The American Civil War Diaries (5 Viewers)


Great Stuff ! Always a joy to read ! :D

I might have to go out there this weekend and check out the Battlefield !

Look forward to the next chapter.

Regards, Ron
Wow!!! Lovely stuff Reb. I have to admit that its my first time looking at your work. Guess i don't really venture into the "Civil War" parts of this forum. Excellent photography and camera angles. The work you've put into your dioramas, in particular, the landscaping of the entire Spotsylvania CH crossroads is simply sensational!!! I'm a fan!!!
Excellent Reb, again the light effect is unbelievable.

Can't believe i haven't looked....And the smoke and explosions!!!! Outstanding!!!! Whats the trade secret there Reb? :D
The lead squadron of Brig.Gen Wesley Merritt's 1st Union Cavalry Division came into Spotsylvania at the gallop.
Stuart's cavalry opened fire as they reached the courthouse area-the men in blue, believing this only to be local militia reacted quickly- determined to drive this rabble from the strategic crossroads.


Returning fire and with swords drawn the planned Union sweeping of an expected part-time soldier force swiftly became a fierce fire-fight


They very swiftly realised these were not local militia- this was Confederate cavalry-Stuart's cavalry- and fighting exactly like their demonic reputation


Merritt had always boasted to his officers that he thought his cavalry could "fight anywhere except at sea" But this position being lined with stonewalls restricted the manouvreability of mounted troops and was fast becoming a trap. And behind those stonewalls were dozens of Reb rifles pouring a blistering salvo into the horse-soldiers.


The hand to hand fighting was savage-gone was all sense of humanity. This was combat at it's ugliest. Although Confederate cavalry combat doctrine usually favored the pistol over the sword, and especially if engaged whilst dis-mounted, at this close quarter the Rebs slashed furiously at the mounted men in blue using saber and Springfields fitted with bayonet.


The Reb cavalrymen rushed at the Union troopers horses grappling for the reins in an attempt to unseat them. The men in blue cut and thrust with their sabers valiantly trying to extricate themselves from the clutches of these yelling wouldbe killers.


As the battle raged General Stuart quickly scribbled a message which read.
General Lee
I have encountered enemy cavalry advancing on Spotsylvania Courthouse. I have dismounted my men and am holding my ground. However, my scouts report that two divisions of whom I believe to be Warren's V Corps to be also advancing swiftly along the Brock Road. I am in desperate need of infantry and artillery support if I am to hold this position.
JEB Stuart

Passing the message to his aide Major Tyreen- Stuart said
"Major! Locate General Lee and deliver this message with my compliments and Major-ride like the wind".


As Stuart watched Tyreen ride off a large proportion of the Federal mounted combat had subsided into a dismounted fight-now all they had to do was hold until their infantry arrived.
Exactly the same plan as Stuart's.


Bob, Looks the business as usual. :)

It just goes to show that different manufacturers figures can be used together to great effect (and that the slight size difference isn’t that important).

Hi Reb,

Once again, you've hit the ball out of the park with your outstanding diorama! You are one of the very select few who manage to set the bar at the highest level. I love your work!

However, I have a question. Since your dioramas are so incredibly impressive, how can you find the internal strength to dismantle one? I realize you have immortalized it with your photography, but if I could build such a display, I do not think I could ever muster the motivation to disassemble it.

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
General Richard Anderson was now commander of the Confederate First Corps following the wounding and now incapacitated Longstreet- His infantry were one mile from the court house when they heard musket fire in the distance.

A courier came galloping up the road-it was Major Tyreen-Seeing Anderson he reined his horse to a stop and reported the situation ahead and that General Stuart had given him a message to deliver to General Lee.


Anderson then spoke to Tyreen

"Major, General Lee is someway behind my Corps riding with General Ewell's Second. When you locate him add this to Gen Stuart's message".

"My First Corps will be at the court house within fifteen minutes and will support Gen Stuart's brigades and engage the enemy. Respectfully, Dick Anderson"


Anderson rode to the front of his army and addressed the officer of the lead regiment

"Colonel, you will advance the regiments at the double quick"

The Colonel immediately shouted out the order and it quickly passed down the long line regiment by regiment and they began their run to support their beleagured colleagues


A little over fifteen minutes later the lead regiments poured onto the court house crossroads


As the Confederate regiments raced by a few of Stuart's cavalrymen raised their flags and kepi's cheering wildly at this mass of support that had suddenly appeared.


The Confederates hit the road junction en masse-driving the Union troops away from their hastily thrown together breastworks forcing them to retreat all the way back to their second line of defense.


On a ridge overlooking the court house Grant, Meade and Grant's aide Colonel Porter watched as Anderson's Corps easily repulsed the Union troops. Grant watched the sun set on another day of bloodshed, Lee had won the race to Spotsylvania by mere minutes. But the Union Commander in Chief now had Lee and his whole army where he wanted him-out of the Wilderness and in the open.

