Lady Mo is being very fickle tonight. Bumpy ride, indeed. 28 all with 18 minutes to go. Who wants to win this thing? -- AlFrom the way this one has started, I would say a quote by Bette Davis would be appropriate: "Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night." -- Al
it was a heck of a game. Too bad someone had to lose, especially since it was Baltimore.:rolleyes2: Congrats to NE. Baltimore has no one to blame but themselves. They had a 14 point lead, twice, but couldn't hold it against NE's Arena Football game plan. If the defense can't stop the other team, you lose. -- AlLady Mo is being very fickle tonight. Bumpy ride, indeed. 28 all with 18 minutes to go. Who wants to win this thing? -- Al
Good point about the IR, Sammy. Tough enough to replace 1 or 2 starters, much less 19 players you have to find replacements for. Get the other distractions out of the way, get the IR cleared out and bring on the 2015 regular season. Harbaugh deserves a lot of credit. -- AlWell you win some ya lose some, to say the 2014 Ravens over achieved would be an understatement, the 19 players on IR, ray rice disaster from day 1, Nagata suspension, the team playing a up and down 10-6 season, for what it's worth a lot of teams would have folded just with the injuries alone, give it to Harbough for pushing the team through it all and coming within a few plays of another AFC championship game, congrats to the Pats they were the better team tonite.
But thinking the future is bright for next year, not many free agents as the last few years, no Ray rice and hoping we can some how fix the defensive backfield and stay somewhat healthy for a change...Sammy
Well, that Pick 6 just finished Carolina. I am now 0-2 with tomorrow's games still to go. I hope at least one of my picks wins or I won't even be watching the Championship games, much less the Super Bowl. -- AlAlways bet with my heart, which is why I never back my bets with money.:tongue: Had my heart broken many a time. My picks are Ravens, Panthers, Cowboys (though it hurts), and Broncos. On my past history, I'll lose all 4.:rolleyes2: -- Al
Better keep George away from sharp objects right now.
Well, that Pick 6 just finished Carolina. I am now 0-2 with tomorrow's games still to go. I hope at least one of my picks wins or I won't even be watching the Championship games, much less the Super Bowl. -- Al
Like Brad said congrats to George and condolences to Al and Sammy.
A tip of the cap to Harbaugh on his press conference too. Right out of the gate he made no excuses and congratulated the Patriots. Class move all the way.
Of the teams remaining in the playoffs the Ravens were the best match-up for the Patriots. I think with this win the Pats have pretty much wrapped up the Super Bowl.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
Yeah, tough luck Al and Sammy.
As far as the Super Bowl; I think the Seachickens would maul the Patriots in the Super Bowl if the Patriots get there.
They lost their starting center to a knee injury; Seattle's defense would manhandle the Patriots offensive line, plus their secondary would give the Patriots receivers fits, the Seachickens have what, three pro bowlers in their secondary?
Can just see Pete the poodle chewing on his gum with that goofy **** eating grin on his face as he beats his former team..................
Funny how you pull for your team through the draft (the good or bad of it) then it's off to camp before you know it, pre-season comes and goes, and in a blink the regular season starts, you go through the highs and lows each and every week of that must win game or that game you shouldn't have lost and of course you got your rivalery games as well and if your lucky enough your team makes the playoffs and sometime make a run sometime not, but always sucks (unless your team wins Superbowl) when it's over, no "we'll get em next week" or is it a home game coming up???, just over, just like that...but that's the enjoyment of the NFL even with all the blown calls, crazy rules etc. it is such a great game that no matter what, you look forward to that next game, next season as soon as it's over, hoping next year will be our year!! football, you got to love it!!...Sammy