Recent purchases from Russian Manufacturers (3 Viewers)

Tom, he was a very tall man and it sounds like the sculpt shows that. However, the dogs look like St. Bernards and from what I’ve been able to discover, St. Bernards as a breed were developed in the 1600s. However, there was a breed of dog called Alaunts, which are now extinct; in Spain they were called Mastins, Alanos, and Lebrels, and maybe this is what AS is trying to show. In all fairness, the website does not refer to them as St. Bernards.
I'm guessing this is the plate Aeroart based their piece on.

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The dogs in that drawing look more like a different breed than St. Bernards although there are similarities.
This is an Alano or a Spanish Alaunt. From what I have been able to tell the Alano may have been a descendant of the Alaunt. As I’m not a dog person, someone who knows more than I do — which isn’t a lot — may be able to shed more light on the matter.

Just for me, not saying what others should do, my Russian figures are based on how they look. Historical accuracy is second to me. I mean, there can’t be absurd mistakes but this doesn’t bother me at all.
Well, I don’t quite agree. When you’re paying what you are for these figures, I expect near perfect accuracy. For example, in the WW I Churchill figure I just received from Attica, when I questioned the color of his helmet, Attica sent me articles showing that the color was accurate. I feel the research here was slipshod.
The dogs in that drawing look more like a different breed than St. Bernards although there are similarities.

A little minor search shows that the Spanish Mastif did in some instances appear somewhat like a St. bernard. but larger, and with more varied colorations.
These could pass for a pair of those.
A little minor search shows that the Spanish Mastif did in some instances appear somewhat like a St. bernard. but larger, and with more varied colorations.
These could pass for a pair of those.

Yup, that is it, I mistakenly in my statement used St. Bernard b/c it struck me that way, but a Spanish Mastiff certainly can appear to look like one but they are different breeds and Joe has the right plate to which they based the figure on. Brad - take a look at Spanish Mastiffs and you will see the figure is very accurate to that breed of dog.

Tom, I really don’t see it, sorry. The models look like St. Bernards, not Spanish Mastiffs.
Spanish Mastiffs I found - to my eye they are similarities to St. Bernards and after looking at these photos they look like the plate and the figure I saw in person. I believe this is what they were trying to achieve. I should know my dog breeds better, but after thinking on the figure, these are certainly intended to be Mastiffs.

Tom, I looked at sites relating to Spanish Mastiffs last week and while I saw some examples that might have some slight resemblance to the dogs pictured in the model, the dogs in the model, in my opinion, look like St. Bernards’ and bear more resemblance to them than the Mastiffs.

I think we can move on from this question. At least, I plan to do so.
Tom, I looked at sites relating to Spanish Mastiffs last week and while I saw some examples that might have some slight resemblance to the dogs pictured in the model, the dogs in the model, in my opinion, look like St. Bernards’ and bear more resemblance to them than the Mastiffs.

I think we can move on from this question. At least, I plan to do so.

Actually interesting conversation, but yes we are beating a dead dog so to speak! But one thing I wonder if there would be less confusion if they had less "white" painted in the dogs and focused on the darker colors around the head and neck.

Yes, we probably are since I don’t know that much about dogs, and since I don’t I’m not stubborn enough to say I couldn’t be wrong. Moreover, I will almost definitely buy it, just to support their making Spanish themes. I hope one day they will make Ferdinand and Isabella. Maybe Columbus, while we’re at it.
Yes, we probably are since I don’t know that much about dogs, and since I don’t I’m not stubborn enough to say I couldn’t be wrong. Moreover, I will almost definitely buy it, just to support their making Spanish themes. I hope one day they will make Ferdinand and Isabella. Maybe Columbus, while we’re at it.

Great subjects in my book! I have to admit being a dog lover but obviously not a mastiff expert, I am still a sucker for most figures with dogs included! I guess they all can't be German Shepherds!

Great subjects in my book! I have to admit being a dog lover but obviously not a mastiff expert, I am still a sucker for most figures with dogs included! I guess they all can't be German Shepherds!


Right there with you regarding Dogs especially in my flight scenes! If only I could find a manufacturer to hook me up with some Chihuahuas!



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My recent purchase of 3 early gunpowder units:
Left: 14-15th Century Venetian Handgonner, EMI / painted by Silver Dream Studio (previously known as spbsouvenir)
Centre: War of the League of Cognac, Arquebusier from Della Rovere Family, La Meridiana / painted by Attica Studio
Right: 15th Century Late Burgandian Handgonner, AeroArt

Love the shield on the Venetian figure.

I have some nice figures from SB (Aleksey) over the years, they do a nice job. I also have had great luck with Denis S too. There are some good artisans out there for different subjects and kit projects.


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