Things that annoy me (4 Viewers)

I may take heat for this but I feel no sympathy on these od cases. Everyone has a fee will. These people choose to do drugs. You say some people became addicted because they originally were prescribed opiates. Then why haven't everyone prescribed these drugs become addicted. WILL POWER. I get hungry but I don't eat because I don't want to become fat, kinda the same principle. OK let me have it!
I tend to agree mate. Most folks have a choice, they know the dangers but still take the risk. Why? I don't get it? This stuff can kill me, leave me addicted, broke and homeless, but hey lets give it a go? No thanks, worked to hard, got too much too lose. As you say, if you don't want to end up obese, then stop eating that crap.
Building walls to keep protestors out while claiming they don't work at the border.
Wall probably does not work on the border [look at China and the Iron Curtain], as the majority of illegals come in through other routes, some legal and they just overstay. Same here in the UK with stop the boats coming across the Channel, the majority of illegal migration does not come through that route. But like the wall on the US Southern Border, the boats are a visible symbol, so that is why people want to block/stop them. I also think there are a lot powerful people in the US [Rep and Dems] who do not want to stop it, as they are making too much money from illegal workers, paying them less and working them like dogs. Plus [like the UK] they do the work that Amricans/ Brits do not want to do, too many young Brit/Americans want to be TIKTOK or YouTube stars and not do the type of jobs the illegals do. Think of all the industries in the US which would grind to a halt without migrants........farming, fast food, hotels, domestic work, etc. Do not know the answer, but think a wall is a symbol to make people feel better, there should be a wall, but not the whole solution, also spend money on helping the countries where they are coming from, so they do not have to leave. Plus highly punish those Americans and US companies who employ the illigals. Send a few people to prison who employ an illegal gardener or housekeeper, that would stop them doing it, so no work, which cuts a reason for them to come.

i would blame the Mexicans if i was you, haven't they paid for the wall yet? The great 'Orange One' said they were going too........ He would have had to deport his wife, as she entered legally, but worked illegally and then got an 'Einstein Visa', for being able to do what?

America have always had problems with illigal, unwanted immigration, with migrants being violent and commiting crime, just ask the Native Indians, I heard Vine Deloria, the historian and author asked "What was America called before it was called America?" He replied "Ours".
The border needs to be locked down and the cartels destroyed. We could do it if the country had the will to do it.
The drug dealers as just capitalists supplying a market, bit like the Sacker family and their practises. just illegal, i saw a figure that the US Illigal Drugs market is worth close to $200 billion a year. Thats the reason the drug trade will not be stopped, too much of that money is making its way into the legit economy, no one will stop that drugs cash rolling in. If you want to stop it, try diverting the military into it, not just destroying the crops and cartels, but mass testing for everyone and if you are found to have drugs in your system them off to a 'camp' you go, for treatment and to get clean. Means locking up tens of million, the entertainment industry would grind to a halt, as would wall stereet etc. Have state bordr crossings where you are tested and not allowed into your state if you have drugs in your system. however, the cure is far worse than the status quo, so it will continue. Heard an academic on Radio 4 in the UK, say the drug problem is not a problem in the US as it is what the society is run on, legal or illegal. Americans are living on too much medication and there are many more people hooked on legal drugs than are on illegal drugs.
As usual Graham, you come across as a very Anti American person almost as is you think you are owed something !? Tell me did the US refuse you entry at sometime in the past ?

As for UK, where do you think the Illegal immigration comes from ? Students etc bringing in their family has been deemed legal, so like it or not, they are to be allowed in, even if the student brings in family, who will benefit from not having paid a penny into the system that makes free healthcare etc possible !
So unless you jump on top of a Eurostar train going under the Channel, or hop a lorry in Calais or some other channel port, the chances are you are paying people smugglers, traffickers or whatever else you may wish to call them, to get yourself into Britain, where after having disposed of your i.d. you claim Asylum, even though the system was set up really for those fleeing through fear of their lives and not just because they can get more monetry benefits from country X rather than Y, but of course you could of done that in France or Spain or wherever, but the benefits are better in the UK or perhaps Sweden as example, which if you glance, you will see the most peaceful country in Europe now suffers from the highest levels of Bombings and shootings after taking in Refugees claiming to be from the former Yugoslavia, but unfiortunately in fact, many being Albanian criminal.
Poland and Hungary, however, have perhaps have longer memories and take note from history and are not allowing the troublemakers in, despite disapproval to say the least from the EU. They are even arming their border guards after they have been attacked by migrants throwing spears. One of which did KILL a Polish soldier. How the hell do you think his family feel !?
Wish my Government had the same strength !
Reverting to United States issues, which of course as an Englishman, I feel ashamed that a fellow person of these isles, of a most obviously different mindset, you should think to condemn as you have in this and other posts,
When you have countries allowing visa free travel to others who use your country as a Port of entry if you will, so as just to get onto the same land mass so as to traverse it, to enter the US by any means fair or foul, and from what I've seen mostly foul, by crossing illegally into US, mostly being Texas, who havng being overwhelmed by the numbers and with all the demands, have decided to pass some of these to the so called Sactuary Cities like NYC, Chicago, Denver etc. who have now been overwhelmed, but will not admit they were not prepared for what being so could mean to the citizens of these cities and the ordinary people suffering now with the huge uptick in crime in those places.
Mexican cartels certainly are part of the problem in the US, not only with Illegals, but as in a previous thread, in the spreading of illegal drugs KiILLING a Hundred Thousand Americans a Year. With the finger pointing to China as point of origin.
But enough for now, as otherwise reply time allowed is bound to expire.
Wall probably does not work on the border [look at China and the Iron Curtain], as the majority of illegals come in through other routes, some legal and they just overstay. Same here in the UK with stop the boats coming across the Channel, the majority of illegal migration does not come through that route. But like the wall on the US Southern Border, the boats are a visible symbol, so that is why people want to block/stop them. I also think there are a lot powerful people in the US [Rep and Dems] who do not want to stop it, as they are making too much money from illegal workers, paying them less and working them like dogs. Plus [like the UK] they do the work that Amricans/ Brits do not want to do, too many young Brit/Americans want to be TIKTOK or YouTube stars and not do the type of jobs the illegals do. Think of all the industries in the US which would grind to a halt without migrants........farming, fast food, hotels, domestic work, etc. Do not know the answer, but think a wall is a symbol to make people feel better, there should be a wall, but not the whole solution, also spend money on helping the countries where they are coming from, so they do not have to leave. Plus highly punish those Americans and US companies who employ the illigals. Send a few people to prison who employ an illegal gardener or housekeeper, that would stop them doing it, so no work, which cuts a reason for them to come.

