Things that annoy me (5 Viewers)

Porch Pirates this time of year, check out what happened to one and only in Polk County Florida do they actually catch them, I am moving there!!! Too funny, don't judge on the source link, it is a funny and great article, enjoy!

Florida porch pirate stole packages, planned to re-gift them for Christmas (


There's a video clip circulating of a homeowner who caught one and pulled an AR-15 on him. The thief's attitude went from brazen to very respectful in a split second.

I wonder if anyone has tried rigging the equivalent of a dye pack as a booby trap for the thieves.

Probably illegal and get the home owner in trouble, but it's fun to think about.

The Comcast online TV guide telling me that certain movies are "free to me" only to click on them to be told that I need a subscription. Peacock movies are the worst because some are apparently free, but most are by subscription only. Want to watch the new Exorcist movie? It's free to me according to Comcast. Nope. The multi-billion-dollar Comcast provider doesn't use technology capable of making that distinction. I could probably find a couple of local high school kids who could rig something up in about five minutes to fix this but then they would probably form a union and drive Comcast out of business.
The Comcast online TV guide telling me that certain movies are "free to me" only to click on them to be told that I need a subscription. Peacock movies are the worst because some are apparently free, but most are by subscription only. Want to watch the new Exorcist movie? It's free to me according to Comcast. Nope. The multi-billion-dollar Comcast provider doesn't use technology capable of making that distinction. I could probably find a couple of local high school kids who could rig something up in about five minutes to fix this but then they would probably form a union and drive Comcast out of business.

I say this every month my cable bill comes in; what am I getting for this rip off price, we don't have Cinemax or Starz or whatever it's called; when I scroll through the guide, any movie I remotely am interested in is on either of those channels, night after night there literally is nothing on cable I want to watch.

Biggest rip off going...............
Am I the only one who likes Dr. Pepper? At least a few times a year......but not much of a soda drinker unless traveling now!Pretty sure the cans and bottles in the garage fridge are probably expired ^&grinJulie

Yes, you're the only one. :tongue:
I say this every month my cable bill comes in; what am I getting for this rip off price, we don't have Cinemax or Starz or whatever it's called; when I scroll through the guide, any movie I remotely am interested in is on either of those channels, night after night there literally is nothing on cable I want to watch.

Biggest rip off going...............

All the movies I want to watch are on those obscure streaming channels that take five minutes to load and then has a commercial every two minutes. Like something out of the Soviet Union circa 1955. Maddening. I do like the politically incorrect movie selections on Tubi. Lots of crazy stuff from the 60s and 70s. Women in prison, Blacula, crazy foreign films. You name it.
Comcast says you get all these channels but a lot of them are duplicates as some are in HD and some are SD and some are Spanish. Then you have all these music channels which I can listen to music on all different platforms.
Comcast says you get all these channels but a lot of them are duplicates as some are in HD and some are SD and some are Spanish. Then you have all these music channels which I can listen to music on all different platforms.

Other than news and sports, I don't watch any movie or TV program in real time as it airs. Use the DVR or On Demand feature which are great. The music channels on Comcast are awful. I have satellite radio and listen to that all the time but can't stand the music that airs on Comcast stations. You can eliminate the duplicate channels on the guide by selecting HD only. At least you don't have scroll through them twice. Overall, I'm pretty satisfied with Comcast getting telephone, Internet, and TV but it is expensive and apparently a dying business model. They aren't cutting anyone slack on the price.
Right now, the biggest thing driving me crazy is that broad from the Lume deodorant commercials- every **** time commercials come on I gotta sit through her hawking that crap. It's gross and she's annoying- go away! I don't need to see you rub this crap all over your armpits, *** crack, underboob and wherever the hell else you think it needs to go.
Right now, the biggest thing driving me crazy is that broad from the Lume deodorant commercials- every **** time commercials come on I gotta sit through her hawking that crap. It's gross and she's annoying- go away! I don't need to see you rub this crap all over your armpits, *** crack, underboob and wherever the hell else you think it needs to go.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner. This commercial also makes my #1 position for most obnoxious ever made. I hit the 'last channel' button whenever it airs. -- Al
Iron Eyes Cody. He was the epitome of the American Indian and was in many movies and the iconic Keep America Beautiful tv commercial. Just found out he was entirely of Italian descent. Another illusion gone.
I dropped cable 15 years ago, and do not regret it. It took me five years to work up to it, too. You realize what an addiction it is, when you try to break the habit.

