Pure Nostalgia (3 Viewers)

Hello Martin,

here are some pics of the 15th Hussars. The book is excellent.

Rgds Victor

Neil Leonard took the photos (the sergeant is his dad) When it came to the mounted photos, Northumbria Police mounted detachment allowed him to use one of their horses. When he arrived at the stables, they obviously wanted to know the qualifications of the rider, which is why he said Household Cavalry and I was squeezed into a uniform that was too small! (note the trouser legs!!^&grin)

Hello Martin,

Great background info...:) Well, aside from the too tight overalls, that is one terrific-looking hussar getup!

Rgds Victor
Hello Martin,

Great background info...:) Well, aside from the too tight overalls, that is one terrific-looking hussar getup!

Rgds Victor

A coincidence but I was just talking to John Firth about this book and he said they also mention the Life Guards helmet that I made for a re enactment unit. At least I think it's this book!:)

Hi All,

Happy New Year. Got any new book gifts to share?

Me? I just rehash the oldies.

I have had this booklet for some time now. It is a publication of the Dutch Tin Museum at Ommen. As it is not generally available widely, I am sharing more pics here to bring awareness of this. 54mm and flat figures.

Rgds Victor

A very good friend just presented me with a couple of oldies.

This one is by Bruce Quarrie, ex-Airfix book and Mil Illustrated mag editor. Cover page shows some nice models in colour. Inside, all pics are in b/w.
The book is divided into three sections: plastic miniatures, metal miniatures and others (wood carved).
The book probably tries to cover too much, from converting wargaming figures to crude wood carved pieces, but there are some interesting ideas and articles by Sid Horton, Bill Hearne, Mac Kennaugh and Cesare Milani.

Rgds Victor

I also completed my collection of the Yeomanry booklets with this first booklet in the series, after 20 years!
Front and back covers are in full colour. B/W photos and illustrations inside.
I like Yeomanry dress because it is always quirky and different from the regular army, and Bob Marrion is one of my favourite artists.

Rgds Victor

Anyone remember the Blandford books? They were a great source of uniforms. This one featured Malcolm McGregor, a prolific artist then.

Rgds Victor

Anyone remember the Blandford books? They were a great source of uniforms. This one featured Malcolm McGregor, a prolific artist then.

Rgds Victor

The list of Blandford books
Army Badges & Insignia of World War 2 (Gt Britain etc)
Army Badges & Insignia of World War 2 Book 2 (Canada etc)
Army Badges & Insignia since 1945 Book 1 (Gt Britain etc)
Army Uniforms of World War 1
Army Uniforms of World War 2
Army Uniforms since 1945
Artillery in Colour 1920-63
Badges & Insignia of the Third Reich
Cavalry Uniforms of Britain & the Commonwealth
German Uniforms of the Third Reich 1933-45
Heraldry of the world
Infantry Uniforms 1742-1855
Infantry Uniforms Book 2 1855-1939
Military Flags of the World 1618-1900
Military Transport of World War 1
Military Transport of World War 2
Military Uniforms of the world
Naval & Marine Badges & Insignia of World War 2
Naval, Marine & Air Force Uniforms of World War 2
Orders, Medals & Decorations of Britain & Europe
Parachute Badges & Insignia of the World
Ribbons of Orders, Medals & Decorations
Tanks & other Armoured Fighting Vehicles 1900-18
Tanks & other Armoured Fighting Vehicles 1942-45
Tanks & other Armoured Fighting Vehicles of the Blitzkreig 1939-41
Tanks & other Tracked Vehicles in service
Uniforms of the American Civil War
Uniforms of the American Revolution
Uniforms of the Battle of Waterloo
Uniforms of the Elite Forces
Uniforms of the Indo-China & Vietnam Wars
Uniforms of the Napoleonic Wars
Uniforms of the Peninsular War 1807-14
Uniforms of the Retreat from Moscow
Uniforms of the Seven Year War 1756-63
Uniforms of the Soldiers of Fortune
Warriors & Weapons 3000BC-1700AD
World Army Uniforms since 1939
World Uniforms & Battles 1815-50

XLS file with pictures available here http://www.mirofsoft.com/books-livres/
All Osprey list on the same page
Just got hold of some oldies from ABE Books.

I've always admired the work of Steve Kemp's Napoleonic dioramas featured in Mil Modelling magazine. Nice and clean displays. I was aware of this book by him then but there were so many other books and kits around then. Anyway, I finally got round to getting a nice copy of the book and I am fairly pleased with it. Nothing new for me here, a simple text and techniques for producing small dioramas. A nostalgic read.

Rgds Victor

It's all Almark books. Nice compact books with lots of illustrations.

I got hold of this one on Napoleon. A potted history on the man accompanied by many b/w illustrations and a few uniformed soldiers in colour.

This Almark book is in hardcover. A terrific book on Napoleonic French artillery by Paddy Griffith. There are numerous excellent illustrations in colour. A real gem.

Two more Almark books on French mounted Guard units. Absolutely chokeful of uniform details. There, I've finished gloating...

Hello Mirof,

You have an excellent collection of books and magazines. I get a kick just looking at the covers of these older material.

Rgds Victor
Just been dusting off some books and this one is by the fabulous Funckens. They produced these beautifully illustrated children books largely acquired by adults. I find the Europeans weird - for eg, they also produce excellent comics largely acquired by adults too...:):):) but I digress.

This book does a great survey of the military history from ancient to the 18th century. It is filled with great illustrations.

Another Blandford book. This one is by Haythornthwaite and Chappell. I think that Haythornthwaite writes very well on the Napoleonic wars and Chappell is an excellent artist. I especially liked his Spanish Army drawings in this book.

I have had this Greenhill book on Custer for some time now. It has a short biography on Custer and is loaded with many period pictures of him and his men, in various dress uniforms.

This book by Gregory Urwin on the US Cavalry is quite good. It traces the development of the cavalry arm over the years and is illustrated with many nice coloured illustrations by Ernest Reedstrom.


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