Nfl 2014 (2 Viewers)

Tough loss for the Niners. Kaepernick had a rough day, 3 interceptions and 1 fumble lost. No matter who the opponent is you just can't turn it over that many times.
It was obviously a smart move to keep Cousins.
Jason, Cousins was never going anywhere. He was chosen in the same draft as RGIII and there has been a lot of speculation as to why. The thinking in the DC area is that it was outright insurance. Cousins is a pocket Qb, RGIII is the opposite and the figuring is that RGIII might prove to be, as he has, too delicate and injury prone. Cousins has played pretty well whenever he has been in and while the starter situation has never reached a point of RGIII vs Cousins, there is an element in DC that feels Cousins is the better fit at Qb. Now, with RGIII out for the season (in all likelyhood), and if Cousins plays well, that Qb controversy is going to be up front and center. One thing for sure, this is Cousins chance to win the job or lose it. -- Al
Jason, Cousins was never going anywhere. He was chosen in the same draft as RGIII and there has been a lot of speculation as to why. The thinking in the DC area is that it was outright insurance. Cousins is a pocket Qb, RGIII is the opposite and the figuring is that RGIII might prove to be, as he has, too delicate and injury prone. Cousins has played pretty well whenever he has been in and while the starter situation has never reached a point of RGIII vs Cousins, there is an element in DC that feels Cousins is the better fit at Qb. Now, with RGIII out for the season (in all likelyhood), and if Cousins plays well, that Qb controversy is going to be up front and center. One thing for sure, this is Cousins chance to win the job or lose it. -- Al

Being from Redskin country I have lots of friends/family who pull for the Skins and I have been saying for almost 2 years Cousins should be the starter, he is just a better passer, and sees the field better, imho anyway, but the proof is in the pudding and Cousins has to take this chance to prove he is the better qb, should be interesting times in DC for awhile...Sammy
I'm afraid because of the way he plays, RG III will never be the player everybody thought he could be. This is a trade that will eventually show that the Rams got the better of.
Being from Redskin country I have lots of friends/family who pull for the Skins and I have been saying for almost 2 years Cousins should be the starter, he is just a better passer, and sees the field better, imho anyway, but the proof is in the pudding and Cousins has to take this chance to prove he is the better qb, should be interesting times in DC for awhile...Sammy
Sammy, you're not alone. Apparently, Gruden thinks that Cousins is the better fit for the offense the Redskins run. What is obviously a bad break for RG3 could ultimately work to the Redskins advantage. Or not. -- Al
Sammy, you're not alone. Apparently, Gruden thinks that Cousins is the better fit for the offense the Redskins run. What is obviously a bad break for RG3 could ultimately work to the Redskins advantage. Or not. -- Al

I hope DeSean Jackson will be playing next week when the Redskins play the Eagles. Any update on his injury on the local level?
I hope DeSean Jackson will be playing next week when the Redskins play the Eagles. Any update on his injury on the local level?
Jason, nothing really new yet. Grade 1 sprain that Jackson says he can play with, team not so sure. Will be a few days before a decision is made. -- Al
The right and wrong way to handle things:

Minnesota has announced that Peterson has been declared inactive for Sunday's game;

Carolina has announced that Hardy will start Sunday's game.
This Peterson thing seems much ado about nothing. Possible PC run amok again. Seems he spanked his kid with a switch. So what? It isn't illegal and everyone I knew as a kid had a passing acquaintance with Mr. Switch. It is a viable threat/punishment alternative. -- Al
This Peterson thing seems much ado about nothing. Possible PC run amok again. Seems he spanked his kid with a switch. So what? It isn't illegal and everyone I knew as a kid had a passing acquaintance with Mr. Switch. It is a viable threat/punishment alternative. -- Al


Not to mention he is charged in Texas. Many people in Texas feel that old-school discipline is still the way to go in many situations.

He took a stick, a tree branch and beat the kid, a four year old kid, and did it on bare skin, inflicting damages on his legs, back and scrotum, as well. This wasn't just a few smacks across the butt.

This isn't PC, but child abuse. And, yes, he is accused of violating child abuse laws. Yes, that is a crime.

