Reflections and thoughts on "P" (3 Viewers)

Grey is Grey so hopefully no Germans will be getting the "P" treatment i hope..................^&grin
What happens if a vehicle gets the "P"s done............................................................{eek3}
Grey is Grey so hopefully no Germans will be getting the "P" treatment i hope..................^&grin
What happens if a vehicle gets the "P"s done............................................................{eek3}

I guess the drivers of the vehicles will be young and inexperienced, on 'P' plates,{sm4}, Robin.
Your post is a hard one to reply to but I will give it a go and hope it does not come across the wrong

Anybody reading your post will have nothing but admiration for your hard work since aged 15. My son
had a great male nursary school teacher but even 14 years ago that was a rarity so I can appreciate
your comments about people taunting you and the rarity of a male in that job.

It is great that you are not into booze and drugs etc and certainly over your life your financial situation
and health will be much better for it. The fact you have been on this forum for years and can communicate
with the other members, your interest in history and plain common sense suggests to me your are a
mature 19 compared to others. It is obvious by what you say that you are a hardworking person

As you point out Andy has produced these new figures in response to demand. I agree it would be
best if they were the exact colour scheme as the previous ones and we will only be able to really tell
when people start seeing them together. However when saying he was going to produce more Arnhem
Andy did not say they would be at the same price point as the last Arnhem releases. Clearly they were
not going to be $32 based on other K&C WW2 releases in the last year that have been $42-44. In fact
if you go back it might be nearly 18 months since K&C did a WW2 camo figure (WS187 or BBG40 times,
happy to be corrected here).

As I indicated in my previous post compare the GI medics to the new Paras. It is obvious the Paras
would be harder to paint so it follows they would be more expensive than the GI's and certainly more
expensive than the last Paras. Some people are trying to analyse the "P" factor and what it may
be. I look at this another way. If an olive drab GI comes out at $42.50 based on current factory pricing
then in my mind I am not surprised a Para in cam smock is $55. I am not saying I am happy with the
jump or expect others to be but I can see the $12.50 difference. If the new Paras were $32 the GI buyers would be commenting why they are more expensive. When you compare the new $55 Arnhem to a $32 Arnhem I agree it becomes harder to understand as it is a very significant jump. To me any P factor is outweighed by the
China increasing prices factor.

As a dealer I can only think of 1 collector in his 20's (a single soldier on a decent income). My average age
collector would have to be close to 50. I have a group that come in Thursday nights and youngest is 45 and two of the others are over 50. I do have a few teenage collectors who are mainly spending their pocket money and getting them as gifts. One in particular would have a collection of about 60 figures built up over last three years. Like
you he is mature for his age. So a working 19 year old TS collector is indeed a rarity.

I totally get your concerns about the pricing particularly in view of your income. I can see your
enthusiasm and interest in history and collecting so dont take this as me having a go at you. Collecting TS's
is a luxury hobby and I know my average collector is probably on an above average income. However K&C can not
price their products to satisfy your particular affordability level. If they did they would go out of

I wish you all the best in your teaching and collecting.

Well put and I agree with all of it. But as for relevance, are you making the argument that in order for K&C to stay profitable, they need to produce (P) level figures? I don't think you are. So just how is making a profit and (P) tied together.

No Terry, i am not saying that K&C need to produce "P" figures to stay profitable. As i said in my previous post, the price increase is the result of multiple factors not just one factor (painting and detail) and the "P" could stand for a premium series to market the figures as being more exclusive. I think the old MG figures were last produced in 2008 so there is a big gap to when the new figures got produced. The new MG figures look very good in detail and i think they are better than the old figures so naturally the price increase is based on many factors namely the quality and detail, labour prices, raw materials, transportation etc being more expensive than when the old one's were last produced.

Another thing to consider is that K&C have not produced any new figures with camo clothing in a while (I am talking about Germans as well and i believe the last were Bulge Germans in late 2011), so the cost to paint figures with camo clothing would have to be more now compared to what they cost in years past. The detail and time involved to paint camo clothing is a lot more compared to painting plain clothing and you only have to make the comparison between the new G.I. medic and wounded figures (don’t have camo clothing) to the new MG figures which Brett has pointed out on the G.I.’s, is $42.50 when you price the figures individually (half the price of the pair being sold at $85). Perhaps the next lot of camo Jerries will be considerably more than the previous camo Jerries??

