R.I.P. Mom...................... (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
May 12, 2005
Yesterday my Mom passed away, 4 days past her 92nd birthday. She was in Hospice, they told us she had 6 months, she didn't last 5 weeks. The truth is she had had enough, she wanted to go, the past year and a half for her was nothing but trips to the doctors for test after test and then trips to the hospital for breathing issues, she had congestive heart failure.

She was a great Mom, very encouraging and supportive, she was always there when I needed her, I'd visit her a couple of times a week, spend time with her, take her to lunch, take her shopping or to dinner, loved to spend time with her.

She was a proud Greek/American, very religious, just like her Mother. I used to call her daily and chat her up, would always end the conversation with "I love you Mom" and she'd always say "I love you too George", this has been brutal the past month or so watching her slowly decline, the spark in her eyes was gone, she was bed ridden for basically the entire time in Hospice.

At one point, she looked at me and said "No matter what, you will always be my little boy"................soul crushing, but yet comforting to hear.

She's with my Dad, her parents and her brothers and sisters now, no more pain, no more suffering, no more trips to the doctor or the hospital, just eternal rest for her.

My heart is forever broken, it's the price you pay when you love your parents as much as I loved mine.

I will see the two of them again on the other side................this song reminds me of her, R.I.P. Mom, love you so much.

My condolances.

Yesterday my Mom passed away, 4 days past her 92nd birthday. She was in Hospice, they told us she had 6 months, she didn't last 5 weeks. The truth is she had had enough, she wanted to go, the past year and a half for her was nothing but trips to the doctors for test after test and then trips to the hospital for breathing issues, she had congestive heart failure.

She was a great Mom, very encouraging and supportive, she was always there when I needed her, I'd visit her a couple of times a week, spend time with her, take her to lunch, take her shopping or to dinner, loved to spend time with her.

She was a proud Greek/American, very religious, just like her Mother. I used to call her daily and chat her up, would always end the conversation with "I love you Mom" and she'd always say "I love you too George", this has been brutal the past month or so watching her slowly decline, the spark in her eyes was gone, she was bed ridden for basically the entire time in Hospice.

At one point, she looked at me and said "No matter what, you will always be my little boy"................soul crushing, but yet comforting to hear.

She's with my Dad, her parents and her brothers and sisters now, no more pain, no more suffering, no more trips to the doctor or the hospital, just eternal rest for her.

My heart is forever broken, it's the price you pay when you love your parents as much as I loved mine.

I will see the two of them again on the other side................this song reminds me of her, R.I.P. Mom, love you so much.

So sorryvto hear of your loss. My condolences George, loss of a loved parent is always hard, however old we may get ourselves.
We are very sorry and saddened by your loss.
Fortunately it sounds like you had a great life together and we know you will be able to talk with her again.
Love is worth it, even at painful times.
Our prayers are with you.
Pat & Paddy
My deepest condolences George. As you know, I also lost my Mom recently. It is a difficult time no matter the circumstances. The grief never completely goes away but the good memories eventually overcome the sadness. All the best to you and your family.
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your Mom. I lost my Dad a few years ago; in fact going to visit him in the cemetery today (with Mom).
I got tears in my eyes as I read your thoughts. Even knowing that a parent had a long life, it doesn't take away the sorrow of losing them. In fact, given all the memories, it may even make it harder.
It has certainly been a tough few years (I think for many of us throughout the world).
Here's to our parents, this special Easter.
May those that we lost be at peace in heaven looking down on us through our trials and tribulations.
My condolences George. You and the family are in our thoughts and prayers.
May her memory be eternal.

thoughts are with you as I said to you before, it is always a hard loss, never easy to lose a parent, but I have found remembering all of the good times to be what matters anyhow. Memories always remain!
I'm so sorry for your loss George. You must have had a good life growing up with 2 loving parents. I never knew my mom so consider yourself blessed having one that loved you so much.
All the best to you,
George mate,

Please accept my sincerest condolences for your lose. May your Mum Rest In Peace. I will light a candle for her at mass.

Regards from the Land Down Under, Howard & Jenny Woods
I'm very sorry to hear of your loss, George. Nothing hurts like the loss of Mom. Mine passed 44 years ago and I still miss her and think of her every day. My deepest condolences. -- Al

May your Mother enjoy eternal blessings.

Prayers of peace and strength for you and the whole family.

You are a good son, and your parents will always be with you.

With deepest sympathy,
George, sorry to hear of the passing of your mom. Hope you find comfort in happy memories of her. Chris
I'm sorry your mother passed, George, losing a parent is perhaps the toughest loss we have to deal with in this world. But I agree with you, she's at peace now, at rest. It's perhaps significant that she left at this time, when we celebrate the Resurrection and eternal life. My prayers for your Mom, and for you and your family.
George, I'm so very sorry to hear about the recent passing of your Mother, you were obviously a good son to her.

My condolences my friend! I lost my mother-in-law, who was a mother to me, April 25th. It felt like a kick in the gut, so I can only imagine what you are going through.

Your friend,

My condolences and deepest sympathy to you George.


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