This is a good point and to further it, all of this is entirely media driven; our two local sports talk radio shows were all over the Patriots for FOUR days last week, drive time especially, ripping them for poor drafts, poor free agent signings, fire the OC, fire the line coach, fire the DC, Brady might be at the end, BB has lost his fastball..............all for the sake of ratings and to get people to call in.
As my friend said yesterday, the drive time guys are probably going to be pissed over this win as there's nothing negative to talk about and I told him, don't worry, they'll find something.
My kids lost to Wareham yesterday 12-6; it was 6-6 and Wareham was going in for a TD, their kid clearly fumbled before he crossed the goal line, but the refs said he got in before he fumbled. We were driving for the tying TD when one of my kids cut back across the field and was about to break one, but the ref got in his way and he fell down, our drive stalled on the 12 and we lost.
Several parents were screaming at the one ref, he came over and apologized to me, my coaches and the kids and I told him thanks, but don't worry, we'll be fine. I felt badly for him; Christ, it's just a game (and besides, we're 5-1 and already clinched a playoff spot...........:wink2

The parents were more upset than the kids were; I told one guy if he doesn't take it down a couple of notches, I'm going to ask him to sit in the car and watch from there from now on. His kid is one of my best players and you can see how him yelling all the time shakes him up, I feel bad for the kid.
Jesus parents, guy told me I'm no good for the kids, I'm too laid back; my coaches tell me I'm the best coach Taunton Pop Warner has ever had, the kids all love me; I'll take their word for it, not some type A lunatic parent...............