Things that annoy me (4 Viewers)

The "pager" explosions are a real head scratcher. Hopefully the terrorists don't figure this out and start doing the same with phones and other devices. Perhaps no more flying with phones and computers.
The "pager" explosions are a real head scratcher. Hopefully the terrorists don't figure this out and start doing the same with phones and other devices. Perhaps no more flying with phones and computers.
In all likelihood this was an Israeli operation as they declined to comment. Hezbollah had turned to pagers because Israel had hacked their phones.
In all likelihood this was an Israeli operation as they declined to comment. Hezbollah had turned to pagers because Israel had hacked their phones.
It would be quite a coincidence if it were not. I just wonder how they keep the terrorists from doing something similar. There must be tens of millions phones and computers that go through airport security and luggage each day. I don't have any confidence in the TSA. They will shake down a 90-year old grandmother in a wheelchair but are otherwise inept. You don't have to be Nostradamus to see the risks. One coordinated attack throughout the world with a one percent success rate would make 9/11 look like a picnic.
It would be quite a coincidence if it were not. I just wonder how they keep the terrorists from doing something similar. There must be tens of millions phones and computers that go through airport security and luggage each day. I don't have any confidence in the TSA. They will shake down a 90-year old grandmother in a wheelchair but are otherwise inept. You don't have to be Nostradamus to see the risks. One coordinated attack throughout the world with a one percent success rate would make 9/11 look like a picnic.
Yes, someone will figure out the technology and use it for a tragic result, multiple times.
The TN Vols are adding a 10% "talent fee" price increase for tickets to sports events. I suppose fans are willing to pay it since they get a 100K for every football game but it is still shady. Why not just raise the price of tickets instead of trying to justify this? There are ever increasing reasons to stay home and watch from your couch. Save yourself the enormous expense (maybe $1k for a family), traffic, weather, and possible having some drunk rant through the game.
In all likelihood this was an Israeli operation as they declined to comment. Hezbollah had turned to pagers because Israel had hacked their phones.
It's 100% an Israeli operation; the lesson here is simple, don't screw with Israel.

They intercepted a large shipment of pagers and rigged them to explode.

Pagers are still a thing? Do you still hook them on your belt?

So 1990's.
It's 100% an Israeli operation; the lesson here is simple, don't screw with Israel.

They intercepted a large shipment of pagers and rigged them to explode.

Pagers are still a thing? Do you still hook them on your belt?

So 1990's.
The are blowing up walkie talkies today. Or in the words of the great SCTV philosophers Big Jim McBob and Billy Sol Hurok "they blow'd up, blow'd up reel good!"
The are blowing up walkie talkies today. Or in the words of the great SCTV philosophers Big Jim McBob and Billy Sol Hurok "they blow'd up, blow'd up reel good!"
Maybe they should switch to carrier pigeons.
Maybe they should switch to carrier pigeons.
If they stopped with their hate of Israel and killing of Jews, they would find peace, but all the time they carry on following their cult they won't.
People around the world need to wake up to the fact that they don't have the same hopes goals or morals as us.
Their whole doctrine is to dominate and just as they tried Armies of conquest to reach their goal in centuries past, noq they are trying infiltration, and at present it seems tonbeworking with the west still asleep.
The media reporting stories without any facts. The recent example of Springfield, OH that has allegedly resulted in numerous bomb threats that are being attributed by the media to republicans. How do they know who these threatening calls are coming from? Have they arrested anyone with a political affiliation? How many times does it turn out that someone initiates this type of crime to promote their own cause? A false flag. I wouldn't be surprised if many of these threats originate with the very groups who are using them to promote their own political agenda.
The phony, fake, woke Emmy awards. I like Eugene Levy and his son but watching an Emmy category in which the nominees were Colbert, Fallon, and Jon Stewart was a bridge too far. They have practically ended late night comedy with their politically driven shows.
Correct me if I am wrong but isnt Greg Gutfields show getting better ratings than Colbert, Fallon and Stewart etc ?
However the good news from the Emmys was how well Shogun did including top actress and actor in a Drama.
It's 100% an Israeli operation; the lesson here is simple, don't screw with Israel.

