Things that annoy me (5 Viewers)

Marcellus Williams was without a doubt guilty. Evidence included DNA at the crime scene, statements he made about the murder to two people, a witness who bought the victim's laptop from Williams and more. His ex-girlfriend found evidence in his car, which she testified about to police. That 42 yr old woman, William's victim, deserved better than a death by 43 stab wounds. Sometimes justice prevails, although long delayed, with this execution.
It occurs to me that this execution would be better posted on the things I like thread.
Marcellus Williams was without a doubt guilty. Evidence included DNA at the crime scene, statements he made about the murder to two people, a witness who bought the victim's laptop from Williams and more. His ex-girlfriend found evidence in his car, which she testified about to police. That 42 yr old woman, William's victim, deserved better than a death by 43 stab wounds. Sometimes justice prevails, although long delayed, with this execution.
Just checked his history, he certainly had a long criminal history, something that I think should be considered in trials, of course the legal system thinks otherwise.
Just checked his history, he certainly had a long criminal history, something that I think should be considered in trials, of course the legal system thinks otherwise.
I believe you can only bring up convictions not total arrest and only if the person charged takes the stand to testify. Brad is that correct? I'm sure Trump will use this somewhere in his campaign. This past Sunday a St. Louis Police Officer, my former department, was struck and killed while working an accident on the highway. The person who struck him was from Honduras and in the country illegally and on probation for DUI and domestic assault. He was driving 70 mph in a 55mph zone and was over the legal limit from his breathalyzer test. He was duly charged. However no one can explain how he could remain in this country on probation when he is here illegally.
I was referring to the legal system in Australia where their previous criminal history cannot be mentioned during the trial.

However it is a consideration when sentencing the convicted, people with a criminal history usually receive longer terms. I assumed it was similar in the US, but of course you guys do things different.
The next execution is a guy in Alabama tomorrow. He weighs 400 lbs. They tried to execute him in 2022 but he was so obese they couldn't find a vein. You can't make that up. Only in America. Now they are complaining that the nitrogen method of death that he selected is inhumane. I imagine his victims thought it was inhumane when he gunned them down. I don't mean to minimize the seriousness of these incidents, but it borders on Idiocracy that more sympathy is with the perpetrator of egregious violence than his victims. I'm sure this guy had a sad life that contributed to his actions but he is still responsible.
I was referring to the legal system in Australia where their previous criminal history cannot be mentioned during the trial.

However it is a consideration when sentencing the convicted, people with a criminal history usually receive longer terms. I assumed it was similar in the US, but of course you guys do things different.
Yes, it is similar. There are two phases. First, determining guilt. Similar crimes are sometimes introduced to establish a type of MO pattern that can be used to prove guilt but there are also concerns about introducing bias. So whether criminal history is allowed during the trial to assist in proving guilt is case by case. Once a defendant is convicted, then there is a penalty phase that allows broader evidence as to whether the convicted individual constitutes a danger to society. A lengthy criminal history might be introduced for that purpose. There is a great show on Netflix now called "Monsters" about the Menendez murders back in the 80s. It provides an overview of the flawed American legal system.
The next execution is a guy in Alabama tomorrow. He weighs 400 lbs. They tried to execute him in 2022 but he was so obese they couldn't find a vein. You can't make that up. Only in America. Now they are complaining that the nitrogen method of death that he selected is inhumane. I imagine his victims thought it was inhumane when he gunned them down. I don't mean to minimize the seriousness of these incidents, but it borders on Idiocracy that more sympathy is with the perpetrator of egregious violence than his victims. I'm sure this guy had a sad life that contributed to his actions but he is still responsible.
I also can’t stand the articles about these crimes.

They mention the victims in one or two sentences followed by endless paragraphs about how their killer has suffered much more than his victims.
I also can’t stand the articles about these crimes.

They mention the victims in one or two sentences followed by endless paragraphs about how their killer has suffered much more than his victims.
USA Today's article yesterday indicated that there was "strong evidence" that the guy who was executed was innocent. Not just doubt of his guilt but that he was entirely innocent of the crime. Of course, they failed to cite any such evidence. Just another example of how the media spins these stories for their desired political narrative. They oppose the death penalty and want it abolished. That is the reason that they are garnering sympathy for the murderers by suggesting doubt. It has nothing to do with the facts and evidence in the case.
Reporting every hurricane and snowstorm as a once in a century event. The hype is ridiculous. The media seems surprised that there are hurricanes in Florida. And it rains a lot which sometimes causes flooding.
Reporting every hurricane and snowstorm as a once in a century event. The hype is ridiculous. The media seems surprised that there are hurricanes in Florida. And it rains a lot which sometimes causes flooding.
And banner headlines when it shows in the winter.
And banner headlines when it shows in the winter.
I remember a few years ago whenever the weather got a little colder than normal the weather person would call it an "artic vortex" whatever that was. Seems that year was the only year we had "artic vortex's" as I have not heard that term used again. You could have a triple ax murder and the lead story on the local news would be the weather!
Reporting every hurricane and snowstorm as a once in a century event. The hype is ridiculous. The media seems surprised that there are hurricanes in Florida. And it rains a lot which sometimes causes flooding.
In Texas, any precipitation is a a call for the news to headline it as “The Storm of the Century”.

It is irresponsible and leads to Chicken Little Syndrome where people no longer give those reports any credence.
Reporting every hurricane and snowstorm as a once in a century event. The hype is ridiculous. The media seems surprised that there are hurricanes in Florida. And it rains a lot which sometimes causes flooding.
I've said it here in this forum, and elsewhere. Weather reporting long ago turned into ratings-based weathertainment.

Reading that because some countries refuse to take back their citizens who have come illegally to the US and committed crimes, that our legal system "requires" them to be released into the US. Think about that one. We are forced by our own legal system to keep foreign criminals because their home countries do not want them. And instead of forcing the issue or exercising some type of negotiation to return them, we simply let them go. No wonder the US is in decline.
Reading that because some countries refuse to take back their citizens who have come illegally to the US and committed crimes, that our legal system "requires" them to be released into the US. Think about that one. We are forced by our own legal system to keep foreign criminals because their home countries do not want them. And instead of forcing the issue or exercising some type of negotiation to return them, we simply let them go. No wonder the US is in decline.
A wide open southern border has led to a huge influx of criminals, gang members and terrorists, but hey, just keep it open to keep the flow going of cheap US labor taking away jobs and future Democrats being given free everything.

If things don't change in November, this country is done.

A wide open southern border has led to a huge influx of criminals, gang members and terrorists, but hey, just keep it open to keep the flow going of cheap US labor taking away jobs and future Democrats being given free everything.

If things don't change in November, this country is done.

What gets me is that the US is left holding bag by our own choice. We should have enormous leverage over the countries from which most of these folks come from. Most of whom are hardworking people. What I can't fathom is why we can't deport convicted murderers and rapists to their home country. Instead we have to let them go into our country knowing that they are dangerous and here illegally. That is insane. And it harms those folks who are here to work because when someone like that then commits a crime it looks bad for every migrant.

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