Nfl 2012 season!!!! (24 Viewers)

when I started this thread awhile back I have always referred to any of the teams I root for as my teams

1. my orioles
2. my Ravens
3. my terps
4. my wildcats etc....

We have had a NFL thread almost every year (2007) I have been on the forum and have never had any issues with members stating "my team" as apparently now it disturbs a few with that statement? it seems to me this thread has turned into more of a bashing of NFL teams/members that anything else.

during the regular season everyone seemed to have thier give and take when it cames to games/players but now it seems more to revolve around all the bad the NFL has to offer.

So as not to offend anyone in my thread I'll take the words from a good mod here and say, Gentle friends, I' ll leave this thread to you all, because when it comes to a point I have to take heat for pulling for MY team when I should be looking for the cure for Cancer, feeding the homeless, and I become just a pathetic fan, time for me to turn the page, good luck to you Al, your on your own...Sammy

Quit taking this personal!:):tongue: When you are one of the winners at this point, you got to have thick skin b/c all of us who are out are going to pick on you, we are jealous!

Anyhow, all seriousness, enjoy your team, this is a fun time that as you know just doesn't happen every year.

ON a personal note, I remember when I used to get really really worked up over the FSU Seminole Football games. The FSU FLorida game was always on or near Tgiving weekend. ONe year while home for college, My Mother actually asked me to leave about halfway through the game and finish watching at a buddy's house. She couldn't take it anymore and she thought either the remote or tv or both were going to go out the sliding glass door over the deck!!! Funny thing, it was the year FSU came back to tie 31 all and that is where it ended. Afterward, I actually laughed at myself and said, I just lost at least 5 years of my future life in stress over a tie. I vowed never again to get that worked up and when I feel like I am, I always remember that game!

Anyhow, on to the Sbowl. I made my decision, I am in for the AFC and the Ravens. I even may dig out the only Ravens item I own - #37 Neon Deion Sanders Jersey for the game. Believe it or not, we actually got invited to a Sbowl party in Baltimore, my wife was starting to sweat it since we are Steeler fans, she figured no one would have us. I am still not sure if ithe invitation was out of pity or friendship.....................

Quit taking this personal!:):tongue: When you are one of the winners at this point, you got to have thick skin b/c all of us who are out are going to pick on you, we are jealous!

Anyhow, all seriousness, enjoy your team, this is a fun time that as you know just doesn't happen every year.

ON a personal note, I remember when I used to get really really worked up over the FSU Seminole Football games. The FSU FLorida game was always on or near Tgiving weekend. ONe year while home for college, My Mother actually asked me to leave about halfway through the game and finish watching at a buddy's house. She couldn't take it anymore and she thought either the remote or tv or both were going to go out the sliding glass door over the deck!!! Funny thing, it was the year FSU came back to tie 31 all and that is where it ended. Afterward, I actually laughed at myself and said, I just lost at least 5 years of my future life in stress over a tie. I vowed never again to get that worked up and when I feel like I am, I always remember that game!

Anyhow, on to the Sbowl. I made my decision, I am in for the AFC and the Ravens. I even may dig out the only Ravens item I own - #37 Neon Deion Sanders Jersey for the game. Believe it or not, we actually got invited to a Sbowl party in Baltimore, my wife was starting to sweat it since we are Steeler fans, she figured no one would have us. I am still not sure if ithe invitation was out of pity or friendship.....................


Hi Tom,

I have never had issues with guys going back on forth on players they like or dislike or they dislike this team or that team, as you can look through these sports threads and we all have given some and taken some comments on those topics, I can live with that all day,(I grew up with bright red hair/freckles with a Maryland accent living in Virginia tough skin I have:)) that's part of the make up of sports, but when some making the comments about how it's neither life or death to win and I shouldn't refer to any team as "my" team, and there are folks starving from hunger/ my priorities are all wrong??? last I checked, I pay all my taxes for this country, my wife and I give what we can to charities, if a friend is in need I do what I can to help, as far as me pulling for my home town teams which I have been calling ''my teams" for as long as I can remember, I will always be excited when they win, pissed off or upset when they lose, the next day I get up and go to work and start a new day, so all I can say if Rutledge has issues with me pulling for 'MY' teams, I suggest you don't read "my" comments as I will always pull for my teams as I have since I was 6 years old watching the fire works from my backyard in Baltimore as my O's won the World Series against the reds in 70-71??

