N.F.L. Season 2018-19 (6 Viewers)

Anybody following the zaniness going on in DC with the Redskins? Borders on ridiculousness in my opinion, if I were the Skins, I would stay in Landover, Maryland. Why they want their stadium moved back to DC, I don't know as it is one of the worst gridlock in the USA (the area where they would rebuild the Stadium). I would tell DC good riddance.


Snyder's greed vs the PC police. Quite a struggle. I honestly don't see what the big deal is with the name. Those protesting the Redskins name don't appear to represent native americans who have much larger problems to worry about including poverty. The Vikings have a mascot that is depicted as being prone to violence but I haven't heard anyone protesting on behalf of people of Scandinavian descent. I wish the Washington Wizards had retained their original name the "Bullets." Did they think there are less shootings because a basketball team changed its name? Very silly. Just background noise that the media likes to run.
Snyder's greed vs the PC police. Quite a struggle. I honestly don't see what the big deal is with the name. Those protesting the Redskins name don't appear to represent native americans who have much larger problems to worry about including poverty. The Vikings have a mascot that is depicted as being prone to violence but I haven't heard anyone protesting on behalf of people of Scandinavian descent. I wish the Washington Wizards had retained their original name the "Bullets." Did they think there are less shootings because a basketball team changed its name? Very silly. Just background noise that the media likes to run.

Mark the date - we are in agreement. Honestly, this is one of the reasons I protest screwing with anything good bad or ugly, it never stops and it starts to get IMO ridiculous.

Anyhow, with what I read the latest reports on the NFL, I am going to have a hard time tuning in, it has gone from sports entertainment and competition to national activism, I get enough of that on a daily basis, I don't need it in my beloved football. I think for now I will stick with college football.

Mark the date - we are in agreement. Honestly, this is one of the reasons I protest screwing with anything good bad or ugly, it never stops and it starts to get IMO ridiculous.

Anyhow, with what I read the latest reports on the NFL, I am going to have a hard time tuning in, it has gone from sports entertainment and competition to national activism, I get enough of that on a daily basis, I don't need it in my beloved football. I think for now I will stick with college football.


The Washington Redtails? Warriors? Well gee, are they going to use arrows and such as if so, it defeats the name change purpose. The worst one; the Washington Monuments. Someone suggested they be named the Washington Generals, but the reply was that's the name of the comic foil/loser team the Globetrotters always beat, to which I say
"So you're saying Redskins fans would object to their team being named after a comic foil/perennial loser?"

Sometimes the jokes write themselves.

The NFL should go after the Chiefs next, then the NHL should go after the Blackhawks, then the NBA should go after the Warriors to complete the circle.

Then every team named after any sort of animal, if the animals can speak for themselves, someone has to.

How about if we get rid of every team name, it will just be "And today the Bostons beat the New Yorks 5-1", then while we're at it, let's get rid of every logo, let's just make it real simple, every NFL helmet should be just plain white.

Oh wait................
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One of my good friends is half Irish and half Apache Indian (as in he got a scholarship to Columbia based on his Native American blood lines).

I once asked him how he felt about the Redskins’ team name.

He said that he didn’t have a problem with it. The name was meaningless and the emblem was noble and dignified. However, he had real problem with Norte Dame’s use of a drunk, brawling leprechaun as it’s mascot.
The Washington Redtails? Warriors? Well gee, are they going to use arrows and such as if so, it defeats the name change purpose. The worst one; the Washington Monuments. Someone suggested they be named the Washington Generals, but the reply was that's the name of the comic foil/loser team the Globetrotters always beat, to which I say
"So you're saying Redskins fans would object to their team being named after a comic foil/perennial loser?"

Sometimes the jokes write themselves.

The NFL should go after the Chiefs next, then the NHL should go after the Blackhawks, then the NBA should go after the Warriors to complete the circle.

Then every team named after any sort of animal, if the animals can speak for themselves, someone has to.

How about if we get rid of every team name, it will just be "And today the Bostons beat the New Yorks 5-1", then while we're at it, let's get rid of every logo, let's just make it real simple, every NFL helmet should be just plain white.

Oh wait................

The Washington Jokers seems appropriate given the way Danny Boy has run this team into the ground. But then someone would point out that the Joker had a mental illness in the most recent movie and it might be insensitive. Sounds like a name change is happening though. The Cleveland Indians are on the hot seat too. I would love to see a reporter randomly interview some actual members of a tribe and ask them to rank how important this issue is to them in comparison to poverty and other social problems that they have to live with. No one cares about that though. Instead the name of a sports team gets all the attention. It would be humorous if it wasn't so sad.
The Washington Jokers seems appropriate given the way Danny Boy has run this team into the ground. But then someone would point out that the Joker had a mental illness in the most recent movie and it might be insensitive. Sounds like a name change is happening though. The Cleveland Indians are on the hot seat too. I would love to see a reporter randomly interview some actual members of a tribe and ask them to rank how important this issue is to them in comparison to poverty and other social problems that they have to live with. No one cares about that though. Instead the name of a sports team gets all the attention. It would be humorous if it wasn't so sad.

Very good points. FSU Seminoles actually went to the Tribe and worked with them and the Tribe completely blessed all of the logos, names as well as rituals including the Live Person Mascot and Horse. The Seminole nation actually pushed back against the NCAA and all of a sudden, it became a non story. As I have said about a lot of this stuff, you just can't make it up, it is a bad dream that repeats itself on a daily basis.

I would love to see a reporter randomly interview some actual members of a tribe and ask them to rank how important this issue is to them in comparison to poverty and other social problems that they have to live with. No one cares about that though. Instead the name of a sports team gets all the attention. It would be humorous if it wasn't so sad.


