Things that annoy me (2 Viewers)

From what I see this was very well organized by very well financed left wing groups, not just Soros. I think this was planned out before October 7th. They had money alloted for flags, tents,signs, food, etc.This government needs to quit fighting among itself and look at the real enemies within or there will be a real bloodbath here and I'm not talking about Trump's words.
From what I see this was very well organized by very well financed left wing groups, not just Soros. I think this was planned out before October 7th. They had money alloted for flags, tents,signs, food, etc.This government needs to quit fighting among itself and look at the real enemies within or there will be a real bloodbath here and I'm not talking about Trump's words.

that is what scares me the most. When you are not united and you give "credence to the fringe" through media and politics, it is scary. I look at this as an American moment with whats going on here internally. We need to come together and stand in unison. We can be different, but on threats of internal violence and upheaval, we have to be united.
Well one thing we use to have leaders who was respected and told people the hard truth about working hard and sacifice. Now lot of people just wait to see who's going to give the most freebies.
The Lakers got rolled out of the playoffs again. Time to fire Ham. Nice guy, terrible coach. The Kings are heading the same direction in the NHL. A rough patch for LA teams. I'm down to watching the AHL Hershey Bears.
The Lakers got rolled out of the playoffs again. Time to fire Ham. Nice guy, terrible coach. The Kings are heading the same direction in the NHL. A rough patch for LA teams. I'm down to watching the AHL Hershey Bears.

The Lakers are infuriating quite honestly.
Why wait so long to clear the protestors out but then go in after dark? I don't get it. The most dangerous time for everyone involved. Having teenagers myself, you go in about 6AM when they are in a fugue state. It's unfortunate for everyone involved. Yet another example of a disaster unfolding because no one exercises common sense.
Why wait so long to clear the protestors out but then go in after dark? I don't get it. The most dangerous time for everyone involved. Having teenagers myself, you go in about 6AM when they are in a fugue state. It's unfortunate for everyone involved. Yet another example of a disaster unfolding because no one exercises common sense.

They are afraid of the optics of removing them. You see what our fearless leader does, NOTHING!
Here we go again, apparently there are threats and a regroup in Texas today (Wednesday). The University and Governor continue to warn them to no avail. It would almost seem to me they want to continue to escalate this til there is a serious injury. Someone is going to get seriously hurt and I think that is the goal.
We need a strong leader who isn't afraid to do the hard things for the country no matter what the optics are.
That period of time between having the heat and A/C on in this house. This year it was about one day. It was 40 degrees one day and 90 the next.
That period of time between having the heat and A/C on in this house. This year it was about one day. It was 40 degrees one day and 90 the next.

I am teetering on turning it on. Thankfully I am at work through the day and it tends to cool off in the evening so not quite yet for me .

People not doing the speed limit !!!!!! 40 in a 60 come on !
Here we go again, apparently there are threats and a regroup in Texas today (Wednesday). The University and Governor continue to warn them to no avail. It would almost seem to me they want to continue to escalate this til there is a serious injury. Someone is going to get seriously hurt and I think that is the goal.
I don't see really any sympathy for these so called protesters from the media or just about anyone else. I think here in St louis they made about 100 arrest at Washington University and only 30% were actual Wash U students.
Same agitators like most of these so called protest.
I've mentioned this one before but having to enter your email address to read Fox News articles. Then it still does not work. Then seeing an article like this one on - wait for it - Fox News:

Why does everyone seem to want your email address? | Fox News

They must be actively discouraging people away from their website. Add in that their likely audience is over 50 with no tolerance for this nonsense and it is a complete disaster.
NIL, not really an annoyance but more of hard to fathom situation. Arkansas NIL is paying $1M for a basketball player who was not projected to go in the draft. That amount is almost double what he would made on an NBA two way contract. University of Arkansas has Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, and Tyson Foods John Tyson for boosters, so the amount of money available is almost limitless.
I am teetering on turning it on. Thankfully I am at work through the day and it tends to cool off in the evening so not quite yet for me .

