Stalingrad 1942-43 (1 Viewer)

Really nice.

who's stug?

That is a FL Stug that was sent to the BSP shops for overhaul

Frank I would love to collaborate with a storyline, but we dont know the battle that well. The pic with the trucks is super cool.

Did they fight at night at all ?
The heat of battle

That is a FL Stug that was sent to the BSP shops for overhaul

Frank I would love to collaborate with a storyline, but we dont know the battle that well. The pic with the trucks is super cool.

Did they fight at night at all ?

That could be fun, so much material to work with. You can start at June 28 1942 with the launch of "Fall Blau" right through the offical start of the battle of Stalingrad, August 23 1942 with the massive aerial bombardment followed by 5 months of brutal combat culminating in the surrender of 6.Armee. Some of the winter releases will also work well for Manstein's counterstroke at the third battle of Kharkov (Feb 19 1943 - Mar 15 1943).

I think it's safe to say some of this combat took place at night.
WOW....Amazing Photographic Skills:salute::.....Really Great....Thanks for Posting
Frank I would love to collaborate with a storyline, but we dont know the battle that well.

1942 was an interesting year. Stalin, expecting a German summer offensive toward Moscow, concentrated his forces from Voronezh to Leningrad to block it, and sent his southern Army under Timoshenko to launch a spoiling attack againt AG South. However, Hitler planned for a southern offensive, and Timoshenko attacked right into the mass of the German army at Kharkov in May, and got annihilated. AG South had the best units & equipment of the German army at the time. All the panzer divs in AG Center & North were stripped of a Pz battalion which got sent to AG South units to create 3 Pz Battalion Pz Divs, and also give a Pz battalion to each motorized infantry div. In addition, nearly all of the new high velocity Pz III/IV models were in AG South. When Blue got rolling, the Germans owned the battlefield that summer given their new 75L40 weapons in PzIV, Marders & towed weapons. Stalin launched a large tank battle at Voronezh by striking AG Souths left flank & got chopped up.

Hitler burned up his precious fuel that summer by zigzagging his panzers across the Ukraine chasing Red Army phantoms. When the Red Army body count was so low, he convinced himself that the Red Army was finally depleted & split his force in two, one towards Stalingrad, the other towards Baku.

The whole offensive was plagued by supply/fuel shortages & Stalin had just enough time to reinforce Stalingrad, now a pile of rubble as Frank mentioned above, and the Caucasus mountain passes.

Privately, Stalin was pretty spooked when he found out that DDAY/42 wasn't going to happen, and FDR/Churchill thought the USSR would be gone by Xmas. Churchill sent Bomber Command to the Middle East to prepare to torch the Caucasus oil facilities if needed. Turkey started massing troops on the border & it was generally understood that they would declare war if Stalingrad had fell.

As the prolonged urban fight got underway in the city, Stalin noticed Hungarians, Romanians & Italians on the 6th Army flanks, put 2 & 2 together, and did an encirclement on Paulus. The encirclement went well because the fire brigade behind the Romanians (22PD) was short of fuel, & their tanks were in poor mechanical shape the morning of the they got overrun. Had they been doing proper maintenance, there is a good chance that the encirclement would have failed because the southern arm of the Red Army pincer, while it got through the Romanians OK, ran into serious problems with the 29 mot. ID blocking force. But since the northern arm was bearing down on them, the 29th had to give up the fight & join the Kessel.

There was a critical period of a few days where Paulus could have improved his defensive position by partly withdrawing to Rostov; he would have had the Don river protecting his right flank, and the Volga protecting his left (both still unfrozen), and could have escaped the noose. But Hitler kept him where he was & the rest it pretty well known. The army basically fought on, but gradually faded away from malnourishment & lack of ammo, never formally surrendering. Several thousand Germans lived in the sewers for several months after the last pocket was overrun, and lived underground while their comrades were put to work rebuilding the city.
You guys really have this Stalingrad thing down to a science..........I love your passion....BSP's passion lies in the West.......We will do our best to contribute....but Franks work alone is enough for an impressive presentation......You have peaked our interest in the subject matter though. :wink2: Alex
Hallo Firebat ,
Very nice additions to the thread {bravo}}, You really did a nice job showcasing some of First Legions Stalingrad line and the additional weathering looks GREAT IMO . Your Fantastic Dio's are IMO made even better with the inclusion of FL's fine products, I'm really looking forward to future post with new release from this and possible other theatres of operations .. Thanks for sharing regards Gebhard
You guys really have this Stalingrad thing down to a science..........I love your passion....BSP's passion lies in the West.......We will do our best to contribute....but Franks work alone is enough for an impressive presentation......You have peaked our interest in the subject matter though. :wink2: Alex

