Nfl 2013 (7 Viewers)

George, you just had to go and do it, didn't you? {eek3}

I mention the Giants and Louis comes running.

Louis; not sure what you are arguing.

The NFC East over the last 40 years has been great, ok, wonderful.

I'm not talking about the 70's and 90's Cowboys or the 80's Redskins and Giants; oh wait, sorry, and the 00 Giants too with those two Super Bowl wins.

I'm not talking apples to hand grenades like you are, I'm talking apples to apples, AFC East TODAY vs NFC East TODAY.

The Jets and Bills look bad, so do the Eagles and Cowboys, the Dolphins look to be on the rise, as do the Redskins as long as RGIII stays healthy. If he does not, they are in trouble.

Yes Louis, I'd take my chances if the Patriots moved to the NFC East TODAY.

And so far this pre season, Manning has looked AWFUL.

That is all.
There is no question that Manning has looked awful in the preseason. The Patriots have also thrown up a pretty shaky looking preseason, particularly getting hammered by the Lions. That being said, I fully expect the Patriots to win the AFC East going away. No other team in the AFC East will win more than 8 games. The Giants and the Red Skins will each win 10 games (barring big injuries), with the Division title being decided the last week of the season, as is usual in the NFC East. The Cowboys will win 8-9 games, and the Eagles could surprise the league and also win 8+ games if it takes a while to figure out the gimmick Oregon offense.

That's all for now.
The Eagles are going to be interesting running Chip Kelly's offense with Vick. They looked good in the one game that I saw. Some D coordinators are going to be tearing their hair out if that system gets rolling. Oregon ran up some amazing numbers under Kelly. Something like 23 TD drives in less than one minute last year.
I like my Niners chances except that being the favorite to win the Super Bowl in recent years has meant nothing. I am also not 100% sold on Kaepernick. Every Super Bowl winner has a classic, drop back, pocket passer and he is more of a hybrid/dual threat type of QB. Time will tell, but for now I am cautiously optimistic.
New member and Kansas City Chief fan. It is a hard cross to bear but they are my home state team and I have followed them since Super Bowl four that my father took me to when I was a kid. The recent acquisition of Smith from the 9ers is a great move. I feel he was way underrated at SF. However the veteran Rivers is pretty tough. It should be interesting to see how Reid plays it. They looked good against the Steelers but I give little credence to preseason games. At any rate....."GO CHIEFS".....Arrowhead Mike
New member and Kansas City Chief fan. It is a hard cross to bear but they are my home state team and I have followed them since Super Bowl four that my father took me to when I was a kid. The recent acquisition of Smith from the 9ers is a great move. I feel he was way underrated at SF. However the veteran Rivers is pretty tough. It should be interesting to see how Reid plays it. They looked good against the Steelers but I give little credence to preseason games. At any rate....."GO CHIEFS".....Arrowhead Mike

I am one of those Niner fans that really liked Smith and I think he will do well in KC. He has a good, arm, is accurate and he is extremely intelligent. I think I read somewhere that he earned a bachelor's degree in economics in two years which is as impressive as any football stat.

BTW, welcome to the party.
Got to love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the folks in Denver are losing thier minds as the NFL has put up a 50 foot banner of my boy Flacco on thier stadium wall to promote next Thursday nite kick off game!!! love reading thier comments!!...Sammy
I am one of those Niner fans that really liked Smith and I think he will do well in KC. He has a good, arm, is accurate and he is extremely intelligent. I think I read somewhere that he earned a bachelor's degree in economics in two years which is as impressive as any football stat.

BTW, welcome to the party.

Thanks for that! I have always had a soft spot for the Niners because of Joe Montana. No one played QB like Joe. I do not think most people realize what he did for the sport. Montana brought women into football. My mother and sisters and literally every woman or girl I knew back and before Joe hated football and made it difficult for us guys to watch. Until smooth as silk Joe came on to the scene. When he came to KC in the end us Chiefs Fans were on cloud nine. Unfortunately it was a year or two too late. The only reruns of Football games I ever watch are with Joe Cool the Comeback kid!
I actually had the opportunity to do work on Carmen Policy's house back in the day when I was traveling around doing custom staircases and the like. I got to know the SF Bay area pretty well back then. Saw quite a few SF Giant games but never a Niner game unfortunately. Last year they looked good and I hope this will be a great year for them and their fans. Mike
Got to love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the folks in Denver are losing thier minds as the NFL has put up a 50 foot banner of my boy Flacco on thier stadium wall to promote next Thursday nite kick off game!!! love reading thier comments!!...Sammy

I don't see what the fuss is over this; there's one of Manning on the opposite side.