Glad to see you pulling for my Ravens Tom, if the situation were reversed I guess I would be pulling for the Steelers, if the Ravens are out of it I always pull for the AFC North teams, unless the Cardinals are the opponent, as I have to give the hometown here some support:)...Sammy
Hi Tom,

I have never had issues with guys going back on forth on players they like or dislike or they dislike this team or that team, as you can look through these sports threads and we all have given some and taken some comments on those topics, I can live with that all day,(I grew up with bright red hair/freckles with a Maryland accent living in Virginia tough skin I have:)) that's part of the make up of sports, but when some making the comments about how it's neither life or death to win and I shouldn't refer to any team as "my" team, and there are folks starving from hunger/ my priorities are all wrong??? last I checked, I pay all my taxes for this country, my wife and I give what we can to charities, if a friend is in need I do what I can to help, as far as me pulling for my home town teams which I have been calling ''my teams" for as long as I can remember, I will always be excited when they win, pissed off or upset when they lose, the next day I get up and go to work and start a new day, so all I can say if Rutledge has issues with me pulling for 'MY' teams, I suggest you don't read "my" comments as I will always pull for my teams as I have since I was 6 years old watching the fire works from my backyard in Baltimore as my O's won the World Series against the reds in 70-71??

Glad to see you pulling for my Ravens Tom, if the situation were reversed I guess I would be pulling for the Steelers, if the Ravens are out of it I always pull for the AFC North teams, unless the Cardinals are the opponent, as I have to give the hometown here some support:)...Sammy

I never called anyone out by name, nor did I suggest you could not do exactly as you please, Sammy. I just said I didn't understand the kind of loyalty and/or pride in a team logo/mascot, which is really what it is, as players and coaches, even owners, come and go. Yes, that seems silly to me, but I don't pretend I have sway over what others do. I merely offered it as commentary on society at large.

Not to overdo it, but rabid "ultra" soccer fans in Egypt recently caused the death of over 30 people. That is utter insanity, most of us would agree. But it's also just fandom, taken to the extreme. We have seen less extreme, but still deadly, examples of it in this country.

Ultimately I think my issue is when people attach themselves to something as a source of their self pride/happiness/joy etc, over which they have absolutely no personal involvement. I do not understand that. It would be like me getting into an argument with an Aussie over who has the baddest special forces. I'm not a SF person, and have no right to brag or attach myself to them just because I'm an American. Of course I have great respect and admiration for our SF, even awe, but I would never take up the mantle as if I could lay claim in some way to their achievements.

But, that's just me. Others no doubt feel differently.
Man, talk about over kill^&confuse.. thought I would never say that my Ravens or 49ers would get to much coverage but this is crazy!!! and it's only Monday!!!!! I know each year it seems the Super Bowl gets bigger and bigger, adds, commercials, tv shows, etc, another reason I wish they played th game the following week after Championship week, I'm done hearing every story line of how this and that happened already, actually turned off watching the NFL channel Live feed as it's gotten a wee bit to much, maybe later in the week, but to bad it's not a Super Bowl Monday nite game!! either way, just want the game to hurry up and get here...Sammy
Man, talk about over kill^&confuse.. thought I would never say that my Ravens or 49ers would get to much coverage but this is crazy!!! and it's only Monday!!!!! I know each year it seems the Super Bowl gets bigger and bigger, adds, commercials, tv shows, etc, another reason I wish they played th game the following week after Championship week, I'm done hearing every story line of how this and that happened already, actually turned off watching the NFL channel Live feed as it's gotten a wee bit to much, maybe later in the week, but to bad it's not a Super Bowl Monday nite game!! either way, just want the game to hurry up and get here...Sammy
I stopped watching ANY pre-game stuff on the SB many, many years ago, regardless of what teams play. I don't even watch the pre-game stuff on the day of the game. I tune in at kick-off and watch from there. All the hype just gets so old that it can really kill the anticipation of the game. Heck, I don't even watch the half-time show.{sm2} -- Al
I stopped watching ANY pre-game stuff on the SB many, many years ago, regardless of what teams play. I don't even watch the pre-game stuff on the day of the game. I tune in at kick-off and watch from there. All the hype just gets so old that it can really kill the anticipation of the game. Heck, I don't even watch the half-time show.{sm2} -- Al