So getting back to this "P" thing, i think even if the figures were painted the same as the old figures (and having no “P”), we would have to expect a price rise, maybe not as high as the current prices, but a considerable price rise netherless. There are people that say they would prefer paying less for a MG figure that is not painted as well, but then you will have people that will say that the figures (if painted the same as the old figures) are too expensive compared to the old figures. Then you have people that want better quality and detail in the figures! Andy just cannot win!

No Terry, i am not saying that K&C need to produce "P" figures to stay profitable. As i said in my previous post, the price increase is the result of multiple factors not just one factor (painting and detail) and the "P" could stand for a premium series to market the figures as being more exclusive. I think the old MG figures were last produced in 2008 so there is a big gap to when the new figures got produced. The new MG figures look very good in detail and i think they are better than the old figures so naturally the price increase is based on many factors namely the quality and detail, labour prices, raw materials, transportation etc being more expensive than when the old one's were last produced.

Another thing to consider is that K&C have not produced any new figures with camo clothing in a while (I am talking about Germans as well and i believe the last were Bulge Germans in late 2011), so the cost to paint figures with camo clothing would have to be more now compared to what they cost in years past. The detail and time involved to paint camo clothing is a lot more compared to painting plain clothing and you only have to make the comparison between the new G.I. medic and wounded figures (don’t have camo clothing) to the new MG figures which Brett has pointed out on the G.I.’s, is $42.50 when you price the figures individually (half the price of the pair being sold at $85). Perhaps the next lot of camo Jerries will be considerably more than the previous camo Jerries??

So getting back to this "P" thing, i think even if the figures were painted the same as the old figures (and having no “P”), we would have to expect a price rise, maybe not as high as the current prices, but a considerable price rise netherless. There are people that say they would prefer paying less for a MG figure that is not painted as well, but then you will have people that will say that the figures (if painted the same as the old figures) are too expensive compared to the old figures. Then you have people that want better quality and detail in the figures! Andy just cannot win!

Tom you say all this but TG British paratroopers have not gone up in price and there wearing the same kit ! It only KC. Who put there prices up every month and all this about China labour cost going up why is it Figarti and TG prices are not rising every month when there figures are made in the same country:rolleyes2::wink2:^&confuse
You are talking about the detail of eyes and the end of the binoculars but yet in a discussion about a significant price rise you think rising Chinese wages and costs are not relevant to the issue. As I said to Scott in my
previous post my view is that any P factor there might be is outweighed by the China increasing prices factor.

Anyway as you suggest I will ask your expert opinion.

I dont want you to consider the P factor or any previously released WW2 figures.

Just compare the newly announced GI medics and the new Paras and assume made by the same factory.
The GI is priced at $42.50. With that in mind and from what you can see from available photos do you
think there is more or less work in the $55 Paras and if the answer is more is the extra $12.50 a
reasonable difference to cover that ?

Then in addition to that question consider if this point makes a difference if you were a Chinese factory
owner who sells his labour based on time or per piece.

I just looked at two different previous Arnhem figures (Standing Firing Sten and Firing sten from waist height) and compared two of each. It is clear the painters were under instructions to follow the scheme and in my opinion they
did a pretty good job following it. Now lets assume their instructions are the same for the new release and they have to follow the same pattern for all the identical figures. Does that make them more time consuming for a production
line to paint than if they were told here are the 3/4 cam colours paint your own version of the scheme ?
In my view that adds difficulty to the cam production line compared to those following the olive drab
pattern. Is my view reasonable ?

We don't know the answer to whether some figures in a range will be (P) only and if so, what proportion of a range will be (P). I would be surprised if the same figure was made *** (P) and as a regular figure too. The introduction of (P) adds a wild card factor to collecting a range like Arnhem where many of the figures are tied to historic soldiers and can't be substituted for.

