Great stuff Ray. Inspired by your handsome Stagecoach - I'm trying to get something similar out of Zinnfiguren Strassburg. My new buddy Erhardt and I are trying to work out a deal that will let me get my mitts on both a Stagecoach - and a bunch of mounted Apache braves - intent on some hair-raising fun!! We're going through the usual hoops of them encouraging me to make me send a hugely expensive British Bank Transfer (No Way Hose!) - and me trying to make them take a Paypal hit (Nein Danke!).
Ho hum - we'll get there somehow.
Here's the link to see what I'm after: jb
Just had a result ,Ray - on the Stagecoach with a heap big bunch of Apache braves chasing. My new chum Erhardt sent me a few pics in advance as painting guides ( for later in the year).
Here's a pic of the coach - painted - and some of the braves he sent me - in advance of him posting them off tomorrow. jb