What should be accepted by all those who rush to the defence of the manufacturers when a question about accuracy or cost or detail is that its just another opinion and, that they, being in the hobby, have to realise that although some or all of these issues may not matter one jot to them but, it matters to others and many want to have these issues raised.
Everyone seems to forget the myriad of people who rely quite heavily on the opinions of people on here as they may not have a local shop near them or they may not have the ability to attend shows and see sets in person so, they need to have a critical evaluation of the subject matter. Nobody would buy a car without having a good old look at it and that applies to toy soldiers at quite a cost. This is applicable to all manufacturers some people want nice looking sets some want that and, historically accurate and, if the good and bad can be discussed it allows one to evaluate if you want that set or, move onto another.
It should not be ruined by the buy what you like brigade or those who seem to have taken arms to defend their chosen manufacturer where if you mention anything seemingly negative they try to scream outrage and blue murder. Instead of vilifying those who have the ability to see the wrong divisions or the wrong detailing perhaps they should just accept these manufacturers make rickets from time to time and have a quiet word with the manufacturers to research better what they intend to release.
Collectors and some have totally ignored or forgotten this can only discuss what comes out from the manufacturers there is no conspiracy that people are out to get them if a manufacturer expouses this or that and, releases something wrong or something broken or similar are we expected to just applaud their endeavour like automatons or, use our brains and experience and say excuse me that’s not right.
I once said you can tell when its constructive critique and when its a dig as you may not like the company we should all really take a deep breath and, evaluate what is said and,the reasons why it was said then respond then there would be a lot less rattles being thrown from our prams