Jason, nothing really new yet. Grade 1 sprain that Jackson says he can play with, team not so sure. Will be a few days before a decision is made. -- Al

Thanks for the update, I am in the Bay Area right now and there has been no mention of his status. Everyone is still focused on the Niner’s loss.
I see that Radisson has temporarily pulled its sponsorship of the Vikings and that Anheuser Busch voiced concern over what has been going on. Once the sponsors start to pile on, changes, real changes, will come. I think it may be a long while before the three players see the field again. If the owners sense the sponsors may walk, Goodell will be out of there so fair, his head will spin.

I don't think this is an isolated problem. It is a violent game and I don't think all players can turn off the emotions they need to have on the field to protect themselves. The NFL has admitted that 25% of all players will suffer brain impairment in their lives because of their playing careers. More and more parents are questioning whether they should let their kids play a game that could result in severe memory loss. Ultimately, this sport may wither away unless it can be made safer.
As is usual, fans, the press, politicians, groups, and anyone else can howl all they want and nothing will change. Sponsors start to bail...and things move in a hurry. The Vikes reversed themselves and AP is indefinitely out.
As is usual, fans, the press, politicians, groups, and anyone else can howl all they want and nothing will change. Sponsors start to bail...and things move in a hurry. The Vikes reversed themselves and AP is indefinitely out.

As the saying goes Pete, "money talks and.. -- well, you know the rest ^&grin
Yep, as long as the cash keeps coming in, nothing will change; as soon as sponsors start to pull out and the cash stops flowing, changes will be made.
Yep, as long as the cash keeps coming in, nothing will change; as soon as sponsors start to pull out and the cash stops flowing, changes will be made.

I was speaking to a good friend who works for a huge ad agency in NYC. He said that there are no less than 5 beer companies/distributors that are hoping that Anheuser-Busch pulls their ads from the NFL so that they can swoop in and increase their advertising share.
Unbelievable, Jonathan Dwyer of the Arizona Cardinals has been arrested and charged with assault, related to domestic violence.
Unbelievable, Jonathan Dwyer of the Arizona Cardinals has been arrested and charged with assault, related to domestic violence.
What is happening in the NFL? Is this a sudden plague or a problem than has been exposed and now is caught in the glare of the lights? I find my interest in the NFL lessening year by year. Along with the concussion/brain damage issue, (that is only going to worsen from the legal and money POV), and the constant rule changes to eliminate the defense, we now have a league that is garnering more publicity for it's criminal elements than it is for it's games. The NFL has some real problems that it needs to solve if it doesn't want to slip into irrelevantcy. -- Al
I find my interest in the NFL lessening year by year.................and the constant rule changes to eliminate the defense.

This is where I'm at now; I went to a friends house to watch the Patriots game last Sunday; I was bored to death, hung around till halftime and then went home.

Not to mention; all I heard and I mean ALL I HEARD the whole time I was there was "So and so caught a TD, that's 4 points for my team............oh, I knew I should have played so and so and sat Peterson and so just ran in a TD, that's 3 fantasy points......"

Jesus, enough already with #$%^&@& fantasy football; THAT is why all the rules changes have eliminated defense, it's to cater to the fantasy morons................
This is where I'm at now; I went to a friends house to watch the Patriots game last Sunday; I was bored to death, hung around till halftime and then went home.

Not to mention; all I heard and I mean ALL I HEARD the whole time I was there was "So and so caught a TD, that's 4 points for my team............oh, I knew I should have played so and so and sat Peterson and so just ran in a TD, that's 3 fantasy points......"

Jesus, enough already with #$%^&@& fantasy football; THAT is why all the rules changes have eliminated defense, it's to cater to the fantasy morons................

I'm with you there George, a bunch of guys at my work play fantasy football and every year ask me to join and every year I tell them the same thing...if they think I'm going to pull for Rottenburger, Dalton, Luck, etc. etc. they must be crazy!!!! how in the world can you be loyal or follow a team but yet your pulling for certain players on the oppenents team to do well against your own team???{eek3} but I guess that's why there isn't much loyalty to anything these days, and most fans out West are band wagon jumpers, I had not seen a Seahawk jersey in my store but once in awhile now this year you can't swing a dead cat on Sundays without hitting someone with a Seattle jersey, and last year...noooobody liked the Ravens, win a Superbowl and you think I was on Eutaw Street come Sundays of last year!!! well until they started losing, so I tie fantasy players in with bandwagon jumpers, I know it's all just for fun and what not but still don't know how guys can pull for the opponents players?? oh well, I'll just stick with my O's and Ravens and lead a dull life...Sammy

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