New Herman Goring and SS pics. (4 Viewers)

I think Varsity would be a too remote option for TG as a company starting out needs to make popular sets and, in theatres which, have not been done and, collectors want. I know lots of people who want the Merville and pegasus bridge stuff so, its for me, those that scream out to be done

Mitch, very true...however I think Tom has shown he has created some unique sets, such as TGM003, which were BOB Fallshimajer, which to my knowledge haven't been done before by any other company....:). I guess that's just my optimistic thinking, as I'm a fan of unique sets from not very well known theatres.

Regards, Vick
I agree with what you say just have a feeling we will see Pegasus the scene to do.

Mitch, very true...however I think Tom has shown he has created some unique sets, such as TGM003, which were BOB Fallshimajer, which to my knowledge haven't been done before by any other company....:). I guess that's just my optimistic thinking, as I'm a fan of unique sets from not very well known theatres.

Regards, Vick
Was it Figarti that did one? I think it was but, another or, a good section of one would be gratefully accepted

If you're right about the figures being Pegasus, hopefully we'll see a whole Pegasus bridge to go with it!;):D:eek:
Was it Figarti that did one? I think it was but, another or, a good section of one would be gratefully accepted

Yes they did that a few years back,we need a bridge Tom! Somehow I don't think he will do this just yet?

Fine work TG! I'm in as well! I gotta say I love TG's quality!:)

I'm hoping we get plenty of in action poses for the forthcoming Para range,a nice mix of scrim covered Helmets and Red Berets would also be most welcome,can it be long efore TG produce an Allied AFV?.

Having ventured into warbirds and, by the look of the pics successfully, an AFV can only be a matter of time. Allied or Axis is probably the only question apart from the other important one.... When
:cool: Hello Tom! Didn't HG was Fighting in the Desert(DAK) N. Africa? Not Paras; but Infantry or Panzer Grenadiers? ;):) CIAO!
Having ventured into warbirds and, by the look of the pics successfully, an AFV can only be a matter of time. Allied or Axis is probably the only question apart from the other important one.... When

Yes I seem to remember Tom saying something like they would be concentrating on figures for a good while,but you never know;)

What if it was something out of left field. Paras in Tunisia maybe? Or maybe Sicily- the Primasole Bridge where British paras encountered fallschirmjagers in battle.
What if it was something out of left field. Paras in Tunisia maybe? Or maybe Sicily- the Primasole Bridge where British paras encountered fallschirmjagers in battle.

Could be, Tom posted the other day saying it would be something different, and we know TG like to surprise:cool:


Interesting ideas but, my money is still on Pegasus as, its just not been done properly and, if done by TG I think it will be stunning range of figures and, the quality to date, makes me think this important battle will be on TG horizon.

Could be, Tom posted the other day saying it would be something different, and we know TG like to surprise:cool:

I will put money on SICILY.

This sounds like a tip;)

Some Brit para pathfinders or Glider troops would be really good for Sicily,as would some US Paras,who by the way suffered a terrible time in Sicily when thier own forces opened fire on them by mistake causing many deaths.

Noooooooooo :eek:

What we need is more, more, more, Normandy SS figures.....and some vehicles ;)
Although I like german stuff it will be a nice departure for TG to go 'Allied' as in a short space of time he has done a load of german stuff.

I agree mate SS and HG figures and some vehicles.

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