OFFICIAL Winter 88 Photos (4 Viewers)


Sep 25, 2005
Hi Guys,

Our Winter 88 (ETG-006), US$269 and Winter Prime Mover (ETG-002), US$169:

etg002+006 (4).jpg

etg-006 (1).jpg

etg-002 (1).jpg

Two more terrific pieces! Is production planned at 100 pieces for each of these also?
Dear Rick

You may have gathered from the posts just how much we appreciated the quality of your new offerings when seen at the London Show yesterday. These two pieces are brilliantly sculpted and presented.

As a Brit who is lacking Commonwealth allied armour and troops in particular to match the host of German kit on the market, I also especially welcome the long overdue Firefly.

The storches and many other items are also up there with the very best. Your team has done an absolutely outstanding job, thank you and best wishes.

Dear Rick

You may have gathered from the posts just how much we appreciated the quality of your new offerings when seen at the London Show yesterday. These two pieces are brilliantly sculpted and presented.

As a Brit who is lacking Commonwealth allied armour and troops in particular to match the host of German kit on the market, I also especially welcome the long overdue Firefly.

The storches and many other items are also up there with the very best. Your team has done an absolutely outstanding job, thank you and best wishes.


Well said that man!.Wonderful set of releases and as i said to Clive it was really nice to have these launched at the show yesterday.Thanks to Rick and Clive:)

Great Job to Rick and Figarti,

I'll be in the line to buy these beauties! I'm a big fan!
Rick - I ordered from Mandi at Treefrog , one each of the 88 and Prime Mover..Fantastic pieces....Greg Kempton
I think these sets should get a double WOW. Looking to seeing them live at the Chicago show.

I will be pre-ordering both items.

Gary L.
I think these sets should get a double WOW. Looking to seeing them live at the Chicago show.

I will be pre-ordering both items.

Gary L.

I'm going to have to go with triple wow, off the charts wow, incredible wow.

Works of art, just like the Firefly, all with the added bonus of being incredibly affordable, which is nice for collectors........................
I think Rick has gone out of his way to make the affordable. In Chicago, after he announced the Monty and the price, day later he lowered it by $20. He is a gentleman.
Rick, pre ordered all three, plus the Brit. Inf.
Great prices.
What a great looking piece , I,ve attempted a pre order but i,m not
holding my breath on that one :eek: .But all 3 releases look like
welcome additions to anyones collection.
Dear Rick

You may have gathered from the posts just how much we appreciated the quality of your new offerings when seen at the London Show yesterday. These two pieces are brilliantly sculpted and presented.

As a Brit who is lacking Commonwealth allied armour and troops in particular to match the host of German kit on the market, I also especially welcome the long overdue Firefly.

The storches and many other items are also up there with the very best. Your team has done an absolutely outstanding job, thank you and best wishes.


My feelings could not have been articulated any better. Truly amazing pieces of art and congrats to all at Figarti for such achievements. I'm quite simply in awe Rick. And congrats to any collectors who acquire these gems. I've pre-ordered mine and I'm awaiting confirmation....fingers crossed....:)

I missed out on the K&C winter 88 years ago, but I will not miss out on the Figarti 88, or the primemover, just hope George can pull though for me, they are absolutly beautiful looking pieces, and looking forward to seeing in my own dio sometime soon...Sammy
I think Rick has gone out of his way to make the affordable. In Chicago, after he announced the Monty and the price, day later he lowered it by $20. He is a gentleman.

Brad and All,

First of all, as always, thanks for the support for Figarti. One of the goals this year was to try to help collectors in this depressed global economy by keeping our prices as affordable as possible. Material and Labor costs are rising but ok, so we make less money..... the key is to keep this industry growing and continue to put excitement into our hobby. We may appear very quiet, BUT we are working hard and having a lot of FUN! I hope to see all of you in Chicago, wait and see what we have to show!

Brad and All,

First of all, as always, thanks for the support for Figarti. One of the goals this year was to try to help collectors in this depressed global economy by keeping our prices as affordable as possible. Material and Labor costs are rising but ok, so we make less money..... the key is to keep this industry growing and continue to put excitement into our hobby. We may appear very quiet, BUT we are working hard and having a lot of FUN! I hope to see all of you in Chicago, wait and see what we have to show!


Thanks Rick, and I'm sure I'm not the only dedicated collector that will support you and other manufacturers that keep model prices affordable.

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