the P40B's are Figarti - the other one's a 21st Century item. Obviously, I've messed around with the pilots, putting one of them into the 21st C P40B, and the other one into that FOV Jeep. I think the FT figures in the background and climbing into the cockpit of call sign 68 are Frontline, and the two Chinese Nationalist figures are from the now defunct Figarti range of Chinese Nat figures.
Come to think of it I don't think you can see the Figarti & Frontline figures in the background so here's a quick snap of them. (Need to add OLD GRANNY from the K&C SOHK range to act as an interpreter).


I don't have any of the K&C warbirds. To be honest, I have a problem justifying the cost to myself - far less to Missus Heid, however I have to say that I'm extremely tempted by the Swordfish. If I ever did succumb and buy a warbird, my cunning plan is to "loose" the receipt and tell Madame Zhai that its a 21st Century item, cos she knows how inexpensive these are. Trust me, if she found out that I'd spent around US$700 on a model aeroplane, I'd get beaten up by that broomstick of hers - Aye, the same one she successfully test-flew last time I was home....:D:D:eek::eek:


I think your AVG group diorama looks great Heid! I happen to have a few Frontline and Figarti AVG items in my collection, including the Dick Rossi P40, and they look great alongside my K&C stuff.

If you check the old thread with the photos Kevin (Panda1gen) took for the book last summer, you will see an AVG diorama we whipped up using the same concept, but adding some old wood and papier mache buildings K&C made for China and the RAF to add a little depth to the scene.

Those "Charge of the Light Brigade" look great - congrats !!

I wish the US Dollar wasnt so in the dumps - I might go crazy and start buying these guys !!

There are so many lines that I am into with K&C - just hard to start another one. But, WOW - they do look great.

Hope you are doing well, Ron

Doing just Dandy Ron, still got a week at home before I head back to Thailand - its a tough job, but I guess someone has to do it..;)
I get paid in US$, so I also wish you guys would get your currency under control. I could then spend more of my loot on the hobby. :)
Now, I wouldn't wish to be the cause of matrimonial trouble and strife, perish the very thought Heid..:rolleyes:, I have enough trouble keeping the Celestial Harmony on an even keel in this hoose as it is, but just to tempt you some more heh, heh, heh,
- here's a few more snaps taken at different angles from the first ones.

The base that's earmarked for The Charge of the Light Brigade is presently drying out after I laid down a few layers of the basic groundwork and it should be ready for a few paint washes this afternoon. It has the same edging as you see in these photos. I probably won't have time on this occasion but the base you see in these photo's is destined to be used for a The Charge of the Scot's Greys dio in April. That ornate edging seems to really fit in with 19th Century dioramas somehow or other.
Getting back to TCotLB, I've been wondering if I can obtain some screen shots from the 1970's movie of the same to use as backdrops for the dio once its finished. Will see what I can do. In addition, I need to sit down and study the manual for the new camera. I know I can get better depth of field than these shots. Think its something to do with the aperture size.

Anyway, may I suggest you show these to the lovely Missus NapoleRon. If she likes the K&C Naps, then she'll love K&C UK's Crimea figures. It's The Thin Red Line coming up next in June - and a Captain Morris figure for The Charge, so I need to remember and leave room for him in this dio.







I think your AVG group diorama looks great Heid! I happen to have a few Frontline and Figarti AVG items in my collection, including the Dick Rossi P40, and they look great alongside my K&C stuff.

If you check the old thread with the photos Kevin (Panda1gen) took for the book last summer, you will see an AVG diorama we whipped up using the same concept, but adding some old wood and papier mache buildings K&C made for China and the RAF to add a little depth to the scene.

Thanks Louis.
I'll have a look for the old thread you mentioned, but I'm really limited for space on the dio base - and I don't want to spoil it by making it too "busy" if you know what I mean. I'm thinking that it'll benefit from addition of a backdrop similar to those that Randy utilizes to such good effect in his mini-dios.

Like I said before - they are really great ! I love those "Charge !" figures.

But, I have a FRENCH EMPIRE still to build and my understanding there are Russian Troops on the way !! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Must have my boys in nice long formations to blow them back to Moscow ! :D

Oh decisions, decisions.........

Like you Heid - $700 $$$ for a Warbird is still hard to reckon with everything else still out there to be bought. Plus new AK releases anyday now - oh my :rolleyes:

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