Nfl 2012 season!!!! (26 Viewers)

Since you and Sammy lived through the move of the Colts to Indy and the move of the Browns to Baltimore, I'll take your word for it, if that's the way former players feel and the fans feel, then that's good enough for me.

Before Kraft bought the team, the Patriots were headed to St Louis; The St. Louis Patriots, instead the Rams moved there. Then when Kraft could not get the state of Massachusetts to kick in for a new stadium he planned on moving the team to Connecticut until an 11th hour deal was struck and they stayed in Massachusetts.

I guess in reality I'd find it hard to root for them if they left here; on the other hand, not sure how I'd feel about someone elses team coming here either, it's a messed up situation no matter how you slice it.

When I think of the Colts, I think of Memorial Stadium, Bert Jones and those great Colts teams of the mid to late 70's that couldn't get past the Raiders to get to the Super Bowl................

Just my 2 cents on last statement. They couldn't get past the Steelers either, we won 4 that decade!!!!!!:tongue: In all seriousness, I always thought Bert Jones was cool. Still wouldnt trade in Bradshaw for him on any day!

Forgot to comment on Reed and for the record I do like him. Sorry Louis, and I am a defender of big hits, but in the current rules that was a 15yarder (called) and a fine (levied). He should have been suspended in the same manner as Harrison was, ya know , what is good for the goose...................

But we all know, James Harrison has publically called Roger GODell for what he is and ole Rog took it personally. Really, the NFL is a joke at times on how they interpret anything.

Do I personally think Reed should be suspended for a football hit, NO. I think he may be in trouble if it happens again, even inadvertently, the assumption is he would be gone for a number of games, so I would say he has to watch it. Yes, his upper body is screwed up and he is not in good shape, honestly, he should retire.

Now, on to the Cowboys........................Good Lord.................They stink and put themselves in terrible holes. I don't even look at the comeback, I figure if you are forced to throw 60 times, bound to complete some big ones.

Jets......................WOW, talk about screwy plays. I have to admit, I (and the whole family) laughed for a good 10 minutes over the Sanchez play..........literally screwing up the hand off, then running into your own linemans Posterior, basically knocking yourself down, then fumbling. You can't make this one up.

Texans......................WOW, terrible call made a huge difference here, they are luckier than anyone else today. That said, in a way, it was poetic justice against THAT MORON SUH. I don't care what anyone says, the guy PURPOSELY AND BLATANTLY kicked Schaub in the groin. He needs to be removed permanently from the football field. That kind of crap was banned in the 1970s. He is out of control, if they keep letting him play, he is going to seriously injure someone.

Hi Guys,
An Australian sports commercial break !!!

All very interesting so no doubt you will appreicate an update on the NRL so here gies :

Russell Crowe selling his 37% share of the South Sydney Rabbitohs. Should make a profit and did a lot
for the team.

Sonny Bill Williams has signed a one year deal with the Sydney Roosters. SBW a bad boy for literally
walking out on the Bulldogs 4 years ago when he got on a plane and flew to France to play Rugby
Union. However forgot to tell anybody he was jumping ship. Ended up in New Zealand Rugby Union
team that won the World Cup.

Quade Copper, previous golden boy of Australian Rugby 2 years ago, was offered an insulting contract
(made some critical Tweets about Management) making his worth lower than 30th in the pecking
order. Might end up in NRL but who cares.

Jonathon Thurston rumoured might be poached from the Cowboys (Townsville not Dallas) for $1
million per year.

Yes the top players here are only worth $1 million so about what some of your basketballers get for
a week !!!

PS Maybe one day Wayne WA or Howard will explain the aerial ballet game !!
Just got home a little while ago -- saw Lincoln. Wow, what a performance.

Read the Times articles and some online stuff about the game. Thank god I didn't stay home and watch that performance. Thought it might be a game after last week's game against the Rams but it was just the mirage I thought it would be. The best thing would be for them to lose most of their picks and try to get a QB in the draft. They should get rid of Sanchez for his own good.

Saw most of the Texan game. Yes, they got a break but their Rb only did what you're supposed to do: keep playing until you hear a whistle. Everybody but him seemed to forget that.

Well, onto ND USC.
George, if Sammy's feelings about the Colts are anything like mine, he can't root for the Indy team. The Colts were Baltimore and when the scum-bag Irsay moved the team, that was the end of it. Irsay took the team and the name but the Colts history in Baltimore ended that snowy night when Irsay snuck out of town. Even the great Johnny U severed all ties with the Indy Colts and adopted the Ravens. The Ravens may have been raided from Cleveland, but they are now Baltimore's, with new history and ties. Indy is NOT the Colts to any true Baltimore Colts fan and never will be. I find that I agree with your father's attitudes on both counts about the Browns and Colts. -- Al

Yes Al, I feel exactly like you do, the Colts were indeed the heart of Baltimore, just like the O's and when ol' Irsay moved them out it was a painful time to say the least, and as much as I dislike Indy when I see those blue/white uniforms and the horseshoe helmet I get taken back a little and find I will always love the BALTIMORE COLTS, nothing to do with Indy that's for **** sure, and as much as I love my Ravens if we could trade the Raven logo back to the Colts logo I would be all in 100%. I'm sure the Browns will have a hate of some sort for Modell/Ravens but hey, at least you got your name/colors/records in the city where they belong, we lost all that.