Just curious, as a Patriots fan what is your take on Tebow?

Since he's come to New England, I've grown to respect him as a person, didn't know too much about him from that aspect prior to him coming here.

As a QB, he's been pretty bad. I went to several practices and watched him, he is just not very good. In the games he's been in this preseason, he's been bad as well. Actually, awful is more like it.

That said, he was a winner in college and he got the Broncos to the playoffs a few years ago; it wasn't pretty, but he got them there. Trent Dilfer was a God awful QB, but he won a Super Bowl with the Ravens.

I can't see them keeping him even as a long term project. If he sticks, what will his role be here? They mentioned he'd be good in goal line situations, but are you really going to take Tom Brady out of a game on the goal line and put Tebow in to run a trick play? Anytime he's under center is one less play for Brady.

I just don't see it. I had hoped he'd get better as camp went on and again, they could keep him as a project, but he's been bad, can't see them using a valuable roster spot on him.
Since he's come to New England, I've grown to respect him as a person, didn't know too much about him from that aspect prior to him coming here.

As a QB, he's been pretty bad. I went to several practices and watched him, he is just not very good. In the games he's been in this preseason, he's been bad as well. Actually, awful is more like it.

That said, he was a winner in college and he got the Broncos to the playoffs a few years ago; it wasn't pretty, but he got them there. Trent Dilfer was a God awful QB, but he won a Super Bowl with the Ravens.

I can't see them keeping him even as a long term project. If he sticks, what will his role be here? They mentioned he'd be good in goal line situations, but are you really going to take Tom Brady out of a game on the goal line and put Tebow in to run a trick play? Anytime he's under center is one less play for Brady.

I just don't see it. I had hoped he'd get better as camp went on and again, they could keep him as a project, but he's been bad, can't see them using a valuable roster spot on him.

This sounds like a post that could have been made last year.
Redskins been kicking butt, for what it's worth in pre-season, and Superman, aka RGIII, hasn't even played yet. Looks promising. -- Al
Since he's come to New England, I've grown to respect him as a person, didn't know too much about him from that aspect prior to him coming here.

As a QB, he's been pretty bad. I went to several practices and watched him, he is just not very good. In the games he's been in this preseason, he's been bad as well. Actually, awful is more like it.

That said, he was a winner in college and he got the Broncos to the playoffs a few years ago; it wasn't pretty, but he got them there. Trent Dilfer was a God awful QB, but he won a Super Bowl with the Ravens.

I can't see them keeping him even as a long term project. If he sticks, what will his role be here? They mentioned he'd be good in goal line situations, but are you really going to take Tom Brady out of a game on the goal line and put Tebow in to run a trick play? Anytime he's under center is one less play for Brady.

I just don't see it. I had hoped he'd get better as camp went on and again, they could keep him as a project, but he's been bad, can't see them using a valuable roster spot on him.


Thanks for the reply. We do not get much coverage on the west coast about the Pats so I figured you would be the guy to go to.

Thanks for the reply. We do not get much coverage on the west coast about the Pats so I figured you would be the guy to go to.

Happy to fill you in on the situation.

Then last night he has a decent second half and throws two TD passes; all everyone is talking about now is Tebow.

We'll see if he makes the team or not.
That is the problem with Tebow. Every thing with him is magnified and finds its way onto the back pages.

Well the fun in the Sun is over and it's time to get real!!!!1st week of the regular season starts this thursday nite!!! I sure as hell wish it could be in Baltimore instead of Denver but what can you do?? I just hope my Raven offense can keep up with P. Manning & co. or better yet hoping the Raven defense plays better this year then last year vs. Broncos, anyway, can't wait, let's get this thing roll'n!!...Sammy
On the Tebow thing. It kind of reminds me of the way that Jim McMahon got left behind so quick after championship playing. Mike
The axe has fallen on Tebow. What a shock. -- Al

Not really a shock...I know you are only joking....I did not think that Tebow would play for the Patriots........Maybe someone else will pick him up but at this time it will be difficult....Maybe he should do what Doug Flutie did and go to the CFL for 3-4 years, hone his skills as a starting QB and then try for a comeback to the NFL. He's a great guy and I'm sure the Lord has a path for his life which is more important then just throwing a football. I wish him well.

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