The sooner K&C explain their thought on the P range and clear the air the better for all concerned.....surely it would be stupid to cease the standard MG and go P without the collectors having a choice...and upon reflection...the P thingo has divided MG into two separates collections now......their may be a .cunning plan somewhere here....we will have to wait and see...Cheers TomB

Ok I will play along. As I mentioned the medic sets. Look at the medic sets and look at the facial details including design and, how the face is painted. Shading detail etc are done to what I consider a good standard and, at the usual expected price which you stated.

Now look at the facial features of the Arnhem versions and there is no more extensive detail added to them from my perspective to warrant the increase here. These facial features which as anyone who knows are the most difficult part of a figure to do have not been done by anyone with more experience than who did these other figures.

What you fail to address is that irrespective of the pattern the figures are painted in a production line style where one painter has his part to paint and will lets say its an 8 hour shift paint nothing more than that. so, what you are doing is trying to establish that because these are P figures and have camo and are not just OD that they warrant the additional increased price on top.

In this system that is used here these figures will be reeled of at the same speed regardless of design and, in that sense as they are painted at speed (unlike when an individual sets forth on such a project) the only real issue would be drying times which, I am sure the factory has enhanced drying facilities.

So, in answer to your question I would actually say that they would probably take the same amount of effort to paint. I don't believe the assumption you make that these figures have cost the additional money as I have not seen anything which makes me believe that K&C have enhanced the painting style any more than what is on their already released figures in terms of paint style detail and quality. I note it says sculpts and paint style in the spiel but, again I would not see any difference in the way they have been moulded and, I would venture that the difference in the scale of the Sten gun is only down to the way that weapons in recent years have been getting nearer to the size they should be. Its not like K&C have had to re-invent the wheel to get the correct size gun as look at the assassination of Heydrich and the sten gun used then on the resistance figure, it was perfect in size in 2007.

As I mentioned other features make me think this is not a P range. Some I mentioned and some I did not but, look at the Para on bike for £76 why is the bike not more detailed look at what TG released in terms of Bikes if we are to pay £76 then where is the P detail of sculpts?

Brett I am just saying that IMO these figures have not raised the bar in the terms they have been labelled and, that there is no discernible difference in my mind with the experience I have and the way I look at a figure to see if its good bad or indifferent. If I could see a marked difference in these alleged P figures I would be on here saying these are stunning and are well worth the move but, I just don't see it and don't see the reason for the increased cost which, is putting people off.

I also don't think that the rather unnecessary and childish derogatory remarks about my painting ability are needed and, its rather strange considering the number of times you have actually commented positively on my painting and modelling skills before so, its rather obvious that this is an attempt to try and change the focus on what it really is for many collectors right across the board the rather strange labelling of the P figures and their price.

If the reason behind this is to say compete with FL as some have suggested (I don't agree with aero art as their WWII stuff for me is pants) then I think its not going to draw any of them away from that company especially when there is talk of Brit Para's coming from them. I also don't really believe that K&C has been inundated with requests for super detail as nearly 3,000 people worldwide here and its been very quiet on the subject. More detail yes but, I think K&C have been and have achieved that with what they are bringing out now at the £41/44 level. I can see a possible need for connoisseur figures (a term I don't particularly like as its used in an umbrella fashion) but, they should be as distinct from lets call it your bread and butter as possible. These simply are not and I can't see it doing any good for the K&C brand to further restrict your core collectors which, we hear constantly on here people further cutting back. This just can't help

You are talking about the detail of eyes and the end of the binoculars but yet in a discussion about a significant price rise you think rising Chinese wages and costs are not relevant to the issue. As I said to Scott in my
previous post my view is that any P factor there might be is outweighed by the China increasing prices factor.

Anyway as you suggest I will ask your expert opinion.

I dont want you to consider the P factor or any previously released WW2 figures.

Just compare the newly announced GI medics and the new Paras and assume made by the same factory.
The GI is priced at $42.50. With that in mind and from what you can see from available photos do you
think there is more or less work in the $55 Paras and if the answer is more is the extra $12.50 a
reasonable difference to cover that ?

Then in addition to that question consider if this point makes a difference if you were a Chinese factory
owner who sells his labour based on time or per piece.

