N.F.L. Season 2018-19 (9 Viewers)

this makes the 17th NFL game that has been rescheduled due to Covid...
they did it for all of them...
do it for the Ravens...


I have no problem with rescheduling for safety, and in this case agree on that point first and foremost. That said, to beat a dead horse, the Ravens should receive heavy punishment due to the actions of their strength coach. It was reckless and dangerous as well as the dumbest thing I have ever heard and read. I mean the guy is a full blown idiot. That said, you now have 2 teams having their schedules and quite frankly fairness affected. There has to be a remedy.

The Redskins suck. Insert the correct team, ie. Redskins, Eagles, Cowboys, or Giants, and you have the universal war cry of the NFC LEast.{sm2} -- Al

The Giants and the Redskins both have improved over the last 4 or 5 weeks, at least, while the Cowboys and Eagles have gotten worse.

Last night, it took the Eagles till about 20 minutes into the first half to get a first down, and that was Wentz scrambling then rushing up the middle. He struggles to get back to any semblance of what he can be. When Pederson put in Jaylen Hurts, I thought that was it for Wentz for the rest of the game, try a change to see what happens. But that didn't last.

Both on offense and defense, they're spinning their wheels.

Injuries might account for some of it, but if Wentz can't hit his men, then the whole offense doesn't work.

Not a good season for Iggles fans.

The Giants and the Redskins both have improved over the last 4 or 5 weeks, at least, while the Cowboys and Eagles have gotten worse.

Last night, it took the Eagles till about 20 minutes into the first half to get a first down, and that was Wentz scrambling then rushing up the middle. He struggles to get back to any semblance of what he can be. When Pederson put in Jaylen Hurts, I thought that was it for Wentz for the rest of the game, try a change to see what happens. But that didn't last.

Both on offense and defense, they're spinning their wheels.

Injuries might account for some of it, but if Wentz can't hit his men, then the whole offense doesn't work.

Not a good season for Iggles fans.


Wentz signed a four year, 128 million dollar extension, 66 million of it guaranteed, the cap hit the Eagles would take the next two years would be a killer if they cut him.

So barring some team dumb enough to trade for him, they are stuck with him for two more years.

Maybe they should trade him to the Colts so Frank "Third" Reich and he can have a reunion..............
Maybe the Rams will trade Goff for Wentz. They signed Goff to an even bigger deal. So they would be saving money by trading one deadbeat QB for another. An amazing number of turnovers for Goff and Wentz. I didn't watch the game last night but Goff had 14 turnovers and Wentz had 18 going into last night's game. Goff had three turnovers in the Niners game. Those long term, big money deals are a noose around the neck of any NFL team. Not only do they tie up cap money for years but the coach and GM who agree to those deals have staked their credibility on them working out. They can't admit failure. So their fates are all tied together until they get fired. It's a win now deal to keep their jobs in the short term. When they blow up, the mess is left to others to clean up.
Wentz signed a four year, 128 million dollar extension, 66 million of it guaranteed, the cap hit the Eagles would take the next two years would be a killer if they cut him.

So barring some team dumb enough to trade for him, they are stuck with him for two more years.

Maybe they should trade him to the Colts so Frank "Third" Reich and he can have a reunion..............

Yeah, that contract is part of the problem and limits their options. It's probably premature to talk about getting rid of Wentz, but there's certainly a problem. Maybe it's not the talent but the leadership. That's something I've wondered myself during this season.

Yeah, that contract is part of the problem and limits their options. It's probably premature to talk about getting rid of Wentz, but there's certainly a problem. Maybe it's not the talent but the leadership. That's something I've wondered myself during this season.


It's funny how a coach is viewed as a genius one minute and a boob the next.

In the case of the Eagles coach, he caught lightning in a bottle with Foles back in 2017, it had more to do with the OC than him, he was hailed as a genius for going for it continually on 4th down in the Super Bowl.............the only reason he did was he knew his defense was not going to stop Brady, yet they did on the strip sack that basically ended the game.

