New K&C Products at the West Coaster (1 Viewer)

Thank you Shannon. That is good news for those of us on this forum actually discussing vehicles and figures rather than those that continue their contemptible racial barbs and pathetic ego building.

Hear hear - well said OZ!
Carlos great shots by the way.
I love the dio featuring the AK Blitz,MK4 and marching troops, really good indeed.Sorry for sounding like a broken record guys,but i think a book of Gordons stuff would be a pictorial bible for K&C and alongside Louis's forthcoming book we'd be set.

I have to say that I concur 100% with EVERYTHING we discussed following your latest PM.
Here's the photo of the figure we were discussing. I agree, wouldn't it be absolutely soo-paah if K&C were to produce another ASIAN range such as the MONGOLS. They would be even better than this soo-perb example IMO, given K&C's inimitable style - and a sight cheaper as well.

I for one am glad that March dispatches sees a return to the old K and C style set of 3 or more figures in a box. Those diormas do look cool. I wonder whether K and C will look to a range like the Mongols. They look good but I wonder whether customers more focused on western military history will go for such an exotic range? Maybe something like the Boxer rebellion would be a better way to go. China is going to be one huge market. If ANdy could make toy soldier collecting popular there then the syy would be the limit.
The new tank is a Panzer I Ausf F. Gordon said it was a Panzer II when I asked him, but later found out the type and variant is embossed on the bottom. Congratulations to those sharp-eyed forum members.:)
The new tank is a Panzer I Ausf F. Gordon said it was a Panzer II when I asked him, but later found out the type and variant is embossed on the bottom. Congratulations to those sharp-eyed forum members.:)

Heres' some info on it: Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf F: Heavily armored variant weighing 21 tons with maximum 80mm armor thickness; Armed with two 7.92mm machine guns; Approx. 30 produced in 1942; Limited combat use.
The new tank is a Panzer I Ausf F. Gordon said it was a Panzer II when I asked him, but later found out the type and variant is embossed on the bottom. Congratulations to those sharp-eyed forum members.:)

'Big hands' does get his stuff mixed up once in a while

I know him well:D
The new tank is a Panzer I Ausf F. Gordon said it was a Panzer II when I asked him, but later found out the type and variant is embossed on the bottom. Congratulations to those sharp-eyed forum members.:)

Hi Steven,

Many thanks for the congratulations.

Also, many, many thanks for the time you took to keep us informed of what was happening at the Show. It was very appreciated.

Have a nice day,

Thanks Carlos for the pics. Very kind to take the time to post them.

Have a nice day,
Here is the KC Gift figures so generously given by Sierra Toy Soldiers and King and Country.

Thank you, I like it very much.





Hey, is he really supposed to be smoking while walking around with a can of fuel:p. Nice figure!
Hey, is he really supposed to be smoking while walking around with a can of fuel:p. Nice figure!

We have had a similar discussion a while back........the white cross denotes Water not Fuel.

Well I'll be:eek:. Learn something new everyday:). Again, great pics!
Well I'll be:eek:. Learn something new everyday:). Again, great pics!

And if you see a "W" on a jerry can it means it contains Winter grade fuel and not water. Mainly used in Russia of course.
Soooo.... , what you are saying is I need to look for a W on those soon to be released jerry cans for the "BARBAROSA" and "STALINGRAD" releases that are coming out this year;)? Well, I can dream:). Learn stuff all the time, thanks!
Thanks for the pictures of the new Alamo figures. I cannot wait to get them once they are available.
I was using Wehremacht Panzer Divisions 1939-1945, The Essential Tank Identification Guide. The tank is said to be rather like a mobil pill box with the ability to survive mine explosions. If it is a Pz1Af, then the paint might put it July 1943, near Leningrad. They were few, but in the last summer offensive there were still 6 aournd.

I also have that book, it combines plenty of info into a Panzer Division format. It isn't as detailed as some of the more expensive tank books but it's a very handy volume non the less.

You may have noted mention of the Panzer I Ausf F on page 21 advising 8 were attached to 1st Panzer Division Pz Rgt 1 - Special Regiment Platoon for combat evaluation. The color scheme pictured seems different to photographs of the time in another book I have that suggest a blotched (most likely brown) camo application on those captured by the Russians.

There is also a painting of it on page 117 with green blotched camo under the 12th Panzer Division section (again in Russia) but I could find nothing definite about it actually being in service with that tank division.

The low production number of 30 ensures it isn't given much coverage in reference books. However most agree that it didn't see much service, perhaps chasing partisans as some suggested :) It is such an obscure little tank that it's a wonder it was issued in model form at all, so we have to be thankful to K & C for that. I wonder when it will make an appearance at a dealer near you.
Oz and Lenswerks,

Just about two weeks ago I bought the other two volumes in that series by the same author: Waffen-SS Divisions and Panzergrenadier Divisions. I am very impressed by these books because they bring a lot of disparate info together into one little book, making them a nice quick reference guide. I really enjoy flipping through the pages looking at all the various colour illustrations of the multitude of vehicles used in the German army, associated with some of the divisions that used them. No other book I've seen offers that. Most importantly, they're available for a bargain price at my local Chapters bookstore.

Now all that said, if you look up the Amazon reviews of these two books, you will see they contain several inaccuracies, like most books do. One of the more problematic aspects is that some of the tank illustrations are used multiple times in the incorrect place (e.g. showing a panther that clearly has Grossdeutschland markings under a Waffen-SS division). So I would be a little bit careful of using that colour illustration of the Panzer I in that book as an authoritative source on its camo. A book dedicated to the Panzer I would be a better bet. However, it could be that the volume you have on Wehrmacht Panzer Divisions, being the first volume in the series, does not suffer from the inappropriate recycling of illustrations that my books do. Unlike them, the Wehrmacht Panzer one was co-authored and done a number of years earlier. So it is hard to say. I know all this because I've been trying to track down a copy for a good price to complete my set.

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