I had gotten tired of paying a hundred dollars a month for channels I didn't want. I anticipated the situation we have today, with streaming and subscription, it just hadn't quite emerged yet.

I tried Netflix briefly, in their beginnings, but dealing with actual CDs, having to send them back or find a collection box, was a pain. And even the minimum subscription-2 discs out at any given time-was more than I watched. So I dropped that, too.

Instead, I added to my library things I wanted to watch, and knew I would watch them over and over. The money I saved on cable subscriptions pays for such things.

I dropped cable 15 years ago, and do not regret it. It took me five years to work up to it, too. You realize what an addiction it is, when you try to break the habit.

I had gotten tired of paying a hundred dollars a month for channels I didn't want. I anticipated the situation we have today, with streaming and subscription, it just hadn't quite emerged yet.

I tried Netflix briefly, in their beginnings, but dealing with actual CDs, having to send them back or find a collection box, was a pain. And even the minimum subscription-2 discs out at any given time-was more than I watched. So I dropped that, too.

Instead, I added to my library things I wanted to watch, and knew I would watch them over and over. The money I saved on cable subscriptions pays for such things.


nail on head, I am going through this "cleaning" right now to make a determination. I currently have fully loaded directv, netflix, hulu, espn+, disney, amazon, peacock and apple. I am trying to determine the rework. Keeping Amazon and netflix is relatively cost effective. Don't care about amazon, peacock and apple. Also, seriously going to kill disney (which then eliminates hulu and espn) as all of disney I want on 4k dvd, I have. I purposely have been watching dvd's at night for the past 1.5 weeks to see how I get on without dvr, it is working!

The only thing I want to keep is local channels and sports, so weighing how I can do that.

I believe there is a "Go Fund Me" page for the inflatable Snow Man outside of the Arlington house that exploded. You have to love social media. One of the comments was that at least the suspect obeyed the instructions of law enforcement. He came out with his hands up. And his arms, legs, and feet. Straight to the moon Alice.
Another "storm of the century" has come and gone. It rained for a couple of hours here. A few roads are flooded. The ground is wet. It must be the end of times.
Another "storm of the century" has come and gone. It rained for a couple of hours here. A few roads are flooded. The ground is wet. It must be the end of times.
It's climate change. Every time it storms It's carbon emissions that do it. It's the end of the world. They only way to save it is to get rid of animals especially cows, live in a cave and eat bugs. Greta Thunberg,,Al Gore, John Kerry, Bill Gates and Klaus Schaub are our saviors.
It's climate change. Every time it storms It's carbon emissions that do it. It's the end of the world. They only way to save it is to get rid of animals especially cows, live in a cave and eat bugs. Greta Thunberg,,Al Gore, John Kerry, Bill Gates and Klaus Schaub are our saviors.

Mark, this post literally had me laughing out loud at the Computer. It is crazy town in the fact that they do actually say some of these things in public. Carbon is a real thing, but that said, it is NOT the only thing causing climate change. AND in the history of the world as we know it, climate has continuously changed, influenced by many things. I am sorry folks, but the Cows are not the culprit here. Eat Angus, Eat chicken, etc. that is not going to change the world regardless of some degreed idiot spouting it.

Again, as usual, just my 2 cents.

Major Sports athletes who for some reason have to misspell every other word, never thought it would become the norm to misspell words on purpose?? Not sure if it is shown to be in inclusion or ignorance?? Either or it's pretty embarrassing I'd think for a young fan to have to ask an adult what's his or her favorite sports player saying in a quote, tweet etc.
The Lakers raising a banner in honor of winning the "NBA In-Season tournament." Embarrassing. I assume the NBA forced them to do that but a meaningless thing to do. Also disrespectful of the great championship teams and players that have banners. And, of course, they lost the game.

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