I just looked at two different previous Arnhem figures (Standing Firing Sten and Firing sten from waist height) and compared two of each. It is clear the painters were under instructions to follow the scheme and in my opinion they
did a pretty good job following it. Now lets assume their instructions are the same for the new release and they have to follow the same pattern for all the identical figures. Does that make them more time consuming for a production
line to paint than if they were told here are the 3/4 cam colours paint your own version of the scheme ?
In my view that adds difficulty to the cam production line compared to those following the olive drab
pattern. Is my view reasonable ?

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Tom you say all this but TG British paratroopers have not gone up in price and there wearing the same kit ! It only KC. Who put there prices up every month and all this about China labour cost going up why is it Figarti and TG prices are not rising every month when there figures are made in the same country:rolleyes2::wink2:^&confuse


I kinda expected someone to raise this point and in my view the TG para's are not in the same league quality wise compared to the K&C Para's. I have viewed them in the flesh and decided not to buy them. The TG German and U.S. figures are good but there is a lot more that you have to take into account when you talk about how TG operates their business. I cannot say what that is on here but it is different. The same goes for Figarti. We could go down this road of comparing brands and their figure costs (FL for example) but then every company has a different business model and how they operate.


I kinda expected someone to raise this point and in my view the TG para's are not in the same league quality wise compared to the K&C Para's. I have viewed them in the flesh and decided not to buy them. The TG German and U.S. figures are good but there is a lot more that you have to take into account when you talk about how TG operates their business. I cannot say what that is on here but it is different. The same goes for Figarti. We could go down this road of comparing brands and their figure costs (FL for example) but then every company has a different business model and how they operate.


Tom my point was other company have made British paras and not charge extra for painting them so don't think you can give that as a reason why the new KC paras are more expensive can you and the figures before we're not .
Cheers scott for cleaning up and getting the thread back on track
You K&C followers have a real dilemma on your hands. I have found my answers to collecting else ware, so none of this bothers me. Although I was excited when Andy stated he was doing an upscale line, but this is not what I expected. I think the answer to this dilemma is simple, other manufacturers have already paved the way onto the, for lack of a better word, upscale end of the hobby. Upscale consists of many factors, superior paint of course, superior sculpting and proper proportion within the figure and a size / scale that is proper in relation to AFV's. K&C actually does not have to do anything, they have a following that will blindly buy anything they produce, but I for one would love to see what they can do in the "Upscale" end of the hobby. So simply they should do an "Upscale" line which would consist of the factors I mentioned above.....And for $55....Alex
You K&C followers have a real dilemma on your hands. I have found my answers to collecting else ware, so none of this bothers me. Although I was excited when Andy stated he was doing an upscale line, but this is not what I expected. I think the answer to this dilemma is simple, other manufacturers have already paved the way onto the, for lack of a better word, upscale end of the hobby. Upscale consists of many factors, superior paint of course, superior sculpting and proper proportion within the figure and a size / scale that is proper in relation to AFV's. K&C actually does not have to do anything, they have a following that will blindly buy anything they produce, but I for one would love to see what they can do in the "Upscale" end of the hobby. So simply they should do an "Upscale" line which would consist of the factors I mentioned above.....And for $55....Alex


Since you did not say what other manufacturers you are referring to, it is hard for us to judge.

I collect mainly K&C and FL. I like each of these two manufacturers for some of their ranges. It does not stop at just the sculpt, color. It includes the durability, theme, the historical significance, the variety, the sustainability of its value and the continuity. My budget is fixed and allocated to what I like and what are the critical buys. There is no dilemma. And rightly put, we are in the 40 - 60 age group.

Sometimes, there is also a preference for quirky K&C sets and this is where we like the mfr for what its worth and its willingness to experiment with ideas and unchartered territory, e.g. Nuts, Patton, Cossacks, Light Horse, irregardless of the final commercial outcome.

To put a comment into this part of the forum that we blindly buy anything that they produce is rather insulting and derogatory. We have seen from time to time that certain experimental range are slow movers commercially. So, we buy what we like and what we can afford.

