Things that annoy me (8 Viewers)

I've got to bump this item: drivers who park their butts in the passing lane. Drives me absolutely nuts. They don't get the message if you flash your lights. They don't get the message if one, two, three, several cars pass them on the right, whether it's a smooth pass or a quick whip-around. They don't get the message if you pass them on the right, then point to the right-hand lane when you return to the passing lane ahead of them. Just completely inconsiderate and oblivious.
I've got to bump this item: drivers who park their butts in the passing lane. Drives me absolutely nuts. They don't get the message if you flash your lights. They don't get the message if one, two, three, several cars pass them on the right, whether it's a smooth pass or a quick whip-around. They don't get the message if you pass them on the right, then point to the right-hand lane when you return to the passing lane ahead of them. Just completely inconsiderate and oblivious.
Road hogs was the polite term fifty years ago, these days it's probably *&^%$£"&*%
Cancelled bids on ebay without explanation. I do not mind if someone changes their mind, emails me, then cancels. That said, had a recent buffoon cancel on a number of items, no explanation, well, he went on the blocked bidder list. That to me signals a potential issue which I do not need. Supposed to be fun, not so by bozos like that. It really screws up bidding on items. Oh, another problem - non paying bidders. Annoying to say the least, but as I subscribe to the fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me - blocked bidder list they go.

I agree and on the opposite side, sellers who employ bait and switch tactics and worse, the ones demand immediate payment but take weeks to process refunds.

This Smithsonian Magazine headline can't be good:

"Squirrels Are Displaying 'Widespread Carnivorous Behavior'"​

This Smithsonian Magazine headline can't be good:

"Squirrels Are Displaying 'Widespread Carnivorous Behavior'"​

I have seen squirrels cannibalize other squirrels. I saw one hit by a car a block from my house. As it lay there in the middle of the road, another one ran out to it, sniffed, then took a bite. I wasn't too surprised, because other rodents will kill and eat others of its kind.

All the media and Beltway hype about the government "shutdown" came, as usual, to nothing. More spending adding to the deficit. I did get a laugh that somehow shortening the length of the bill was progress and somehow translated into spending cuts. Many of the few items cut from the bill were passed separately. The DC types control the process. Political power is dependent on spending. Outsiders that try to reform that process are doomed. They don't know the game. A couple years from now Musk and Vivek will declare that they have cut spending, pat themselves on the back and leave, but the deficit will be much higher when all is said and done than it is now. Bank it. There has to be fundamental change that causes a lot of pain for everyone to correct decades of uncontrolled spending. That means significantly cutting national defense, social security, and Medicare. Anyone who says otherwise is just blowing smoke and is not serious about reforming government.
Maybe it's just the holidays but there have been some particularly horrific stories in the press this week. Some maniac in Germany runs down hundreds of people at a Christmas market including children. A woman was set on fire and burnt to death today on the NYC subway. Some guy decapitated his one-year-old son. I realize that there are elements of mental illness at play in some of these events but we often discount old school evil. Some people are wired differently than others. They are inherently evil. A lot of this gets unintentionally sanitized by the press because the video footage is just too horrific to watch. The death penalty should be invoked in all these situations. The reverse is happening, however. Biden might waive the imposition of the death penalty for anyone pending execution for federal crimes including, for example, the Boston marathon bomber. In PA, our governor signed a moratorium on all executions against the will of the people who elected representatives to enact such penalties and judges and juries to impose them in certain limited cases.
Maybe it's just the holidays but there have been some particularly horrific stories in the press this week. Some maniac in Germany runs down hundreds of people at a Christmas market including children. A woman was set on fire and burnt to death today on the NYC subway. Some guy decapitated his one-year-old son. I realize that there are elements of mental illness at play in some of these events but we often discount old school evil. Some people are wired differently than others. They are inherently evil. A lot of this gets unintentionally sanitized by the press because the video footage is just too horrific to watch. The death penalty should be invoked in all these situations. The reverse is happening, however. Biden might waive the imposition of the death penalty for anyone pending execution for federal crimes including, for example, the Boston marathon bomber. In PA, our governor signed a moratorium on all executions against the will of the people who elected representatives to enact such penalties and judges and juries to impose them in certain limited cases.
On the terror attack in Germany, that is exactly what it is.
Brought to the West by people who hate us and being tolerant of other cultures and religions is seen by these people as a weakness and so they threaten and intimidate and attack.
Their target is not just innocent individuals, but the very traditions, history and culture of the west and attacking Christmas Markets, where people are enjoying themselves is not just to kill, but to make people fearful and unsafe and so even though the actual attacks might be few, the damage is done by the cancelling of these events. Little by little western culture is eroded and replaced by fear.
On the terror attack in Germany, that is exactly what it is.
Brought to the West by people who hate us and being tolerant of other cultures and religions is seen by these people as a weakness and so they threaten and intimidate and attack.
Their target is not just innocent individuals, but the very traditions, history and culture of the west and attacking Christmas Markets, where people are enjoying themselves is not just to kill, but to make people fearful and unsafe and so even though the actual attacks might be few, the damage is done by the cancelling of these events. Little by little western culture is eroded and replaced by fear.
It sounds like many of the European leaders are in deep political trouble. In part from the disastrous immigration policies. It's in no way racist to have reasonable immigration rules. You don't have to open your borders for anyone who wants to enter. That's why we have countries and boundaries. Many of the migrants who come to the US are hard working people but there is an enormous security risk to allow so many folks to come. At least some are going to be bad actors. And a few can do a lot of harm. It's a miracle that there have been no such attacks here with ten million or more unknown individuals entering the country over the last four years.
The claim that younger people were discouraged from voting because they have to provide their signature and many can no longer write their names. At first, I thought this was a bogus claim but my own experience with our education system leads me to believe that many young people actually can't sign their own names.
Maybe it's just the holidays but there have been some particularly horrific stories in the press this week. Some maniac in Germany runs down hundreds of people at a Christmas market including children. A woman was set on fire and burnt to death today on the NYC subway. Some guy decapitated his one-year-old son. I realize that there are elements of mental illness at play in some of these events but we often discount old school evil. Some people are wired differently than others. They are inherently evil. A lot of this gets unintentionally sanitized by the press because the video footage is just too horrific to watch. The death penalty should be invoked in all these situations. The reverse is happening, however. Biden might waive the imposition of the death penalty for anyone pending execution for federal crimes including, for example, the Boston marathon bomber. In PA, our governor signed a moratorium on all executions against the will of the people who elected representatives to enact such penalties and judges and juries to impose them in certain limited cases.
I thought the Boston Marathon Bomber's sentence was not commuted.
The claim that younger people were discouraged from voting because they have to provide their signature and many can no longer write their names. At first, I thought this was a bogus claim but my own experience with our education system leads me to believe that many young people actually can't sign their own names.
Cursive writing is no longer taught in many schools. It's another downward slide of culture. I guess they will make their mark with an X.
Cursive writing is no longer taught in many schools. It's another downward slide of culture. I guess they will make their mark with an X.
I'm not sure they can even do that. I once asked my son to pick a number between 1 and 10 and without hesitation he said 11. The American education system is a disgrace.
The media portraying every rain shower or snow as causing "havoc" over the holidays. Does it really cause the airlines havoc when it rains or a dusting of snow falls.
I thought the Boston Marathon Bomber's sentence was not commuted.