It's definitly way to much, I plan on working that day early so I don't have to sit around all day Sunday and watch the clock, time I get home wings and pork ribs will just about be ready, I love Alicia Keys singing the National Anthem but as far as Beyonce (spelling?) I'll be having none of that, sorry but with all the great singers past and present?? I'd rather Alicia Keys be doing the half time show...Sammy
I stopped watching ANY pre-game stuff on the SB many, many years ago, regardless of what teams play. I don't even watch the pre-game stuff on the day of the game. I tune in at kick-off and watch from there. All the hype just gets so old that it can really kill the anticipation of the game. Heck, I don't even watch the half-time show.{sm2} -- Al

Spot on although I did watch some of John Harbaugh's press conference tonight.
Interesting story developing today about Ray Ray; seems he used a banned substance to come back from his torn triceps injury, deer antler velvet extract to be exact.

Got it from a male stripper, he asked the guy "So I rub it on the effected area right?" and was told "No, you put it under your tongue."..........what a moron.

Wow, I am shocked, shocked I tell you.

Suggs will be next, he of the torn triceps and achilles.

No punishment for Ray Ray, he's retiring, so he's off the hook. Sort of connects all the dots; he blows out his triceps, uses a banned substance, knows he'll get caught, so he announces his retirement.

And here I am thinking all this time God healed it for him; this guy is THE biggest fraud I've ever seen and that's saying something considering how long I've followed sports.

Pro sports should just do us all a favor and not ban any substances, this way all of these guys can be on the same level playing field.

Substances get banned and they find new items, masking agents, whatever it takes to get back on the field and keep their jobs, their money, whatever.

Wonder if anyone had the stones to ask him about this today instead of the usual questions; what's your favorite ice cream flavor, color, type of car to drive, meal to eat know, all the hard hitting stuff we fans want to know........
Interesting story developing today about Ray Ray; seems he used a banned substance to come back from his torn triceps injury, deer antler velvet extract to be exact.

Got it from a male stripper, he asked the guy "So I rub it on the effected area right?" and was told "No, you put it under your tongue."..........what a moron.

Wow, I am shocked, shocked I tell you.

Suggs will be next, he of the torn triceps and achilles.

No punishment for Ray Ray, he's retiring, so he's off the hook. Sort of connects all the dots; he blows out his triceps, uses a banned substance, knows he'll get caught, so he announces his retirement.

And here I am thinking all this time God healed it for him; this guy is THE biggest fraud I've ever seen and that's saying something considering how long I've followed sports.

Pro sports should just do us all a favor and not ban any substances, this way all of these guys can be on the same level playing field.

Substances get banned and they find new items, masking agents, whatever it takes to get back on the field and keep their jobs, their money, whatever.

Wonder if anyone had the stones to ask him about this today instead of the usual questions; what's your favorite ice cream flavor, color, type of car to drive, meal to eat know, all the hard hitting stuff we fans want to know........

Is this dunkum George..........................^&grin
Interesting story developing today about Ray Ray; seems he used a banned substance to come back from his torn triceps injury, deer antler velvet extract to be exact.

Got it from a male stripper, he asked the guy "So I rub it on the effected area right?" and was told "No, you put it under your tongue."..........what a moron.

Wow, I am shocked, shocked I tell you.

Suggs will be next, he of the torn triceps and achilles.

No punishment for Ray Ray, he's retiring, so he's off the hook. Sort of connects all the dots; he blows out his triceps, uses a banned substance, knows he'll get caught, so he announces his retirement.

And here I am thinking all this time God healed it for him; this guy is THE biggest fraud I've ever seen and that's saying something considering how long I've followed sports.

Pro sports should just do us all a favor and not ban any substances, this way all of these guys can be on the same level playing field.