Grant turned to Porter

"Colonel, my compliments to General Sedgewick and ask him to join me in my quarters. It's time I believe to find out how Lee fares against Uncle John and his Fighting Sixth!"

Fantastic stuff Bob; what a superb start to the weekend you have provided with your latest chapter. It was well worth the wait and, as always, very much appreciated and not a little envied. Besides being drawn into your absorbing drama, I can't help being continually amazed by your photography and scenery development. It is clear that you spend a great deal of time placing the figures and scenery and taking and choosing just the right shots and text to advance the story line. Those who are in awe, salute you and look forward (with much anticipation and too little patience) to the next episode.
Sniff...Sniff...Sniff :( :( - It is so beautiful to look at all those wonderful Rebels together - it makes you want to cry.

Oh the lovely sight of THOUSANDS OF REBEL TOY SOLDIERS ! ...LOL :D

UK REB - You Are the MAN ! What a wonderful diodrama - and what a collection you have of Civil War Toy Soldiers !! :eek: :eek:

Thanks - What a great way to start the morning !

With the Highest Regards,

Gen. CapitolRon
1st Confederate Army of the District of Columbia ! ;)
General Richard Anderson was now commander of the Confederate First Corps following the wounding and now incapacitated Longstreet- His infantry were one mile from the court house when they heard musket fire in the distance.

A courier came galloping up the road-it was Major Tyreen-Seeing Anderson he reined his horse to a stop and reported the situation ahead and that General Stuart had given him a message to deliver to General Lee.


Anderson then spoke to Tyreen

"Major, General Lee is someway behind my Corps riding with General Ewell's Second. When you locate him add this to Gen Stuart's message".

"My First Corps will be at the court house within fifteen minutes and will support Gen Stuart's brigades and engage the enemy. Respectfully, Dick Anderson"


Anderson rode to the front of his army and addressed the officer of the lead regiment

"Colonel, you will advance the regiments at the double quick"

The Colonel immediately shouted out the order and it quickly passed down the long line regiment by regiment and they began their run to support their beleagured colleagues


A little over fifteen minutes later the lead regiments poured onto the court house crossroads


As the Confederate regiments raced by a few of Stuart's cavalrymen raised their flags and kepi's cheering wildly at this mass of support that had suddenly appeared.


The Confederates hit the road junction en masse-driving the Union troops away from their hastily thrown together breastworks forcing them to retreat all the way back to their second line of defense.


On a ridge overlooking the court house Grant, Meade and Grant's aide Colonel Porter watched as Anderson's Corps easily repulsed the Union troops. Grant watched the sun set on another day of bloodshed, Lee had won the race to Spotsylvania by mere minutes. But the Union Commander in Chief now had Lee and his whole army where he wanted him-out of the Wilderness and in the open.

Grant turned to Porter

"Colonel, my compliments to General Sedgewick and ask him to join me in my quarters. It's time I believe to find out how Lee fares against Uncle John and his Fighting Sixth!"


Bob, not bad! :rolleyes::D Are you absolutely sure that you don't won't to try Napoleonic’s? We’ll have a little chat about this over that pint I owe you at the March show ;)

Simply wow!!!, is there going to be a follow up on how the Sixth Corps did?

Can't wait for the next installment.
That one shot with all of those Rebs is just fantastic. The background is wonderfully set and seems the perfect size for the figures. Outstanding work. It seems the master is advancing in his skills.:)
Nice job again Bob. Curious as to who makes the Grant figure?

CONTE - makes the Gen. Grant figure.

I have a big mixture like UK Reb of Conte, Britians, CS and King & Country in my collection. They do go well together.

You can find a Conte Civil War piece usually priced very cheap on Ebay if you watch carefully - people usually just dump them.

CONTE has some fine CW figures in my opinion.

Once again Revb great work. I note some K and C and some Conte SOS in that lot.They seem to all work well together.
Just awe-inspiring. Your trees and ground are very well put together, and like Ron said, you have a terrific collection of soldiers. It certainly helps to have such a vast array of guys to use in the dioramas, and when you mass them it really looks tremendous. The best thing though is your talent for arranging them in these wonderful settings and then photographing them so well. I had just become more of a WWII collector a few months back (having been only CW before). Then I saw all of your work and nearly doubled my CW collection in the last 6 months. My wife thanks you, I am sure.
Very nice, I look forward to each chapter. Your narrative is always excellent and your dioramas are great. You do a great job blending all of the figures from differnet manufacturs. I found myself going back to the beginnning of the thread again.
Superb Reb, this great amount of soldiers together is very impressed.

Nice job my friend.


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