Anyone remember the Blandford books? They were a great source of uniforms. This one featured Malcolm McGregor, a prolific artist then.
Rgds Victor
The list of Blandford books
Army Badges & Insignia of World War 2 (Gt Britain etc)
Army Badges & Insignia of World War 2 Book 2 (Canada etc)
Army Badges & Insignia since 1945 Book 1 (Gt Britain etc)
Army Uniforms of World War 1
Army Uniforms of World War 2
Army Uniforms since 1945
Artillery in Colour 1920-63
Badges & Insignia of the Third Reich
Cavalry Uniforms of Britain & the Commonwealth
German Uniforms of the Third Reich 1933-45
Heraldry of the world
Infantry Uniforms 1742-1855
Infantry Uniforms Book 2 1855-1939
Military Flags of the World 1618-1900
Military Transport of World War 1
Military Transport of World War 2
Military Uniforms of the world
Naval & Marine Badges & Insignia of World War 2
Naval, Marine & Air Force Uniforms of World War 2
Orders, Medals & Decorations of Britain & Europe
Parachute Badges & Insignia of the World
Ribbons of Orders, Medals & Decorations
Tanks & other Armoured Fighting Vehicles 1900-18
Tanks & other Armoured Fighting Vehicles 1942-45
Tanks & other Armoured Fighting Vehicles of the Blitzkreig 1939-41
Tanks & other Tracked Vehicles in service
Uniforms of the American Civil War
Uniforms of the American Revolution
Uniforms of the Battle of Waterloo
Uniforms of the Elite Forces
Uniforms of the Indo-China & Vietnam Wars
Uniforms of the Napoleonic Wars
Uniforms of the Peninsular War 1807-14
Uniforms of the Retreat from Moscow
Uniforms of the Seven Year War 1756-63
Uniforms of the Soldiers of Fortune
Warriors & Weapons 3000BC-1700AD
World Army Uniforms since 1939
World Uniforms & Battles 1815-50
XLS file with pictures available here
All Osprey list on the same page