My first FL Romans (3 Viewers)


Feb 12, 2008
I received these four beautifully done Roman figures today. I must say they are very well done in sculpting, poses, and painting. The detail is incredible. As much as I like ACW and AWI the FL Glory of Rome range is now tugging on my "heart strings". These are photographed on my Hudson and Allen shelf diorama which Ken Osen entitled "At the Edge of the Forest" which includes the hand painted backdrop. I think this H&A dio base will make a very good repesentation of an ancient Germania forest with a Germanic Barbarian lurking behind every tree . . . . .
:) Mike





Wonderful figures Mike, and the H & A forest is a perfect match for them. What an amazingly realistic scene....the fog effect is really spectacular. Thanks for sharing the pics. I just received my first two FL Romans yesterday, and I was equally impressed as you. I will share pics of them when I get a chance. I'm really looking forward to adding more Romans, and I'm also very excited about the forthcoming barbarians. I can't wait to see them coming out from behind the trees in your diorama as they ambush the Romans!

Mike mate,
Outstanding. Those figures with the H&A base and backdrop complemented with your photography have pushed me over the edge. Those Romans are a must have. Please add some more figures and post again asap. ^&grin
Cheers Howard
Thanks for posting those pictures Mike, they look great in that setting, now all you need are some barbarians to add to the mix.........
Top notch Mike!!!!! What a superb looking setup{bravo}}{bravo}} I knew these Romans would be trouble once people started seeing how well done they are. Mike you are truly a master of display when it comes to displaying figures.
Beautiful picture Mike...I was expecting some kind of "orb" after talking to you...but I guess you're gonna need a few more figures...they really look great and your photography skills really set off the H&A and FL pieces...
Beautiful work Mike. I only have one Roman so far, but the latest releases and the upcoming Germans have me wanting a lot more. All these great photos put the clincher on it for me.
As everyone has said, Mike, this little scene looks great. Of course, we all know this is just the beginning.....^&grin

FANTASTIC Mike, the entire composition is outstanding...great set up...hats off
Here are a few pics of my first FL Romans...


And here they are fighting two of my favorite Aeroart barbarians. Looks like I'll be adding FL's barbarians to the fray very soon!:smile2:


Hi Mike ,
I think just about everythings been said already..... great work as always {bravo}} I really enjoy viewing your creations. Inspired me to dig up some shots I took in Sept 2010 at the Kalkriese-Varusschlacht in Osnabrück . Here is what the site looks like today .






The last pictures shows the sign marking the location of were the famous cavalry mask of a Roman cavalry helmet was found and a picture of the Mask from the Museum . I'm really hoping this line will expand and include some Cavalry from both sides , Would really love to see some Roman Auxiliary Cav we all know how Great they were . I really like your photo captures the feel of what I had walking the woods , very nice . Thanks for Sharing can't wait to see it when you add some of the good guys :wink2: Regards Gebhard
It's just beautiful.{eek3}
I will not resist!:mad::mad::mad:
Thank you for the pictures.{bravo}}{bravo}}:salute::Guy.
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Mike - could you please stop posting such great pictures? My credit card has already reached its limit. How can I controll my spending when you're posting such pictures?

You have a great talent creating such images.

Thanks everyone; Joe (Joesgis), Howard, George, Joe (Sahara), Michael, Dan, Noah, ROd, Geb, Guy, and Oliver . . . .

Hi Mike ,
I think just about everythings been said already..... great work as always {bravo}} I really enjoy viewing your creations. Inspired me to dig up some shots I took in Sept 2010 at the Kalkriese-Varusschlacht in Osnabrück . Here is what the site looks like today .

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I'm really hoping this line will expand and include some Cavalry from both sides , Would really love to see some Roman Auxiliary Cav we all know how Great they were . I really like your photo captures the feel of what I had walking the woods , very nice . Thanks for Sharing can't wait to see it when you add some of the good guys :wink2: Regards Gebhard

Thanks again Geb . . . I echo your hopes . . . I would like to see some cavalry also. And thnak you very much for the photos of the wooded area at Osnabruk. They really reinforce my thoughts on how nice my dio base would represent a Germanic forest.

Here are a few pics of my first FL Romans...


And here they are fighting two of my favorite Aeroart barbarians. Looks like I'll be adding FL's barbarians to the fray very soon!:smile2:



Nice additions to your collection Joe. I am envious that you have Aeroart figures. All nicely photographed. Welcome to the fray . . . . .
:) Mike
Looks like the Wisconsin cohort is up and runnin!! Congratulations Mike (and Joe) on your new FL additions. I would recommend the optio to both of you- when I got him home in November his detailing just really enriches my collection.

It's uncanny how many things you have discussed in the last couple days that have interesected with what I am reading and watching re Rome. Last night, I was messing about and was watching the Eagle- sure enough, they deploy into a semi-orb formation- at the beginning of the movie- something I had forgotten completely about.

I am reading Under the Eagles by Simon Scarrow at the moment and it discusses all the fog and marshlands- then WALA!! You photograph it.

Splendid job my friend!!!
Very nice figures and photo Mike {bravo}} {bravo}} and the same to Joe {bravo}} {bravo}}
Awesome photos Gebhard! If you have any more photos please post them. I would love to see them.

Hi Mike ,
I think just about everythings been said already..... great work as always {bravo}} I really enjoy viewing your creations. Inspired me to dig up some shots I took in Sept 2010 at the Kalkriese-Varusschlacht in Osnabrück . Here is what the site looks like today .

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The last pictures shows the sign marking the location of were the famous cavalry mask of a Roman cavalry helmet was found and a picture of the Mask from the Museum . I'm really hoping this line will expand and include some Cavalry from both sides , Would really love to see some Roman Auxiliary Cav we all know how Great they were . I really like your photo captures the feel of what I had walking the woods , very nice . Thanks for Sharing can't wait to see it when you add some of the good guys :wink2: Regards Gebhard
Last night, I was messing about and was watching the Eagle- sure enough, they deploy into a semi-orb formation- at the beginning of the movie- something I had forgotten completely about.

I liked the beginning of that movie very much, awesome the way the Romans left the fort to rescue the patrol...........the ending was good as well, don't mess with the Romans, even if they are senior citizens................
Congrats on the Romans Joe. Hopefully your Barbarians won't out number the Romans to badly :( ^&grin

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