My Flat Collection (2 Viewers)

Hello Ray,

fantastic addition to your ever growing collection. {sm4} Very well painted model calling for "more" company. You will be lucky to find serveral sets of different makers for this extremly collectible subject.
Thank you for sharing
Thank you for your kind words Wolfgang.
Here is a set you might find near and dear!
This is "The Tailor of Ulm" set.
Albrecht Berblinger of the city of Ulm, was a tailor by trade but was very mechanically inclined. He invented the artificial limb with a joint. He also built the first glider wings. People riduculed him and threatened him for working outside the guild on his hobby. He actuall took his invention to a tall hill in the surrounding countryside and successfully was able to achieve flight, although short with his invention.
King Fredrick I of Wurttemburg became interested and sponsored him.
He tried to demonstrate the glider on the evening of May 30th 1811 building a platform on the city walls were the mighty Danube was close. With the King, his 3 sons and the Crown prince of Bavaria in attendance, the flight was aborted and in a second attempt he ended up in the Danube. later understanding of the mechanics of flight would reveal that the cold water of the Danube prevented the updrafts needed for flight.
The GDR celebrated his adventurous design and attempt with a postage stamp.
Hope you enjoy,

Thank you for your kind words Wolfgang.
Here is a set you might find near and dear!
This is "The Tailor of Ulm" set.
Albrecht Berblinger of the city of Ulm, was a tailor by trade but was very mechanically inclined. He invented the artificial limb with a joint. He also built the first glider wings. People riduculed him and threatened him for working outside the guild on his hobby. He actuall took his invention to a tall hill in the surrounding countryside and successfully was able to achieve flight, although short with his invention.
King Fredrick I of Wurttemburg became interested and sponsored him.
He tried to demonstrate the glider on the evening of May 30th 1811 building a platform on the city walls were the mighty Danube was close. With the King, his 3 sons and the Crown prince of Bavaria in attendance, the flight was aborted and in a second attempt he ended up in the Danube. later understanding of the mechanics of flight would reveal that the cold water of the Danube prevented the updrafts needed for flight.
The GDR celebrated his adventurous design and attempt with a postage stamp.
Hope you enjoy,

Thank you Brad, I thought the story was interesting, here is the DDR stamp.

Lucky enough to pick up a couple more Lelieprve prints

Musketeer to the king 1730

I picked up a set that really suprised and impressed me in the detail. This is a special commission set from Kulbach, they apparently commission a commemorative flat set every year there is a show, this one is dated 1971. great detail, non military but i love it!
Made a "roadhouse" paper building to show off this 17th century aristocratic couples pause on the road.
Hope you enjoy,

Seems like the 18th perfect for them.

Yes, thank you, I believe you are correct Mark, not knowing I googled 17th century coaches in images and found simular, but the dress of the figures suggest 18th century.
nmrocks: I believe I've seen you on other forums. Are you a member of the International Flat Figure Society?

(Always like fellow collectors of flats.)
nmrocks: I believe I've seen you on other forums. Are you a member of the International Flat Figure Society?

(Always like fellow collectors of flats.)

Hi Asterix, guilty as charged, yes I'm a member over there, some great artists over there, wish I had the talent but I'm a collector.
Is Asterix your handle on the other forum?
Welcome to Treefrog!

I thought so. Glad to see you here, too. I'm new to the Toy Soldier Forum but delighted to see another way to connect to other flats fans.

I use my Real Name on the IFFS forum.

I thought so. Glad to see you here, too. I'm new to the Toy Soldier Forum but delighted to see another way to connect to other flats fans.

I use my Real Name on the IFFS forum.

Yes, I'm all in on the Flat, used to have nearly everything King and Country, then I came across a real nice set of exceptionally well painted flats and I was lost! sold off all the K&C collection to buy flats and the rest is history as they say...
I continue to preach the gospel of the flat to anyone who will lend an ear, just a truly amazing and totally under reported sub set of the toy soldier hobby. Actually, anyone who has delved into flats soon realizes that the flat is the 500 lbs. gorilla in the room, with by far more casting and variety than rounds.
The IFFS forum is really for artists, which there are many great ones and like here is choked full of great information, the people are a seemingly infinate depth of information.
Asterix, I hope you'll post regularly here and share your perspective.


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