As far as the discussion on E. Reed, he still plays ball at a decent level, but it gets to a point if you can't tackle without some type of discomfort maybe it is time to call it a day, I am so glad he has been a Raven all these years and is a first ballot hall of fame player, but I will be surprised if the Ravens sign him to a big contract (which he wants) next year...Sammy
Yes Al, I feel exactly like you do, the Colts were indeed the heart of Baltimore, just like the O's and when ol' Irsay moved them out it was a painful time to say the least, and as much as I dislike Indy when I see those blue/white uniforms and the horseshoe helmet I get taken back a little and find I will always love the BALTIMORE COLTS, nothing to do with Indy that's for **** sure, and as much as I love my Ravens if we could trade the Raven logo back to the Colts logo I would be all in 100%. I'm sure the Browns will have a hate of some sort for Modell/Ravens but hey, at least you got your name/colors/records in the city where they belong, we lost all that.

As far as the discussion on E. Reed, he still plays ball at a decent level, but it gets to a point if you can't tackle without some type of discomfort maybe it is time to call it a day, I am so glad he has been a Raven all these years and is a first ballot hall of fame player, but I will be surprised if the Ravens sign him to a big contract (which he wants) next year...Sammy
Sammy, it is all so true. Oh that we could still have the blue and white unis and horseshoe on the helmet still in Baltimore. Just very wrong and unnatural seeing it in Indy. THAT uniform belongs in Baltimore. I resent the Indy Colts laying claim to the history that was made in Baltimore. That history belongs to Baltimore and the team that made it when it played in Baltimore. The Irsay's Colts left that behind when they snuck out of the city. Johnny U was right to sever ties. He, like his team, belong to Baltimore and always shall. -- Al
Cowboys Scalped by Redskins! Film at eleven.:wink2:^&grin -- Al
A really fine game and the perfect side dish with my turkey dinner. It does, however, create a slight (but not serious) rooting problem for the game between NY and Green Bay. A week ago, with the Redskins at 3-7 and dead in the division race, I would have been rooting for NY to crush Green Bay (my least favorite sports franchise, ever, thanks to '60's angst). Now, with the Redskins at 5-6 and back in the race, I find I must root for the Packers to crush the Giants. That would give the Redskins the opportunity to tie the Giants for 1st place if they can beat the Giants on Dec.3 when the Giants come to town. IF the Giants drop both these games (and I know it's a stretch), then the division title is actually a possibility, given that both the Giants and Redskins have a roughly equally difficult remaining schedule of games. Who would have thought that the Redskins could actually have a chance at the playoffs after being 3-7? I know it is only a slim chance, and it is only because the NFC East is so weak, but I'll take the shot and be happy. RGIII for MVP! ^&grin -- Al
Sammy, it is all so true. Oh that we could still have the blue and white unis and horseshoe on the helmet still in Baltimore. Just very wrong and unnatural seeing it in Indy. THAT uniform belongs in Baltimore. I resent the Indy Colts laying claim to the history that was made in Baltimore. That history belongs to Baltimore and the team that made it when it played in Baltimore. The Irsay's Colts left that behind when they snuck out of the city. Johnny U was right to sever ties. He, like his team, belong to Baltimore and always shall. -- Al

As a LA Rams fan, I share your pain. It's inconceivable to me that the NFL allowed the team to leave LA and go to St. Louis which also lost it's team to Arizona. A game of muscial chairs which has left big market LA without a team for decades. I've held out hope that they get them back (and I'm sure many St. Louis fans would pack the trucks at this point). Super Bowl 50 will be played in LA. Can't imagine LA does not have a team by then although it might be the Chargers or Seahawks. The final indignity to these franchise moves is that the tax payers are stuck with the bill to get a team like building a multi-million dollar stadium. The folks in Arizona payed millions in tax dollars to get the Cards and the majority of them were opposed. The politicians rammed it through though.
As a LA Rams fan, I share your pain. It's inconceivable to me that the NFL allowed the team to leave LA and go to St. Louis which also lost it's team to Arizona. A game of muscial chairs which has left big market LA without a team for decades. I've held out hope that they get them back (and I'm sure many St. Louis fans would pack the trucks at this point). Super Bowl 50 will be played in LA. Can't imagine LA does not have a team by then although it might be the Chargers or Seahawks. The final indignity to these franchise moves is that the tax payers are stuck with the bill to get a team like building a multi-million dollar stadium. The folks in Arizona payed millions in tax dollars to get the Cards and the majority of them were opposed. The politicians rammed it through though.
Totally agree. LA with no team? What is the NFL thinking? The Rams belong in LA and should have stayed there. Of all the franchise shifts over the years, this is the one I least understand. The NFL lets the Cardinals leave St. Louis and then lets the Rams move to St. Louis shortly thereafter. I repeat, what is the NFL thinking? -- Al
Today on one of the Jets message boards, a fan wrote "They should change their name to the Hindenbergs.

