New Releases for December 2019 - Boxer Rebellion (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Oct 21, 2019

During the Boxer Rebellion (1899-1901) as a whole, Orthodox, Protestant, and Catholic missionaries and their Chinese parishioners were massacred throughout northern China, some by Boxers and others by government troops and authorities. It was estimated that a total of 136 Protestant missionaries and 53 children were killed, and 47 Catholic priests and nuns. 30,000 Chinese Catholics, 2,000 Chinese Protestants, and 200 to 400 of the 700 Russian Orthodox Christians in Beijing have been killed.




Hope you like them...
Best Christmas wishes!
TM Jack
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Re: New Releases for December 2019 - Massacre of missionaries and Chinese Christians

Best wishes,
TM Jack
Re: New Releases for December 2019 - Massacre of missionaries and Chinese Christians

Code: PGBX6006
Name: Swordsman being shot

Code: PGBX6007
Name: Wounded Boxer

Code: PGBX6008
Name: Boxer Flagbearer

Code: PGBX6009
Name: Boxer being shot W/S

Code: PGBX6010
Name: Long-handled Sword

Code: PGBX6011
Name: “Lin Hei Er”

Best wishes,
TM Jack
Re: New Releases for December 2019 - Massacre of missionaries and Chinese Christians

Beautiful figures but murdered nuns just before Christmas?
Re: New Releases for December 2019 - Massacre of missionaries and Chinese Christians

Beautiful figures but murdered nuns just before Christmas?

Yay Team Miniatures, why to go to ruin Christmas :rolleyes2:
Re: New Releases for December 2019 - Massacre of missionaries and Chinese Christians

The timing of the release is very insensitive indeed not to mention the subject matter.
Re: New Releases for December 2019 - Massacre of missionaries and Chinese Christians

Hi Jack,

The slaughter of civilians is not particularly appealing to me.

Are there any Royal Marines in the pipeline?

Re: New Releases for December 2019 - Massacre of missionaries and Chinese Christians

Okay, maybe not the best timing for this theme to be announced during Christmas.

However, WOW, these figures look terrific.

Re: New Releases for December 2019 - Massacre of missionaries and Chinese Christians

I’m not going to weigh in much here, but a little ironic that some complaining about this list their favorite figures as those who murdered over 6 million Jews and post photos of them all year long - and now posted at Hanukkah!
Make sure you can pass a purity test before pointing figures. Sorry if this is harsh, but maybe time for a look in the mirror!

I am not specifically commenting to anyone here, but more aimed at the concept.
Re: New Releases for December 2019 - Massacre of missionaries and Chinese Christians

I think that collecting toy soldiers that represents men/women who go to war none of us can point fingers about what is appropriate.War is horrible foe everyone
Re: New Releases for December 2019 - Massacre of missionaries and Chinese Christians

The last two comments are well put.

Some seem offended by the figure and perhaps announcing the figure right before Christmas is not the best time but I wonder if there is any time where the figure wouldn’t cause offense. In addition, laying aside the fact that many collect German soldiers, whose actions resulted in untold deaths, let us not forget that millions have been killed in the name of religion, e.g., the colonization of Latin America. Moreover, these deaths were not just tied up with religion, but political and economic power.
Re: New Releases for December 2019 - Massacre of missionaries and Chinese Christians

I’m not going to weigh in much here, but a little ironic that some complaining about this list their favorite figures as those who murdered over 6 million Jews and post photos of them all year long - and now posted at Hanukkah!
Make sure you can pass a purity test before pointing figures. Sorry if this is harsh, but maybe time for a look in the mirror!

I am not specifically commenting to anyone here, but more aimed at the concept.

Yup, ZB on point along with Mark and Brad. Good lord, history is to be remembered, good, bad and ugly. Germans in Black SS Uniforms while marching may be a wonderous display, that is what they meant it to be, that said, they are arguably the worst of the worst, the extreme "bad" guys in history, there is nothing to even remotely like about Hitler, there is no justification. That said, if someone wants it in their collection, more power to them. The depiction here of the Boxers slaughtering people is what happened, if you want to display the battle, there it is.

This is all history, it is not meant to be deemed appropriate in today's context. So, stop being offended all the time, get out from under your glass house and if you can look yourself in the mirror, that's all that matters IMO. No need to pontificate any further on appropriateness.

Re: New Releases for December 2019 - Massacre of missionaries and Chinese Christians

The last two comments are well put.