Native Americans had their country stolen from them, they were thrown onto reservations, but hey, when we needed them in WWI and to a larger degree in WWII as code talkers, our government scooped them up off the reservations and tossed them into military service, then once they served their purpose, they where thrown back onto their reservations.

I'm sure teams named the Redskins, Braves, Chiefs and Warriors really upsets them...…………:rolleyes2:
football...football...don't talk to me about football...

we don't need any football...
ESPN has got sports covered today with some must see Extreme Sports contests...

right now...
on ESPN 206...
they have the ACL Pro Invitational "Johnsonville Cornhole Championship" on...
don't know who named this sport...
but it's probably not what you're thinking it is...
they just throw bean bags at a slanted piece of wood in the ground with a hole in it...

and if that's not enough for you hardcore sport junkies...
coming on right now on ESPN 207...
it the annual "Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest"...
with Joey Chestnut defending his title...

wasn't there a guy in Goodfellas named that?

well if that's not exciting enough for you...
I don't know what is...
So the NFL has come out and said they will not allow jersey swaps after the game, nor will they allow players from opposing teams to get within 6 feet of each other on the field after the game.

So they'll be banging into each other, blocking and tackling all game long, but they can't get within 6 feet of each other after the game?

What a tone deaf league...………………...imbeciles...……………..
So the NFL has come out and said they will not allow jersey swaps after the game, nor will they allow players from opposing teams to get within 6 feet of each other on the field after the game.

So they'll be banging into each other, blocking and tackling all game long, but they can't get within 6 feet of each other after the game?

What a tone deaf league...………………...imbeciles...……………..

As I said before, I had one reason to watch this year, but that has been shot to crap with all of the [FONT=Roboto, arial, sans-serif]anything other than actual football BS I am seeing so this is not surprising.

Doubtful there will be a college football season this year, but if there is, I saw this elsewhere; "With the Big 10 going with conference-only competition, if other conferences follow suit, then Notre Dame wouldn't have anyone to play football against this season."

My thought on that is this is no different than any other season, ie, when was the last time Notre Dame actually played anyone................
The Washington Jokers seems appropriate given the way Danny Boy has run this team into the ground. But then someone would point out that the Joker had a mental illness in the most recent movie and it might be insensitive. Sounds like a name change is happening though. The Cleveland Indians are on the hot seat too. I would love to see a reporter randomly interview some actual members of a tribe and ask them to rank how important this issue is to them in comparison to poverty and other social problems that they have to live with. No one cares about that though. Instead the name of a sports team gets all the attention. It would be humorous if it wasn't so sad.

Most American indians don't care.They actually prefer to be called First Nations,Their tribe name which is the English or French version of their name or even American Indians.They are not so keen on Native American as they realize that anybody born here is a native American.Wish other people realized that.:rolleyes2:
Most American indians don't care.They actually prefer to be called First Nations,Their tribe name which is the English or French version of their name or even American Indians.They are not so keen on Native American as they realize that anybody born here is a native American.Wish other people realized that.:rolleyes2:

Whatever they prefer to be called is fine by me; it's their country afterall, a country that was basically stolen from them, forcing them off their land and onto reservations.

Talk about a raw deal, disgraceful is more like it.
Doubtful there will be a college football season this year, but if there is, I saw this elsewhere; "With the Big 10 going with conference-only competition, if other conferences follow suit, then Notre Dame wouldn't have anyone to play football against this season."

My thought on that is this is no different than any other season, ie, when was the last time Notre Dame actually played anyone................


Great post.

The Pac-12 is now going to play a conference only schedule, wiping out ND’s games against Stanford and USC.

My neighbor who is Fighting Irish alum told me tha at this rate they are going to play Navy, BYU and a few top ranked high school teams. He laughed and said he will protest after they beat all those teams and are not considered a playoff team.

Most American indians don't care.They actually prefer to be called First Nations,Their tribe name which is the English or French version of their name or even American Indians.They are not so keen on Native American as they realize that anybody born here is a native American.Wish other people realized that.:rolleyes2:

The Redskins honored and hosted a few WWII code talkers a couple of yrs ago. They didn't seem to be offended while standing on the field in the Redskin team jackets. Likewise, the Seminole tribe had to petition the NCAA to NOT change the name of the FSU team, which has always honored their name sake. Chris
Maybe Danny Boy should tell DC to change their name first since it is named after George Washington and Christopher Columbus. Creating a stalemate of idiocy in the culture war.
I’m starting a petition for everyone to kneel during “fly eagles fly” and Phil eagles games in opposition to the antisemitic players on that team!!!
Desean Jackson gets a slap on the wrist for what would be a firing offense if the situation were reversed!
I’m starting a petition for everyone to kneel during “fly eagles fly” and Phil eagles games in opposition to the antisemitic players on that team!!!
Desean Jackson gets a slap on the wrist for what would be a firing offense if the situation were reversed!


Holy crap, if that were you or me saying something, we would have been sued, prosecuted, tarred and feathered. What a load of crap.

Whatever they prefer to be called is fine by me; it's their country afterall, a country that was basically stolen from them, forcing them off their land and onto reservations.

Talk about a raw deal, disgraceful is more like it.

It's true but you could say that about every country in the world.Whoever is at some place now replaced someone.The Indians warred and replaced other tribes all the time.Long before Europeans got here.
The PAC 12 just announced a conference-only schedule cancelling all their non-conference games. There goes the chance for my SC Trojans to put a beatdown on Bama! LOL. I wonder what they are going to do in the NFL and NCAA when a team finds out that a number of players and/or coaches are infected with the virus on a game week. Are they going to cancel those games?

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