I'm waiting for his Alamo diorama should be a work of art.
Hi Alex
Just catching up with the posts after my Christmas bash in the US.
Yeah! the Alamo dio is still coming along albeit painfully slow- as we discussed eons ago I had already completed a small static dio-similar but nowhere near your shelf masterpiece. I wanted to take a break from the ACW to concentrate on telling the Alamo story but some of my neo civil war colleagues were clamouring for the next episode.
However, I have spent the last six months or so thoroughly researching the story-Travis had perhaps 190 men to hold the Alamo in the face of an overwhelming superior foe-and they were all killed. In telling the story accurately with figures rather than just an expanded static display that fact gave me a major problem. Neither K&C or Conte produced any Texian casualties/dead figures and very few Mexican.
What to do? Using some of my Reb and Yank figures as templates I knocked up some scale drawings and got a dozen of them cast/commissioned here in the UK which is taking forever-I also wanted them professionally painted-I'm OK with the ACW but dont have that same knowledge for clothes/equipment/weapons etc of 1836 era.
The first batch arrived just before Christmas and the attached pics may interest you- I'm quite pleased with them and deliberately sized them between Conte and K&C they fit well at about 59mm.
This soldado was originally a conversion of an old Britains Union casualty but was a classic failure it just didn't work out-however I did like the pose of taking a hit in the leg so I got him recast using the original torso to form the mold.
But here is a conversion that appears to be going OK although far from finished- Using a Del Prado Wild West Mexican-removing the colt/gun belt and Winchester replacing with a sabre turned him into an irregular Mexican (of which there were many in Antonio Santa Anna's army) A bit gruesome as he will be carrying a Tennessean head in his other hand that he has just cut off-bloody but authentic as Mexican officers reports state that at least four Texians were beheaded during that desperate final one and half hour fight.
So Alex that's the story so far and still awaiting for the rest of them plus a few dead bodies to just scatter around the scenes-I'll get there but I dont know when-meanwhile on with The Battle of Spotsylvania.