Hi Guys,
Sammy brings up some interesting points and well worth discussing. But why only bring it up in the K&C section?
As I know myself Sammy is a big fan of another company whose figures and vehicles are substantially more expensive than K&C… So, I might ask, why not bring it up in that section or indeed in a general area discussion
Another point worth considering is that as our hobby continues to develop and evolve collectors are demanding
ever more diversity and
ever higher quality… Both goals are eminently worthy but they do come at a price…
and a higher one at that.
Consider for a moment this Forum alone and the ongoing stream of “
wants… needs… and must-haves” that fill many of the different threads on many of the manufacturer’s different sections.
All of us know that this huge selection is as rich and varied as the members of this Forum are. Of these ideas and suggestions put forward some… are excellent … some not quite so… and more than a few are just outright daft and silly and any company producing them would have a one-way ticket to the debtor’s prison!!!
However we listen to them all and together (all the companies) produce
what we can…
when we can…
and at a price we believe most of our collectors can afford. The result is an amazing variety of different styles and new product that provides fun and enjoyment for a relatively small (
but growing) band of collectors around the world.
The price rises of the last few years has, as Sammy admits, been caused by rising labour costs in China plus higher raw material costs, increasing fuel costs (
transportation) and
a weakening U.S. dollar. Put all of that into the mix and I have to say toy soldiers is not doing too badly… all thing’s considered.
Of course some folks will be harder hit than others and their collecting habit will have to be curtailed and altered… I accept that but remember guys…
No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to buy K&C’s products or anyone else’s… As I always say, “
Buy what you like… Buy what you can afford… And Buy what gives you fun!”
Adios for now… Best wishes and happy collecting!
Andy C.