One word only - Incredible. Holy smokes that is awesome!
That’s amazing Joe.
Truely stunning, there are no words good enough to describe the art work, unreal.:salute::, Robin.
Amazing Joe
Thank you Tom, Brad, Robin and Azi! I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. Every once in awhile I have to treat myself with a masterpiece from Olga. We had many discussions about the piece (or more like she endured my endless stream of ideas, lol), and she brought it to life far better than I ever could have wished for or imagined. She is a joy to work with in every regard. A companion piece will be added at some point in the future.
Joe, the work on this is beyond amazing, or any superlative that comes too mind. Somehow the word “amazing” feels inadequate. You could spend hours looking at it and I’m sure you have.
Can you tell us what country and period the figure represents. Is the figure on the top of his helmet supposed to represent a trophy of war, perhaps a Moor?
If you look at the prices here and here you can see the prices can be all over the place and these aren't custom made.
I didn't know there were Black Sails figures.
One word only - Incredible. Holy smokes that is awesome!
Incredible is right; good Lord, what a work of art.
You're a lucky guy Joe.
I think he is converting some to make them, will keep you posted!
Here's a 54mm Pegaso knight that Olga Kropotova painted for me. I love her work!