Things that annoy me (13 Viewers)

I'm sick of governments sticking up for people from foreign lands who don't contribute anything to the countries that took them in instead of their own people. I'm not talking about people who come, work hard and are proud to be a citizen of their new country. They are more than welcome. A day of reckoning to these leaders who talk out of both sides of their mouth.
Yep, me too.
And yet they are the protected ones despite what the casualty list of terrorist victims tells you.
Government never installed so much security for the threat of the IRA.
Funny, you never hear about Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist or Christian suicide bombers. Always is only Muslim.
Same as the pedophile grooming rape gangs always are from the same community.
But still some stick their heads in the sand and while things may quieten down for a while, the problem isn't going away.
Steve, the mass grooming of young European English girls in Rotherham by older Pakistani Muslim men should have signaled to those in the drivers seat the extent of the problem of migration. Instead they have buried it and chosen to attack the likes of Tommy Robinson for speaking out against the obvious negative aspects of the mass un-checked influx of migrants into the UK over many years.

British culture is under siege........
Steve, the mass grooming of young European English girls in Rotherham by older Pakistani Muslim men should have signaled to those in the drivers seat the extent of the problem of migration. Instead they have buried it and chosen to attack the likes of Tommy Robinson for speaking out against the obvious negative aspects of the mass un-checked influx of migrants into the UK over many years.

British culture is under siege........
Yes, and Rotherham isn't just an isolated town especially in the North of the Country where many hsve settled as well as London, where this has and is still happening, and not just by older men, because of something an ex work colleague said and what I saw with my own eyes, when visiting friends in Woking, it was happening there too, to a certain extent mostly targeting vulnerable young Polish and other Eastern European girls.But as elsewhere being brushed under the carpet for the sake of "social cohesion ".
We are being betrayed by our own government's, in favour of people, who have never contributed to society in positive ways, and likely never will.
It really makes me sick to think back to only as recently as twenty years ago, to see how much has changed and not for the better.
The Dow dropped 1,000 points.

I knew things were going to crater sooner than later, "luckily" it happened before early voting starts.

Running things back for 4 more years reverts back to Einstein's definition of insanity "Keep doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result."
There is an amazing pattern in America of re-electing the incumbents no matter how disastrous they have governed. Maybe it is access to money for campaigns, but it is almost impossible to unseat an incumbent member of Congress. The residents of US cities that have been in decline and ruin for decades re-elect the same politicians year after year.
There is an amazing pattern in America of re-electing the incumbents no matter how disastrous they have governed. Maybe it is access to money for campaigns, but it is almost impossible to unseat an incumbent member of Congress. The residents of US cities that have been in decline and ruin for decades re-elect the same politicians year after year.
As you like to say, you get what you vote for, it's up to the people to wake up, but they won't, popularity rules over policy in this country.

It's incredible really, never underestimate the stupidity of the average American.
As you like to say, you get what you vote for, it's up to the people to wake up, but they won't, popularity rules over policy in this country.

It's incredible really, never underestimate the stupidity of the average American.
We've gotten too used to expecting the federal government, and the state governments, to do for us. The turning point was the Great Depression. Prior to that time, there were depressions, but they were brief and we bounced back, generally.
But by the 30s, the federal government had already grown past its constitutional bounds, especially during Wilson's second term and our entry in the Great War. We accepted an unprecedented level of government penetration into our lives, though under Coolidge there was a rollback. But still, there was the beginning of the expectation that if we had a problem, Washington should fix it. And that attitude just kept on growing. That's where we are today, the latest stage in that growth. It's become a given, an expectation, so much so that it's practically impossible to undo. It's human nature, too, to want someone to take care of us, to be children forever and let someone take care of everything for us. It's like an addiction, and it's difficult to overcome. I believe it would be the best thing for society for personal responsibility to be a value again, but I don't think we'll ever get back to that. Slouching down the road to "Brave New World."
Speaking of elections, what irritates me is when incumbents make this big pretense of retiring, but yet, at least 50% (probably more) of the time, they are "retiring" because they cannot WIN re-election. IE Joe Manchin, Joe Biden, Adam Kinzinger and Jeff Flake to name a few...... Whatever happened to give it your best shot, win lose or draw with grace.
As you like to say, you get what you vote for, it's up to the people to wake up, but they won't, popularity rules over policy in this country.

It's incredible really, never underestimate the stupidity of the average American.
It's hard to explain. If you live in poverty and crime ridden communities, would you vote for the same politicians year after year for decades? I'm not sure it is stupidity. There is some type of system in place that ensures that the incumbents get elected. They control the money. They control the process. They distribute money and influence to community leaders who ensure their constituents turn out. And the beat goes on and on forever.
Speaking of elections, what irritates me is when incumbents make this big pretense of retiring, but yet, at least 50% (probably more) of the time, they are "retiring" because they cannot WIN re-election. IE Joe Manchin, Joe Biden, Adam Kinzinger and Jeff Flake to name a few...... Whatever happened to give it your best shot, win lose or draw with grace.
The only better gig than being a politician is being a football coach. Everyone fails upward. Good to see the NCAA punishing Harblow after he has left for the NFL. I'm sure he is crying salty tears that he can't coach college football this upcoming season. The sign stealing investigation is taking longer to resolve than the Lindbergh kidnapping even though Michigan was caught red handed. I'm not a fan of the NCAA vacating wins for violations that occur off the field, but that is an instance where the violation directly affected outcomes of games.