The lack of intelligence on both sides was stark in 1942. After AG South destroyed Timoshenko at Kharkov in May, there were few substantial Red forces left in the south. German intelligence never picked that up & just as Hitler detoured in 1941 by driving on Kiev & throwing away his big chance at Moscow & a political collapse, he detoured again in 1942 by driving around looking for Stalin's reserves & thus lost his opportunity at the prizes of Stalingrad & Baku. By not finding the reserves, Hitler concluded that the Red Army was finished & drove on his objectives too late, and without proper consideration of the new logistical challenges...chiefly his now lack of fuel. Same as Typhoon the previous year. Actually, Typhoon was a lack of everything.

Stalin on the other hand was sweating bullets & was keeping his reserves near Moscow, and only after week after week of Hitler driving back & forth across the Ukraine did he realize that the South was the true intention. If Hitler has listened to his commanders, they would have driven on Stalingrad & Baku immediately, and settled in for the winter.

Whether or not Baku could have been taken is unsure, but it is sure that the Germans could have taken Stalingrad, Rostov, Astrakhan, and probably Maikop. Even if they didn't capture the major oil facilities further south that year, Stalin would have been denied them anyway as the river & rail conduits to them would have been cut. Plus the peoples of the Terek were extremely pro-German & there would have been little partisan activity unlike elsewhere. Stalingrad would have been a German fortress that winter protecting their southern flank, the Red Army would have been kept out of the Caucasus mountains & in the open. Stalin would have had less fuel for 1943, but more importantly, the German 6th & 4th Panzer armies would still have existed, and even more significantly, German confidence would have been preserved, & that of the Red Army would still have been in the dumps. But every Napoleon has his Waterloo as they say.
Planting the Charges


The "Trigger" man across the street with some buddys for protection

Great shot, Ivan is in for a nasty surprise.

I thought some of you might like to see a few before and after aerial pictures of sections of the city.

Downtown including "Fallen Fighters Square" and the Univermag department store.



North of downtown including Pavlov's house and the grain mill.



The Barrikady gun factory



Closeup in the vicinity of the Barrikady showing the worker settlements (left side of picture). Note, the level of destruction.


Nice photo's Frank thanks for posting them.Mike B Firebat great dio.really looks real.
With some labels for those who read Chuikovs book (Train Station, Crocodile Statue, Theatre, Nail Factory, Paulus last HQ,)
Stal Labels.jpg
I have to say again I love the passion of this thread....Nick and I are really getting excited about The East.......We love to be associated with those who have a passion and who treat or hobby as a realistic military modeling art form not toy soldiers.

We want to forge ahead into a new dimension and be associated with those who are not tunnel visioned regarding this hobby. Most manufacturers are giving us the warewithal to pursue this line of thinknng.......So lets do it
Here's one of the most interesting pics whose local I've been able to pin down

Debris Aerial.jpg
Firebat and Frank have both put up some great pics/dios on this thread, I love Franks work of the camera and outside shots and love the down and dirty look of Firebats dio setting, keep up the show fellows I'm sure it will only get better...Sammy
The 24.Panzer-Division was formed in November 1941 in Stablack/Ostpreußen (East Prussia) from the 1.Kavallerie-Division. in April 1942 the division moved to France to complete its training and in June it deployed to the vicinity of Kursk to take part in "Fall Blau". These pictures represent elements of Schützen-Regiment 21 training in a French village just prior to leaving for the east. The division maintained a number of aspects of its cavalry heritage including its "Leaping Horseman" unit emblem, retention of the golden yellow waffenfabre and use of the term "Schwadron" to describe its Panzer companies.




The following map shows the planned deployment of a number of units prior to the beginning of "Fall Blau" (June 28) including 24.Panzer-Division. Note the planned arrival dates for each unit.


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OK we are in on this Crusade of the East....Keep the research up.....we will try to catch up as best as possible......We would like some scenario ideas if those who are interested could
help us out....Pictures or a description of the scenario would be great. Keeping in mind the products available.

I wonder if we could eventually reorganize under the Diodramas section....Because we will have the Figarti stuff to work with shortly, which looks outstanding, and of course some K&C
stuff, which is not up to speed in the type detail we are trying to achieve here though. Or do you want to go all FL...

What are your thoughts ? .................. Alex

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