People not doing the speed limit !!!!!! 40 in a 60 come on !

I think you need to realise that 60 is the maximum, not the required speed, why should people drive at the maximum all the time? if the road was icy or it was really raining hard would you still expect them to drive at 60? If the road was 60 and there are turnings on it would you expect them to drive at 60 and suddenly break and turn off or do the turn at 'Dukes of Hazzard' speeds. I think i know the problem, they just do not realise how important you are...............
The students (and not students) that aren't citizens need to be deported. The ones that are citizens and say they are Hamas (which is classified in the US as terrorists) and say death to jews and America should be tried for treason. The least should be done to them is they are thrown out of school permanently. These are not 12-13 year olds and they are not stupid.

Treason is a word thrown about a lot in these sorts of circumstances, the constitution states that Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
I do not think these people were doing any of the above, it’s not as if they stormed the parliament in a capital city and set up gallows to hang people they disagreed with. Or smashed up the actual seat of government forcing elected officials to run for their safety. Now if they did that I can see where that would be treason
They seem to be actually wanting to stop a war, where over 30,000 people have been killed, including 13,800 children [figures from Save The Children Charity]. What Hamas did was beyond comprehension, but I pretty sure none of those children were involved.
They have a right to protest, I disagree with the way they are doing it, but they think [and often it is true], the ends justify the means and if people on a Toy Soldier forum are talking about it then their message is getting across. The war needs to stop, the US is the one single entity that has the power to stop it and do not seem to be doing a lot to stop the killing of children and the innocent. Bad things happen if good stand by and do nothing.
Target Hamas, they are the terror organisation whose activities started this, not the children.
Can people also not automatically think and say that protesting against the actions of the Government of Israeli is antisemitic. You can be against them without being antisemitic, we have to accept that some of the people are antisemitic, but not the majority who are against what the government is doing. It is the attitude of the ill informed or people who have another agenda. I am against what the Israeli government are currently doing, but support them to go after the people who did the terrorist attack, in a justified manner.
One thing I ask people to think about is the action of bombing the Hospital in Gaza because the Israeli’s said there were terrorist hiding in the basement. Likely there were, but firstly do you think the doctors/nurses and patients had the power to stop them being there and secondly would they have bombed a hospital in Israeli if there were terrorists hiding in the basement? I think not?
A woman and a child stand next to the Holocaust memorial in Hyde Park, covered by a tarpaulin, on the day of a march in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, in London, April 27, 2024.

This monument like many others in London get covered up many times a year when there are marches etc, Churchill and Thatcher statues get covered up a lot as well. there was a story in the press that this was actually fake and it had not been covered up officially, looking at the pictures, with people still wandering round it at all times of the day and i also do not think blue plastic covering and rope are Kryptonite to protester. maybe i am wrong and when a group of protecters turn up at the monument and think "Oh no i cannot get through all that plastic".
But hey it's nice to see Gazans enjoying a day at the beach even if as the whole World is constantly being told that there is famine there and everyone us starving, certainly no one will have the strength left in them for playing Beach Soccer, would they!?

None of those kids look like Hamas Terrorist to me, but are still being bombed and shelled. I went to visit Alcatraz once and that also had some nice seafront, but it was still a prison
The U.s. giving billions more to Ukraine in a lost cause. They should be using that money to find the cannibals that ate Bidens uncle.

Did they not eat him after his plane crashed? Is that not the Cannibal version of 'roadkill'.

On a serious note - the US does not give Billions to the Ukraine, they send them Billions of Dollars worth of equipment, which is either surplus to US military needs or stuff that has to be replaced, so the US military have to buy new stuff from US manufacturers, which means the money actually stays in the US and is paid to US workers.

The Ukrainians would not have bought the equipment, as they are skint, so there is no losss of sales for the US, just an increase for US arms manufacturers and their employees. Not forgetting the kickbacks the US politicians get from the US Military Machine to keep them in business.

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