The Eagles also benefited on not one but two TD passes that had they happened during the season would not be TD's, but some unknown reason they were called TD's in the game, one clearly where the receiver was bobbling the ball as he went out of the back of the end zone.

He looked like Lombardi in that game; now he looks like a nitwit with that idiotic visor hat with his moss sticking out of it like some homeless hobo.........................

To me, coaches are over rated; that boob Reid in KC couldn't win a thing until he got Mahommes, Hill, Kelce and a loaded offense, Stevie Wonder could coach that team to a super bowl win, now Reid is viewed as a HOF coach..........as the saying goes, you can't make chicken salad out of chicken ****, just ask Belichick..............................
One thing that Pederson has done this season is attempting 2-point conversions after touchdown. There are times when it makes sense, and times when it doesn't. Early in a game, for example, he's had them go for it, when there was still plenty of time, and usually with a rush rather than a pass. And they were stopped. It would have been better to kick the extra point, probably better odds of making it.

It seems that it has become fashionable, though. I don't remember as many teams going for 2 in previous years. This season, it seems to happen more frequently. But it's something that Pederson does, that drives me nuts to see.

Ravens really mishandled their strategy at the end of the 1st half. Ravens had the ball 2nd and goal from the Steelers one, with 26 seconds left, and no time outs remaining. The ran into the line, no gain and then wasted most of the remaining time getting back to the line. Instead of a quick grounded pass, they just milled around, finally snapping the ball with 3 seconds left. Ravens passed for what should have been a TD but the receiver dropped the ball. Clock is out, no points, halftime. Really incompetent series. Should have had enough time for a least an FG. Hard to believe it was a pro team. -- Al
Single handedly worst performance of the year by the Steelers, darn lucky to win, they should be thanking their lucky stars. On another note, Pouncey is placed on COVID hours before kickoff? Have to ask, if it is contact, where was he exposed? How does the game go on if only hours before kickoff? Didn't he theoretically expose more of the team? I just don't get it.

Steelers looked about as comfortable as a prostitute in church playing today. What a debacle. The Ravens were so awful I think the Steelers just didn't care. Hopefully this is not a trend. Also, worried about another big injury, this time Dupree, could be 2nd linebacker gone for year. Not helpful.

Sorry but the Raven’s overall reaction to losing to the Steelers was worth a laugh.

They all pretty much said that the game should not have been played.

Had Baltimore won those same players and coaches would have said that the NFL was right to play the game as scheduled.
This is a very good article in today’s New York Times.

Do We Need Football in America This Badly?


Personally agree with the point of that article. It is now bordering on ridiculous as if you read just about the Ravens/Steelers situation, it is nuts on how the decisions were made, the root cause, the reactions by some, the demands by some. Ridiculous. Long story short, the whole thing is a colossal mess. From an athletic/competitive side of it, no matter who wins this one in the end, what an asterisk next to it.

Personally agree with the point of that article. It is now bordering on ridiculous as if you read just about the Ravens/Steelers situation, it is nuts on how the decisions were made, the root cause, the reactions by some, the demands by some. Ridiculous. Long story short, the whole thing is a colossal mess. From an athletic/competitive side of it, no matter who wins this one in the end, what an asterisk next to it.


At some point with the virus raging and the next three months expected to be the worst in public health history of this country, according to the CDC, you have to ask how this makes any sense. The Broncos situation, yesterday’s game and the 49ers gymnastics highlights the madness of it all.

The other sports had bubbles and baseball, until the last game, managed to control the situation after some initial problems. The NFL has not been able to do so.
He probably should be banned from playing HS sports.

Yup, also hate to say it but there is something seriously wrong, kid needs mental evaluation as well as serious anger management. Nowhere does this have any place anywhere. I said this about Miles Garret last year after his attack on Mason Rudolph. In my opinion, by not banning him for longer or life due to that egregious activity, this is the example you are setting. There are times where the words "second chances" do not apply. In reality, it is criminal assault and battery and should be prosecuted as such. That is what these incidents are, they are not friendly shoving on the field.

Some reports that the Rams and Chargers will have to play outside California. It is apparently deemed unsafe to play in an empty stadium about the size of the Grand Canyon.

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