Nfl 2014 (2 Viewers)

He's done in the NFL.

Any team that picks him up now would be a pack of morons.

Even the Raiders won't touch him now.
I agree that "now" is the operative word but I also do believe that people are entitled to second chances. Michael Vick got one but Ray Rice will probably need to do more than he has already done to earn that chance.
He's done in the NFL.

Any team that picks him up now would be a pack of morons.

Even the Raiders won't touch him now.

People have amazingly short memories. I do think he will be back in a season or two. The real payback will come in the form of his girlfriend who he married to keep from testifying against him. Imagine how much money she will take in the divorce. I also wonder how they managed to cover up this tape for so long. I can't think of any possible reason except to protect this guy. Someone should investigate the DA in this case. They had no evidence to prosecute this guy?
People have amazingly short memories. I do think he will be back in a season or two. The real payback will come in the form of his girlfriend who he married to keep from testifying against him. Imagine how much money she will take in the divorce. I also wonder how they managed to cover up this tape for so long. I can't think of any possible reason except to protect this guy. Someone should investigate the DA in this case. They had no evidence to prosecute this guy?

The initial story Rice and his wife fed was they got in a scrape in the elevator, she slipped and hit her head on the railing inside the elevator.

The tape showed otherwise; and sorry, I find it hard to believe the NFL and the Ravens did not see that tape prior to it being leaked today by TMZ.

If this was the Ray Rice of 2009-2012, the Ravens wouldn't have cut him.

Goodell is doing damage control now; I can't stand this POS, he should be fired, as in yesterday.

He's doing everything humanly possible to ruin the game and the league.
Rumors are swirling that both the Ravens and the NFL knew about the tape.

And tried to cover it up.

If so, adios Roger........................he made his name initially on tapes and he'll get fired over tapes too.

Talk about what comes around goes around.

The ultimate irony.
I dunno, I thought she could take a punch better than that, she must have a glass jaw! She should have got him in a clinch or rope a doped him!
I am with George, I think they all knew about the tape and somehow couldn't either suppress or buy it off. If they didn't, he is an idiot for not coming clean when he had the chance in his open press conference. I like the Ravens owner, if he knew about this that is extremely disappointing as he has always been a first class act. Bottom line, Rice is an idiot personified and deserves it. Ironic situation all around, but I have to ask, didn't this video just confirm what everyone already knew and probably didn't want to face? I mean, it didn't take NASA to figure out from the first video that was released what happened in that elevator. Ah, the blinders were on for awhile here.

Most of the media focus is on the NFL. The real problem here was the DA for failing to prosecute this case. They had the tape. This guy should have been in jail and the NFL suspension becomes moot. Heads should roll. It also makes me think of all the defenders of Ray Lewis and others where there was no videotape and they simply lied and brided their way out of it. And the crazy fans who still buy their jerseys and worship those criminals because they are great football players.
The whole thing makes me sick.

One thing I can't stand in these situations are the people who feign anger at the perpetrators. They are the ones who say that Ray Rice's actions were inexcusable. Then in the next breath they say he did say he was sorry so let's give him a second chance.

And the fans that gave him a standing ovation when he came onto the field in the pre-season? Pathetic.
No Raven love in this thread tonite, maybe the baseball thread will be a better read...Sammy
Brad, lighten up. A thug hit his hoa, you listen to rap music like I do, they talk about this all the time.

As a former policeman, this is an interesting perspective. Domestic violence, no matter by whom, can never be sanctioned.

And, I do not listen to rap music. Never have, never will.
No Raven love in this thread tonite..............

When the news first broke about Aaron Hernandez and his possible involvement in a murder, I watched the whole situation closely. As it came to be that he in fact was involved, my attitude changed at that point and I was of the mind that if it came to light that the Patriots knew about his "gangsta" lifestyle and turned a blind eye to it because he was a very good football player, I would be done with them and would no longer be a fan.

It turned out they were clueless, he had them and the whole team fooled as he lived a double life; football player by day, "gangsta" by night.

My attitude at this point is if they bring in another person of questionable character who soils the team name and the organization, I am done with them.

So yes, there will be no "Raven love" for awhile as I have a feeling this is just the tip of the iceberg and this is going to get real ugly.

Real fast
As a former policeman, this is an interesting perspective. Domestic violence, no matter by whom, can never be sanctioned.

And, I do not listen to rap music. Never have, never will.

Brad, for the record I absolutely do not sanction this behaviour. Further he should be criminally charged with domestic assault especially since this new evidence has surfaced. From what I know, and I really haven't been following this, didn,t the prosecuters decline to prosecute.
Now Brad don,t lie, be honest homey, 50 cent is your favorite artist!
The only rap song I ever willingly listened to was Thrift Shop by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. Thought it was well done. When I'm with my son in his car, he makes me listen to this stuff. Just terrible for the most part. His favorite is that jail bird Lil Boozy. This kid has gone from metal (as in death metal) to rap, from one extreme to another. At least with metal, you can see they are good musicians, rap I see no endearing qualities of any sort.

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