The key is always that if you are a collector, you must enjoy what you are collecting. Buy what you enjoy and can afford, that is it. There are some Russian sculpts of Crusaders that I would love to have but it is not in my league. For whatever it is, if it is in your league and it turns you on every night, enjoy it, buy it. It is not neccesary to say that the collectors here buy blindly.

does anybody have a real clue about how much labor cost really are in china. 2yrs ago at the chicago show a dozen of us went out to eat with the figarti folks where alot of cost were discussed, whether to stamp the production number on product and such and after dinner of few of us were amazed to have learned how miniscule the cost of labor and production was for a figure. then you here how the most sought after jobs in china is working for a company i think was called fusion. they build parts for the i phone. these people work at a factory and live on sight in barracks with 200,000 othe people. work 6 12hour days a week and if i recall correctly they were make either $182 a week or a month. either way it was very little by our standards and this particular job is one of the most sought after in china. so how much can kc really be paying their production people ? what does it really cost per figure? $2 or $3 dollars and retail is $55. maybe i am really off base but maybe not. everybody is entitled to a profit but not to the point of killing off a great hobby. granted kc is really responsible for making this a great hobby the last 15yrs. maybe i am living in a dream world but i wish the price issues would settle down so we could get back to talking about toy soldiers and history
The rising labor costs in China is probably just the tip of the iceberg. Everything else that it takes to run a business has gone up as well. Raw materials, advertising, shipping, packaging, warehouse space, fuel, beer.
The rising labor costs in China is probably just the tip of the iceberg. Everything else that it takes to run a business has gone up as well. Raw materials, advertising, shipping, packaging, warehouse space, fuel, beer.

That the Same for all the company's

Since you did not say what other manufacturers you are referring to, it is hard for us to judge.

I collect mainly K&C and FL. I like each of these two manufacturers for some of their ranges. It does not stop at just the sculpt, color. It includes the durability, theme, the historical significance, the variety, the sustainability of its value and the continuity. My budget is fixed and allocated to what I like and what are the critical buys. There is no dilemma. And rightly put, we are in the 40 - 60 age group.

Sometimes, there is also a preference for quirky K&C sets and this is where we like the mfr for what its worth and its willingness to experiment with ideas and unchartered territory, e.g. Nuts, Patton, Cossacks, Light Horse, irregardless of the final commercial outcome.

To put a comment into this part of the forum that we blindly buy anything that they produce is rather insulting and derogatory. We have seen from time to time that certain experimental range are slow movers commercially. So, we buy what we like and what we can afford.

The key is always that if you are a collector, you must enjoy what you are collecting. Buy what you enjoy and can afford, that is it. There are some Russian sculpts of Crusaders that I would love to have but it is not in my league. For whatever it is, if it is in your league and it turns you on every night, enjoy it, buy it. It is not neccesary to say that the collectors here buy blindly.


Of all of the manufacturers K&C does have sort of a mystique or cult, that is what I mean by blindly, K&C loyalists will not even consider another product. Notice the violent reaction if someone expresses an opinion that is not favorable to K&C. Where as some of us will consider the various choices. K&C got me into this hobby and as I grew my taste changed so I explored. I come from 1/35th scale modeling roots and I started to see manufacturer's that suited my taste better. K&C is a quality product and I still have a lot of it, but it still has that toy soldier feel which most collectors enjoy, and at this time I don't. That is why when Andy said he was doing another line he got my attention...What could K&C do if they entered that market, what they did so far didn't cut it, but with a little more effort it could happen. I would like to see it. So I am enthused at this prospect especially if they could do it around $55. No K&C bashing here just exploring some interesting possibilities stemming from Andy's own words. That is all I am saying....Then I will go on my merry way enjoying the hobby as I see fit, I worship no manufacturer, and I spend my money with companies that make what I am into as we all should do. Alex
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That the Same for all the company's

Actually, it's not. The difference between King & Country's overhead, compared to a company's like TG, is huge. That is why TG can sell cheaper than K & C. When you sell no more than 100 sets of an item and the catalogue is not as deep as K & C's, you can afford to sell at a lower price and draw off sales.
Actually, it's not. The difference between King & Country's overhead, compared to a company's like TG, is huge. That is why TG can sell cheaper than K & C. When you sell no more than 100 sets of an item and the catalogue is not as deep as K & C's, you can afford to sell at a lower price and draw off sales.

Brad I bet KC profit margin bigger than TG as well:wink2:I would be happy with a plain box and cheaper figures to be honest and with KC being in the business this long I bet they get better deals then TG as well as they have bigger buying power

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