It's sickening to read of the crimes committed by those whose sentences were commuted. The crimes included two female bank tellers who were gunned down without a word, a pregnant woman who was murdered and her baby cut out, police officers killed in the line of duty. It's hard to understand the logic behind commuting the sentences of the monsters who committed these acts. If there were some principle involved like the death penalty is immoral, then why not commute the sentence for all of the cases instead of excluding three? Were the lives taken in those three cases more valuable than in the others? That is the only thing that makes any sense here. I'm confident that most Americans would support the imposition of the death penalty in these horrific cases once they learned the facts and the only concern they would express is why it took years or even decades to implement.
The media portraying every rain shower or snow as causing "havoc" over the holidays. Does it really cause the airlines havoc when it rains or a dusting of snow falls.

It's sickening to read of the crimes committed by those whose sentences were commuted. The crimes included two female bank tellers who were gunned down without a word, a pregnant woman who was murdered and her baby cut out, police officers killed in the line of duty. It's hard to understand the logic behind commuting the sentences of the monsters who committed these acts. If there were some principle involved like the death penalty is immoral, then why not commute the sentence for all of the cases instead of excluding three? Were the lives taken in those three cases more valuable than in the others? That is the only thing that makes any sense here. I'm confident that most Americans would support the imposition of the death penalty in these horrific cases once they learned the facts and the only concern they would express is why it took years or even decades to implement.
I don't have words for his actions. It is probably the worst thing he has done and a fitting end to the worst President in US History. I didn't think it would be ever possible to outdo Carter, but this guy - did that. Decisions have consequences and for the victim's families, this has to be the worst and the timing is just unfathomable. The entire Biden family are the equivalent of the worst POS ever. Corrupt beyond belief and there is nothing we can do about it. You just have to hope karma is a proverbial beeatch.

I wish there was a way to invoke the 25th amendment and get him out now, who in their right mind would agree with this crap.
He did cancel any student loan forgiveness that was coming. Probably mad at young people for voting for Trump. His next thing is trying to give protections to illegals to make it harder to get rid of them. He is absolutely the worst president in history. And I do believe he hates Americans as everything he has done has been against us. People says he is ruining is legacy, his legacy?!!.He has been a terrible president from day 1.
I don't have words for his actions. It is probably the worst thing he has done and a fitting end to the worst President in US History. I didn't think it would be ever possible to outdo Carter, but this guy - did that. Decisions have consequences and for the victim's families, this has to be the worst and the timing is just unfathomable. The entire Biden family are the equivalent of the worst POS ever. Corrupt beyond belief and there is nothing we can do about it. You just have to hope karma is a proverbial beeatch.

I wish there was a way to invoke the 25th amendment and get him out now, who in their right mind would agree with this crap.
I've said it before, but once again, he's going out in one final blaze of incompetence, I've never seen anything like this, as in ever.

Pardons his son (even though he repeatedly said he would not; gee, he lied...............never saw that coming), peddling sections of the border wall for .05 cents on the dollar, now this.

It's mind boggling how he could do something like this; who in their right mind is ok with this latest stunt?

What a disgrace.

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