"The NCAA announced a four-year show-cause order for former Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh on Wednesday for impermissible contact with recruits and players while access was restricted during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The show-cause order covers 2024-28 and would require a school wanting to hire Harbaugh to suspend him for the first full season. After that, Harbaugh would be barred from athletics-related activities, including team travel, practice, video study, recruiting and team meetings until the order expires."
It's hard to explain. If you live in poverty and crime ridden communities, would you vote for the same politicians year after year for decades? I'm not sure it is stupidity. There is some type of system in place that ensures that the incumbents get elected. They control the money. They control the process. They distribute money and influence to community leaders who ensure their constituents turn out. And the beat goes on and on forever.


There is more to this than terrible politicians with even worse policies winning, or a faux candidate being propped up by the media as a combination of Mother Teresa, Ghandi and Winston Churchill.

As my Dad always used to say "Follow the money, it will lead you to the truth"...........

To me, it's all about control, the government is looking for more and more ways to control people and with free this and free that, people are easier to control.

And nothing is free, the taxpayers are the ones who end up holding the bag; you know, the morons like me who actually work vs sponging off the government.
As you like to say, you get what you vote for, it's up to the people to wake up, but they won't, popularity rules over policy in this country.

It's incredible really, never underestimate the stupidity of the average American.
Politicians on both sides count on that stupidity to stay in power while reinforcing it all by dividing us.
I'm not a fan of the NCAA vacating wins for violations that occur off the field...

Agree, Kentucky just had to vacate a 10 win season, including a bowl victory, for players getting paid for work they did not perform in 2021. If you follow Kentucky football you would know how hard this is. The irony is the penalty given in light of what NIL is today.
The more I see about the recent assassination attempt the more perplexing it gets. The body cam footage of the police officer hoisting the other one up to the roof before the gunman opened fire is bizarre. The shooter figured out how to get up there but the police are pulling a Laural and Hardy routine. And when the one cop falls, he gets up and starts running away from the building like OJ ran through the airport. Where was he going?
The more I see about the recent assassination attempt the more perplexing it gets. The body cam footage of the police officer hoisting the other one up to the roof before the gunman opened fire is bizarre. The shooter figured out how to get up there but the police are pulling a Laural and Hardy routine. And when the one cop falls, he gets up and starts running away from the building like OJ ran through the airport. Where was he going?
There's no denying the whole thing is bizarre....
There's no denying the whole thing is bizarre....
They not only did not put anyone on the building, but they apparently never considered the possibility that they might need to get up there. So the Secret Service with its $3 billion budget didn't have a ladder and the police couldn't figure out how to do it even with days to prepare. Imagine being given the responsibility for that building and not a single law enforcement person said to themselves "how can we get on top of the building if there is a problem." Instead they are inside the building and can't figure it out while the shooter is preparing to open fire. The secret service bears primary responsibility but the local law enforcement on the scene were a joke. They took no initiative and had ample opportunity to keep this from happening.
Pre- Season NFL games.
It's back to the early 90's for me as a Patriots fan when they were a complete laughing stock.

They are going to be terrible, we're talking 3-14, 2-15 terrible, zero talent on both sides of the ball and the second most cap room in the NFL, their owner is a raging cheapskate who "really wants to win" but is not willing to put his money where his mouth is.

There are going to be loads of empty seats at the games, again just like the early 1990's.

That will prompt him to spend next year, we can't have empty seats as it's all about keeping that cash register ringing, if he's not willing to spend up to the cap, then as a fan, I'm not spending my time or money watching a **** product, I've got better things to do with my time on Sundays in the Fall.

Just like I did with the Red Sox this year.

Yeah, great, they're hanging in there for the last wild card spot, big deal.

This is the beauty of sports; this is an organization that was the king of the hill for about 19 years, 9 Super Bowl trips in that span, but there is no guarantee they will ever get back to another super bowl again.

Just ask the Browns, Lions, Texans, Jaguars what that feels like.

Or the Jets; 56 years and counting without a trip to the Super Bowl.
It's back to the early 90's for me as a Patriots fan when they were a complete laughing stock.

They are going to be terrible, we're talking 3-14, 2-15 terrible, zero talent on both sides of the ball and the second most cap room in the NFL, their owner is a raging cheapskate who "really wants to win" but is not willing to put his money where his mouth is.

There are going to be loads of empty seats at the games, again just like the early 1990's.

That will prompt him to spend next year, we can't have empty seats as it's all about keeping that cash register ringing, if he's not willing to spend up to the cap, then as a fan, I'm not spending my time or money watching a **** product, I've got better things to do with my time on Sundays in the Fall.

Just like I did with the Red Sox this year.

Yeah, great, they're hanging in there for the last wild card spot, big deal.

This is the beauty of sports; this is an organization that was the king of the hill for about 19 years, 9 Super Bowl trips in that span, but there is no guarantee they will ever get back to another super bowl again.

Just ask the Browns, Lions, Texans, Jaguars what that feels like.

Or the Jets; 56 years and counting without a trip to the Super Bowl.
But George, flags fly forever……
But George, flags fly forever……
Yes they do, but it's pretty disappointing to have two ownership groups in this city who care more about the bottom line than they do winning.

Not to mention the Celtics are now up for sale, rumor is John Henry might be in on that; if so, make that three teams with ownership groups who care more about the bottom line than they do winning.
This is a repeat, so that probably annoys some, but-people who plant their slow asses in the passing lane and just cruise at or under the speed limit. People who don't pull over when you flash your headlights at them. And people who still sit in the passing lane when you pass them on the right, as we can do here in PA. It's just plain inconsiderate, in the literal sense of the word, that you don't consider the people around you.

Being gaslighted by the media over such things as polls, or better yet, crowd sizes at events.

It's shameful and disgusting, but real journalism in this country has been dead for about 16 years and counting.

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