The same website is also reporting Fireman Ed left the game at halftime and has since deleted his twitter account, apparently 43 years of of buffoonery is enough.
Today on one of the Jets message boards, a fan wrote "They should change their name to the Hindenbergs.

The same website is also reporting Fireman Ed left the game at halftime and has since deleted his twitter account, apparently 43 years of of buffoonery is enough.

That is correct. Can you blame him?
That is correct. Can you blame him?

I waited 44 years for the Red Sox to win a World Series title, 41 for the Patriots to win one, 39 years for the Bruins to win another, 23 years for the Celtics to win another.

It's part of being a fan.

He's going to regret it when the Jets do win a Super Bowl, he'll look like a total fraud when he comes running back.
I can't believe that he's given up being a fan but he is a super fan, who lives and breathes Jets, and that second quarter may have just been too much for him, particularly Sanchez running into his own man. That play may haunt Sanchez forever.
for those of you that missed it...

here's that Sanchez video that's gone viral...

viewing caution to Jet's fan...

and I can make few jokes here...

as I'm a Cowboy fan...^&grin...

with that said...George...enjoy...

First the Joe Pisarcik "Miracle in the Meadowlands" fumble, now this one.

The look on the guys face at 23 seconds is priceless.

Pisarcik and Sanchez; the two New York Quarterback gifts that keep on giving.............

Speaking of YouTube, do a search on there for "Jetsimpossible" and see the montage some guy put together from all the Jets highlights from that game last night set to the song "The Impossible Dream", you will be rolling on the floor watching that one, love the guy in the turkey suit and the guy with the green and white face paint.
What's going on with the Ravens? Can't play their way out of a wet paper bag on offense now for the last 6 quarters. Perfect time to go flat. With Big Ben out the Steelers have proven mortal so this would be the perfect time to put them away except the Ravens can't score. :mad:Flacco can sure be painful to watch sometimes. If the Ravens don't get their act together against the Chargers, next week's game with the Steelers becomes huge. If the Ravens can win today they will have a 3 game lead going in against the Steelers, otherwise a Steelers win next week and it's dogfight time again. -- Al
What's going on with the Ravens? Can't play their way out of a wet paper bag on offense now for the last 6 quarters. Perfect time to go flat. With Big Ben out the Steelers have proven mortal so this would be the perfect time to put them away except the Ravens can't score. :mad:Flacco can sure be painful to watch sometimes. If the Ravens don't get their act together against the Chargers, next week's game with the Steelers becomes huge. If the Ravens can win today they will have a 3 game lead going in against the Steelers, otherwise a Steelers win next week and it's dogfight time again. -- Al

Did you see the Steelers game today; 8, count em, EIGHT turnovers, Batch is beyond terrible.

The Ravens caught a gigantic break when big Ben got hurt; don't worry, they're at home next week, good Flacco will show up and they'll score their usual 55 at home.

On the road, the Ravens are mediocre at best.
What's going on with the Ravens? Can't play their way out of a wet paper bag on offense now for the last 6 quarters. Perfect time to go flat. With Big Ben out the Steelers have proven mortal so this would be the perfect time to put them away except the Ravens can't score. :mad:Flacco can sure be painful to watch sometimes. If the Ravens don't get their act together against the Chargers, next week's game with the Steelers becomes huge. If the Ravens can win today they will have a 3 game lead going in against the Steelers, otherwise a Steelers win next week and it's dogfight time again. -- Al
Well the Ravens figured it out, thanks to Torrey Smith and Ray Rice. 4th and 29 and they get the 1st down. Whew. Saved their rear-ends. This team is just so frustrating with the vast gap between their performances at home and away. Ravens now have an excellent chance to put the division away next week. -- Al
4th and 29 and they get the 1st down.

4th and 29, he needs to get to the 34, his knees are clearly down at the 35 1/2, they give him the 33 1/2, then review it, then move it back half a foot and he still gets the first down.

You're down when you knee hits the ground.


Bet your 401k on the Ravens this year, they are destiny's darlings for sure.

Winning field goal vs the Patriots that was wide right.

Ben's having an MVP type year, then gets hurt, missing both Ravens games in the process.

First downs that aren't that lead to the tying field goal vs the Chargers, then the win in overtime.
Could somebody explain the New York Giants to me? They look like crap against a mediocre Bengals team, then come out and hang 31 points and a 21 point lead on the Packers in the first half tonight. I just don't know how this team does it.

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