Some seem offended by the figure and perhaps announcing the figure right before Christmas is not the best time but I wonder if there is any time where the figure wouldn’t cause offense. In addition, laying aside the fact that many collect German soldiers, whose actions resulted in untold deaths, let us not forget that millions have been killed in the name of religion, e.g., the colonization of Latin America. Moreover, these deaths were not just tied up with religion, but political and economic power.

Could not put it better myself! :salute::
Re: New Releases for December 2019 - Massacre of missionaries and Chinese Christians

Yup, ZB on point along with Mark and Brad. Good lord, history is to be remembered, good, bad and ugly. Germans in Black SS Uniforms while marching may be a wonderous display, that is what they meant it to be, that said, they are arguably the worst of the worst, the extreme "bad" guys in history, there is nothing to even remotely like about Hitler, there is no justification. That said, if someone wants it in their collection, more power to them. The depiction here of the Boxers slaughtering people is what happened, if you want to display the battle, there it is.

This is all history, it is not meant to be deemed appropriate in today's context. So, stop being offended all the time, get out from under your glass house and if you can look yourself in the mirror, that's all that matters IMO. No need to pontificate any further on appropriateness.


So we should become insensitive because it is history! How about on the anniversary of a terrorist attack a manufacturer issues figures of terrorists killing women and children!! Come on now there has to be a limit at some point....
Re: New Releases for December 2019 - Massacre of missionaries and Chinese Christians

No one is saying become insensitive- in fact the opposite. Learn and don’t repeat.

My issue was why are people up in arms about these, while displaying black shirted parading ss all over their house?
Re: New Releases for December 2019 - Massacre of missionaries and Chinese Christians

No one is saying become insensitive- in fact the opposite. Learn and don’t repeat.

My issue was why are people up in arms about these, while displaying black shirted parading ss all over their house?

Perhaps because the black shirted ss are not depicted in the act of committing a massacre...
Re: New Releases for December 2019 - Massacre of missionaries and Chinese Christians

Perhaps because the black shirted ss are not depicted in the act of committing a massacre...

That's a bizarre distinction to make if you think about it. You want to see the murderers in their pretty uniforms, but it bothers you to see them committing the acts that define who they were?

One other aspect that has not been mentioned is that this is being put out by a Chinese-owned company. The Boxer Rebellion, like many other conflicts, included terrible murders of civilians. This company clearly feels that depicting this uncomfortable truth is important to modeling and remembering it. Conte made figures of priests being killed, K&C made figures of executions in numerous conflicts... why do we have an issue with Team making figures depicting Chinese history?

If had the spare cash to collect this range, I would collect these. I see little difference between these and paintings of martyrdom. They really drive home the a variety of historical lessons.
Re: New Releases for December 2019 - Massacre of missionaries and Chinese Christians

That's a bizarre distinction to make if you think about it. You want to see the murderers in their pretty uniforms, but it bothers you to see them committing the acts that define who they were?

One other aspect that has not been mentioned is that this is being put out by a Chinese-owned company. The Boxer Rebellion, like many other conflicts, included terrible murders of civilians. This company clearly feels that depicting this uncomfortable truth is important to modeling and remembering it. Conte made figures of priests being killed, K&C made figures of executions in numerous conflicts... why do we have an issue with Team making figures depicting Chinese history?

If had the spare cash to collect this range, I would collect these. I see little difference between these and paintings of martyrdom. They really drive home the a variety of historical lessons.

I do not want to see them in their uniforms either and I do not collect them. The point is that it is more objectionable for some collectors when massacres are depicted vs. combat scenarios and dioramas. Perhaps it is time for the hobby to implement a rating system similar to movies or video games!
Re: New Releases for December 2019 - Massacre of missionaries and Chinese Christians

I think the problem is that we members here are drawn to military history,figures,etc. but are good people and are horrified by war.I myself like realism in my figures but am not used to seeing civilians killed like these figures show.(except Conte's Vikings).
Re: New Releases for December 2019 - Massacre of missionaries and Chinese Christians

Perhaps it is time for the hobby to implement a rating system similar to movies or video games!

There already is one sir. If they sell then they are not objectionable to the buyer. If the don't sell they wont be made again.

I don't collect certain ranges for some of the reason stated here. And I would not likely buy these or a Malmedy massacre or Wounded knee or ect.
However I have collected all time periods and all have massacres in them. When humans get their blood up bad things happen.
Buy what you like, don't buy what you don't.

As far as the nun getting killed at Christmas time? I would have waited a month out of the desire not to offend others religious views.
At the very least it's poor marketing.

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