They intercepted a large shipment of pagers and rigged them to explode.

Pagers are still a thing? Do you still hook them on your belt?

So 1990's.


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Another tough weekend for LA sports fans. USC, UCLA, and the Chargers have already lost. The Rams are getting spanked. Dodgers have lost once and are down 4-0. Could be a clean sweep.
Another tough weekend for LA sports fans. USC, UCLA, and the Chargers have already lost. The Rams are getting spanked. Dodgers have lost once and are down 4-0. Could be a clean sweep.
I put the reverse jinx on. Both the Rams and Dodgers come from behind to win! So many salty tears from all those Niners fans.

Anti-death penalty advocates who argue that every criminal defendant is "innocent" to delay or halt their execution. I can understand that some folks oppose the death penalty on principle even in the most egregious situations but to claim that someone is innocent of the crime for the purpose of undermining the law is dishonest. Voters, legislators, and courts/juries get to decide on the appropriate penalties. In a handful of egregious cases, that penalty is death. With the advent of DNA and other technologies that can confirm guilt, there is no time in history in which we can be more confident of the verdict. If anything, that supports the imposition of the death penalty.
Anti-death penalty advocates who argue that every criminal defendant is "innocent" to delay or halt their execution. I can understand that some folks oppose the death penalty on principle even in the most egregious situations but to claim that someone is innocent of the crime for the purpose of undermining the law is dishonest. Voters, legislators, and courts/juries get to decide on the appropriate penalties. In a handful of egregious cases, that penalty is death. With the advent of DNA and other technologies that can confirm guilt, there is no time in history in which we can be more confident of the verdict. If anything, that supports the imposition of the death penalty.
Missouri just executed another "innocent person" 11 minutes ago. The way these bleeding hearts talk every person in prison is innocent just because they say so. The guy they just "86,d" has been on death row for 24 years, now that's wrong! You would think that the police just go down the street and randomly pick out a person and charge them with a crime. It don't work that way. I would say 70% of the people I locked up said "what I do", "It ain't nonna a me", "why you wanna do me like dis, I ain't done nuffin". Get the picture? You would not believe the number that go free, even though you know beyond a doubt they are good for the crime in question, just because the case when presented to the prosecutor is not 100% win able in court due to some small detail. So instead of charging and leaving it up to a jury they don't want to charge because it might look bad on their conviction record.
Missouri just executed another "innocent person" 11 minutes ago. The way these bleeding hearts talk every person in prison is innocent just because they say so. The guy they just "86,d" has been on death row for 24 years, now that's wrong! You would think that the police just go down the street and randomly pick out a person and charge them with a crime. It don't work that way. I would say 70% of the people I locked up said "what I do", "It ain't nonna a me", "why you wanna do me like dis, I ain't done nuffin". Get the picture? You would not believe the number that go free, even though you know beyond a doubt they are good for the crime in question, just because the case when presented to the prosecutor is not 100% win able in court due to some small detail. So instead of charging and leaving it up to a jury they don't want to charge because it might look bad on their conviction record.
Yes, it's the same old pattern. Everyone is innocent. Incredibly the NAACP's statement compared the execution of this individual to a lynching and, in my opinion, made a threat against the governor. The media focuses solely on the contention of innocence and ignores the brutality of the crime which included a woman being stabbed over 40 times in her own home. My understanding is that property from the crime was found in this guy's possession and that he confessed to multiple individuals that he committed the crime. So there is no real issue of innocence in this case. But you won't read that in most media accounts.
Marcellus Williams was without a doubt guilty. Evidence included DNA at the crime scene, statements he made about the murder to two people, a witness who bought the victim's laptop from Williams and more. His ex-girlfriend found evidence in his car, which she testified about to police. That 42 yr old woman, William's victim, deserved better than a death by 43 stab wounds. Sometimes justice prevails, although long delayed, with this execution.

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