Recent purchases from Russian Manufacturers (1 Viewer)

It looks like the full package to me, so level 10. Did not know about levels before, but I must collect in level 1 on this basis. A real work of art, you are very lucky to own it Joe. Robin.

Thank you Robin.:smile2: I am very thankful to be able to enjoy it in my collection. Russian artists often use grades to denote figure quality. Some use different scales so it can get a little confusing. Typically Russian figures occupy the 8, 9 and 10 points of a 10 point scale w/ FL generally at level 7 pushing level 8. The figures we love from K&C, JJD, TG, etc are not far behind that at all. I try not to get too hung up on paint levels though as they're so very subjective, and we all see things differently. Paint levels are valid for use in ordering custom Russian figures though. Certain artist's grading are more reliable than others as with anything I suppose, and there are no uniform grading guidelines as there are with say PSA grading service for trading cards.

what a lovely piece its a work of art. Its nice to see it from so many different angles and close ups. Thanks for sharing on here.

Hi Iwan,
Thank you so much! Olga did a wonderful job! I tried my best to capture her brilliant artistry in the photos.
I'm glad you enjoyed them!

She certainly did do a good job. This is quite a new elephant I believe, it has not been on their web site for long.

I like the Murat "king of Naples" figure in the white uniform. I am going to order it sometime its a lovely figure and I am trying to get together some French Napoleonic Personalities.

I hope you enjoy your elephant.

I have a Persian war elephant and it is displayed along with my Greek line on the bottom shelf of my cabinet, along with a couple of other things. My wife friend came to visit with her 4 year old son well he was amazed when he saw the elephant it was at the perfect height for him. The bottom layer of the cabinet was perfect eye line for him. He said out of everything the elephant was his favourite.

I suppose not many kids get to see stuff like this.

Just added these two to the collection. These are castings from Peipp Miniaturen that I had painted in Russia by Nevskaya Miniatura. I just love the Peipp figures and man alive, did Tatyana's people do an amazing job on these! I truly couldn't be happier with how they came out!

The First is the wine cart and the second is a mounted figure of Johann "Tilly" Tserclaes, Count of Tilly.

I had her do the ground work fairly simply so as I add figures to this set. I can place them all next to each other and have it look right.








Such beautiful painting Zach, congrats! They are fantastic! I love the cape on the mounted figure, just beautiful! Thanks for sharing the photos.
She certainly did do a good job. This is quite a new elephant I believe, it has not been on their web site for long.

I like the Murat "king of Naples" figure in the white uniform. I am going to order it sometime its a lovely figure and I am trying to get together some French Napoleonic Personalities.

I hope you enjoy your elephant.

I have a Persian war elephant and it is displayed along with my Greek line on the bottom shelf of my cabinet, along with a couple of other things. My wife friend came to visit with her 4 year old son well he was amazed when he saw the elephant it was at the perfect height for him. The bottom layer of the cabinet was perfect eye line for him. He said out of everything the elephant was his favourite.

I suppose not many kids get to see stuff like this.


Hi Iwan,
Yes, the elephant made its debut at the World Model Expo in Chicago last July. Olga was there with the first elephant. It was on a diorama base and was painted with immaculate precision. A friend of mine purchased the elephant and picked it up there at the show. If you didn't see photos of the first one let me know and I will post some. I really love mine and how nice Olga is to work with.

Thanks for sharing the story about your wife's friend's child seeing your Persian and Greek bottom shelf. I bet he really wanted to take it out of the cabinet and play with it! There's just something about elephants that appeals to people of all ages. My grandmother-in-law had a nice collection of various glass and ceramic elephants. Whenever I see a collectible type elephant I think of her.

I hope you get to enjoy the Murat figure soon!

Thanks for sharing the story about your wife's friend's child seeing your Persian and Greek bottom shelf. I bet he really wanted to take it out of the cabinet and play with it! There's just something about elephants that appeals to people of all ages. My grandmother-in-law had a nice collection of various glass and ceramic elephants. Whenever I see a collectible type elephant I think of her.

I hope you get to enjoy the Murat figure soon!


I took a few pictures of the bottom shelf with my phone the quality isn't great. this is what young toby saw as he ran around the corner of the living room, he stopped in his tracks and stared with his mouth wide open. I am pretty sure he wanted to get his hands on it. Once again sorry about the quality of pics I need to get my camera and lights and stuff out of my attic. I will do it soon.



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Great photo share! You have nothing but top shelf items on your bottom shelf. :tongue:
I love those Greeks with all their different shields. That's a mighty fine elephant too along with the mounted Ghazi warrior and Saracen w/ flag. I see a few knights lurking behind the Greeks too- all the most beautiful figures!!

Peter the Great Hitting Menshikov , painted by Amber Studios.

Alexander Menshikov was a favorite of Peter but tended to corrupt ways. According to Simon Sebag Montefiore in his book "The Romanovs 1613–1918," Menshikov was once punched twice by Peter after he saw Menshikov dancing with his sword still on, which apparently was considered a breach of etiquette.

Great photo share! You have nothing but top shelf items on your bottom shelf. :tongue:
I love those Greeks with all their different shields. That's a mighty fine elephant too along with the mounted Ghazi warrior and Saracen w/ flag. I see a few knights lurking behind the Greeks too- all the most beautiful figures!!


It's probably my most elaborate shelf out of the four. I always thought to put the elephant on the bottom shelf because of the weight of it. I am going to move the elephant closer to the front I think.

Not all the other shelves are quite as elaborate as this one although my French one has a few high end figures in it. i have a Junot figure from Moscow miniatures which is my favourite, i bought it from Maison millitaire about 7 or 8 years ago. I will try and take a few pictures of it when I get chance.
Here are a few recent acquisitions...Arab warrior (Nevskaya), Henry VIII w/ hunting dog and hawk (Aeroart), Chinese warrior (Nevskaya), and Samurai (Nevskaya). I've been wanting the Arab and Samurai for a long time, and I'm so excited to finally be able to add them to my collection. I didn't think I'd ever find the Arab. I hope you enjoy the photos!

I love the new Henry VIII!

Have you seen the new duke Charles ? (I think it’s charles). It’s a gorgeous figure. Saw it in Person in Texas and WOW!
Love Henry. I was thinking about him myself but was too slow in deciding.
I love the new Henry VIII!

Have you seen the new duke Charles ? (I think it’s charles). It’s a gorgeous figure. Saw it in Person in Texas and WOW!

Hi Zach,

I've seen lots of photos of Duke Charles but have not seen him in person yet. I love the black horse and the dogs running alongside him. There are photos of a few versions on Aeroart's website now including one that has a stunning decorative cape. It's by far the best variant I have seen photos of yet, much better than the prototype as well. I don't think I'll be getting one though. It's a very pricey piece, and there's just too much other stuff I'd rather have at the moment.

Joe, I agree. I can’t pull the trigger on that one either. The cape of the one Thor had in tx was amazing
I picked this up when I was in Texas for the San Antonio show. I am absolutely in love with it.
It is a diorama of Henry VIII (and based on Henry's appearance, we assume it's Jane Seymour). The figures are from Aeroart and the diorama was made by Vitaly Puzenko - who I consider to be one of the best!




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