i would blame the Mexicans if i was you, haven't they paid for the wall yet? The great 'Orange One' said they were going too........ He would have had to deport his wife, as she entered legally, but worked illegally and then got an 'Einstein Visa', for being able to do what?

America have always had problems with illigal, unwanted immigration, with migrants being violent and commiting crime, just ask the Native Indians, I heard Vine Deloria, the historian and author asked "What was America called before it was called America?" He replied "Ours".
Of course there is no 100% solution. That doesn't mean that nothing should be done. Walls may not stop everyone, but they would stop many. Of course, if our politicians would enforce the existing laws, that would help. However, the point here being that those who tell us walls don't work are building them to protect themselves in Chicago. Lots of them. So which is it? Do they work or not? I'm also not sure what the Indians have to do with this. The Indians had a policy of massacring and enslaving immigrants and each other. They were only limited in their capacity to do so by a lack of technology and numbers. Otherwise, they would have killed every European immigrant to this country. Not exactly an immigration policy that anyone wants to follow.
Many Indian tribes were wiped out by other tribes, killed most of the men and enslaved or adopted the women and children. They were not "peaceful"
Absolutely correct. When you read original accounts of the behavior of the "indigenous" people rather than listening to the revisionist Hollywood movies and woke "historians," they are repleted with examples of barbarism. The most outlandish acts of violence against men, women, and children. Any outsider - whether a European immigrant or member of another tribe - would be tortured and mutilated in the most horrible ways imaginable. This did eventually result in retaliation in kind by Europeans who had access to better weapons and eventually greater numbers to exact revenge. But not unlike the situation in Gaza, when you attack and murder your neighbors, they tend to take offence and there is a reckoning.
There is a theory of course that western democracies such as the EU, US and UK encourage illegal migration as it helps simulate their economies at a time when birth rates are plummeting and populations are aging.

Handing out funds to illegal migrants to spend also helps secure an existing tax base.

To be fair though the west will do almost anything to prop up 'fiat banking system' of 'usury' and to hell with the consequences......
Steve Kerr.

And Lizard Lady, whoever the Christ she was.
It's all the more disappointing in the case of Kerr. His father was murdered by Islamic terrorists. You might think that would influence some of his opinions but apparently not. He is just another quasi-celebrity going with the flow of those in his circle. Afraid to do anything other than that which will promote his career.
It's all the more disappointing in the case of Kerr. His father was murdered by Islamic terrorists. You might think that would influence some of his opinions but apparently not. He is just another quasi-celebrity going with the flow of those in his circle. Afraid to do anything other than that which will promote his career.
I lost any respect for him when he danced around questions regarding his own players owning guns after he took such a huge anti-firearm stance.

Then he dodged questions about the Hong Kong freedom protests only to backtrack months later.
Not a Steve Kerr fan, IMO he is a sanctimonious donkey who likes to preach a lot and is very one way in his thinking. To me, he is just not likable. The fact that his Father was murdered by terrorists and he doesn't actively speak out is ludicrous. These Anti Israel protest are a direct affront to someone in his position and I am pretty certain he has been silent or near arguably supportive.

As I said many times, anyone who supports what these protests have become is not a supporter of free speech, they are the equivalent of a domestic terrorists. At least Texas had it right, they broke these violent criminal mobs by force and arrested them. In other words, they enforced our laws and morals, unfortunately, an activist cowardly prosecutor let them go.

Back to Kerr, people like him provide support to things like this. It is disgusting.

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