Shannon Reuss - 1970-2015 (1 Viewer)


My sincere condolences to you and your family for this tragic loss.

Beside that, the Toy Soldier World/Hobby has lost a true Ambassador.
Shannon initiated the implementation of a world spanning network place, where an international crowd can join together and share their passion for this wonderful hobby.
This will never be forgotten and I hope we all will do her proud in the future.

Rest In Peace, Shannon!

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A life well lived is hard to miss, when friends and family mourn so deep.

And Shannon’s life touched us, with the Tree Frog business, toy soldier figures, and this forum, which unites us all.

Although I did not meet her, she did meet me, by selling me desired toy soldiers with shipping so free.

So in appreciation for her life’s charge, I dedicate this picture of Victory reigning over Mourning.

To remind us all that what we pursue for our happiness leaves loving memories long after the flesh has gone.

I have always appreciated Shannon’s touch upon my passion, of toy soldiers, history, and scale photography.

And I do consider myself lucky to have found a business that cares and of course this great forum where all of us can share.

Cheers Shannon Ruess, and may your journey be swift, and know you are well thought of, with each toy soldier picture we take

In Mourning.JPG

Peter Hanchett (Hussar4Hussies)
I am so sorry to hear of her passing but can feel a little better knowing that she is with the LORD and receiving all HIS comfort and love.
My warmest wishes to you Pete, and all of your family. Shannon was a part of everyone who ever visited this forum.

God bless and keep you,
Larry Allen
This is such terribly sad news. Shannon was a lovely person and bore her long fight with admirable strength and fortitude. She did so much for this place and will be sorely missed. I sent my deepest sympathy and condolences to Peter and family in what must be an awful time for them

Peter; my sincere condolences. Shannon was a very gracious and creative lady.
She has trancended pain and sleeps in eternal light.
She will be fondley remembered by all who knew her.

James Hutchisson
My hearts goes out to you at this sad time. Shannon left behind an incredible legacy in the hobby.
Everyone, past and present, at Kings X sends their sincere condolences and prayers to you and Ben.

Amber & the entire Kings X Toy Soldiers team
May Her Kind & Loving Spirit Comfort Those Who Have Gone On Before Her


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Dear Pete,
I am glad to have had the privilege of meeting her. It`s a loss for the entire TS community. Please accept my condolences to you and your family. May God bless all of you.
This saddens me immensely. Sincerest condolences to the Reuss family.

My heartfelt condolences to you all at this sad time. Shannon was a lovely lady who has done a lot for this hobby and will be greatly missed by everyone who visited this forum. My thoughts and prayers are with you all
I've been out of town and just learned the news; very saddened both by the loss - and the fact I never had the privilege of meeting her in person. But in this time, may we be comforted by the fact that our loss is her gain. My prayers are with her family.

My sincerest condolences to you and your son. Shannon was such a lovely lady.

Thanking of you and the family, during this incredably difficult time Peter, god bless.
While not unexpected, it's always sad to lose someone who has been such a boon to the hobby. Shannon will not be forgotten.

Bosun Al

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