Public Service Announcement (1 Viewer)

For those of you who have asked, three more albums posted or go to third link.

Hi Tommy,

Thanks very much for Part III.

Your collection is just magnificent.

I love the Trophy Christmas collection.

Kind Regards, Raymond.:)
Even more excellent sets in Part 3 Tommy, I love the Egypt and Sudan and Boer War sets:cool:


tommy nice pics, i saw some afhans or nw frontier in there. i hope to see more. i took a bunch of pictures 2 months ago and was going to try photobucket only to find out my wife needed space on the camara. i had to take her out to the woodshed for that. after seeing these nice pictures it motivates one to put their own up.
Hi Al




Hi Martyn,

Thanks very much for the information.

The seller has split the Front Rank Reload set for sale.

It may not be easy for one person to win all lots to reconstitute the set.

So far, 3 standing reload and 3 kneeling reload figures have been won by the same buyer (I am not the one).

All the Best, Raymond.:)
Hi Martyn,

I just wonder what these 2 figures paired together will fetch.


Hi Raymond

It will be interesting to see but I feel the seller would have done better selling as a complete set. This is a bit like that seller last year, selling off the Abandon the Hospital set individualy


Hi Raymond

It will be interesting to see but I feel the seller would have done better selling as a complete set. This is a bit like that seller last year, selling off the Abandon the Hospital set individualy



Hi Martyn,

I concur with you about the selling of complete sets, which is the preferred way from the buyer viewpoint. However, I think some sellers believe they can get higher prices with the splitting of a set into multiple auction lots. I am not sure if this is myth or reality.

My initial thoughts on these split-up sales is that the owner has no idea they're all from a set, or has no boxes:( and lots of figures. I can't blame them, certainly if they fell into the lot via death or the original owner dispensing with them. Lord know my wife would have a tough time sorting!
My initial thoughts on these split-up sales is that the owner has no idea they're all from a set, or has no boxes:( and lots of figures. I can't blame them, certainly if they fell into the lot via death or the original owner dispensing with them. Lord know my wife would have a tough time sorting!

I guess this is why boxes should be saved and figures should be labeled.

My initial thoughts on these split-up sales is that the owner has no idea they're all from a set, or has no boxes:( and lots of figures. I can't blame them, certainly if they fell into the lot via death or the original owner dispensing with them. Lord know my wife would have a tough time sorting!

Hi Mike,

After checking the seller's feedback, this is very likely to be the case for the current split sales of the Front Rank Reload set.

I can understand the situation of the seller if he/she just has figures with no box and paperwork.

Thanks, Raymond.:)
I guess this is why boxes should be saved and figures should be labeled.


Hi Brian,

I could not agree more about keeping boxes.

As for labelling, the bases of figures can be used to this end.

Thanks, Raymond.:)
I place white stickers with the set number on the bottom of each figure.

The Left Horn and Right Horn saw some good action on Ebay.

ZS55 $338.33
ZS54 $310.00

Are these rare sets or did someone really want them or just the normal action on AZW Trophy sets.

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