Substances get banned and they find new items, masking agents, whatever it takes to get back on the field and keep their jobs, their money, whatever.

Wonder if anyone had the stones to ask him about this today instead of the usual questions; what's your favorite ice cream flavor, color, type of car to drive, meal to eat know, all the hard hitting stuff we fans want to know........

But Ray denies it. If the white suit don't fit, you must acquit.
Since the current PED plan doesn't seem to stop about this:

Any time a player is found with PED in their system, they are fined 1/2 of the salary that they have been paid to date (in their career)...and their current contract is cut in half. They only receive 1/2 of any upcoming contract, but the whole contract goes towards the salary cap.

That ends the endless appeals (which mean the players end up missing the meaningless games). It hits where it hurts...the pocketbook.
I like the idea, but the players union would never go for it, there's always a risk of the sample being tainted, didn't Sherman (aka, YOU MAD BRO??) get off from his suspension due to some sort of nonsense like that?

I'm at the point where I've come to accept the fact that 99% of all pro athletes cheat, they are all on something, the better they play, the more money they make, the more assistance they get through better chemicals, the faster they can recover from injuries like Lewis and Suggs, no doubt it will come out they both used the deer antler spray to come back from their injuries.
Ray continues to deny the use of antler spray, but indicated a strong desire to pull Santa's sleigh next year.
Pathetic. As Rutledge said earlier, the quality of your life does not change one bit whether your team wins or loses, so take it down a couple of notches, the ones who really are impacted by wins and losses are the players and the owners, the more they win, the more money they make, end of story.....

Yeah... but^&confuse... but^&confuse... but^&confuse... "We Won"....Duh...response: No you didn't "they" won^&grin^&grin^&grin.....It's entertainment..That's all....just choose whatever color helmut and jersey you prefer and keep cheering.....By the way George with 2mins to go did you see Brady not run for the first down on 4th and 4. Wow....I guess he's no fool.
I like the idea, but the players union would never go for it, there's always a risk of the sample being tainted, didn't Sherman (aka, YOU MAD BRO??) get off from his suspension due to some sort of nonsense like that?

I'm at the point where I've come to accept the fact that 99% of all pro athletes cheat, they are all on something, the better they play, the more money they make, the more assistance they get through better chemicals, the faster they can recover from injuries like Lewis and Suggs, no doubt it will come out they both used the deer antler spray to come back from their injuries.

So true.
Yeah... but^&confuse... but^&confuse... but^&confuse... "We Won"....Duh...response: No you didn't "they" won^&grin^&grin^&grin.....It's entertainment..That's all....just choose whatever color helmut and jersey you prefer and keep cheering.....By the way George with 2mins to go did you see Brady not run for the first down on 4th and 4. Wow....I guess he's no fool.

I don't care what anyone says, Brady is not the same QB that he was before Pollard blew out his knee, he ducks out of the way of pressure that is not really there, he's gunshy in the open field, did you see where he crashed into the ref and fell down on one of his "scrambles" and as you pointed out, he should have ran for that first down.

Not that it mattered, they weren't winning that game anyway.
Maybe at this point in his career, Brady deems safety more important. What does he have left to prove. He and his wife have two kids and gobs of money, he's been to the SB five times and won three. Yes, it would be nice to win a 4th but is it worth it at the risk of your health. Don't think so.
Ray continues to deny the use of antler spray, but indicated a strong desire to pull Santa's sleigh next year.
Where does one get this 'wonder' antler spray. If it works that well, I have a couple of things I'd like to spray on me.:rolleyes2:{eek3} -- Al
Where does one get this 'wonder' antler spray. If it works that well, I have a couple of things I'd like to spray on me.:rolleyes2:{eek3} -- Al

Al, I hear it's from New Zealand ..... maybe a helpful fellow forum member can hook you up with some, please let us know how it works out for you. :wink2:^&grin

Al, I hear it's from New Zealand ..... maybe a helpful fellow forum member can hook you up with some, please let us know how it works out for you. :wink2:^&grin

Will do, if able, B. However, if it works like I hope it does, I'll be too weak or too dead to send a report.:wink2:^&grin -- Al

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