Things that I really like (5 Viewers)

Discussion i just had with a neighbours little girl about
"What we both want to do when we grow up?"
She is 7 and i am 62
It is a thought process, it is just counting, they do have the largest majority since 1997.
I'm not going to put this eloquently, being working class, and Still few will believe, that as Christian, however Nominally, or even, those who profess to be atheists, who, in their hearts know, they only have the freedom to exist because of Christian teachings of mercy, and will be suppressed and eliminated in islam, and will also cease to exist because of their rebellion against the will of those, who must be opposed or as a Jew, (Also however Nominally) will know from history, You, We, I , am under attack from those who mean us no good intention !
FFS, All that you hold dear will be gone and you will be persecuted, for even holding such thoughts. Wake Up !
Alas, soon if things continue as they have the past few weeks, I will and anyone with similar thoughts, will be Jailed for thought Crimes. George Orwell's "1984" has arrived under the Labour Party and their policy of protecting Islam, People have already been sentenced and imprisoned. No Joke, No Lie !
Steve, IMO my freedom to exist is based more on Man-made Law(s) rather than Christian teachings of mercy. Any references to Altheists/Non Believers in the The Bible and other Religious Texts have only been Negative from experience.
Not what I was trying to impart, since I am, Doesn't matter, will stick to the Games section now. Those with only a passing aquaintence with the truth will think they have won, You know who You are !
Oh, And maybe watch....
Not what I was trying to impart, since I am, Doesn't matter, will stick to the Games section now. Those with only a passing aquaintence with the truth will think they have won, You know who You are !
Oh, And maybe watch....
Not a problem Steve, I was just curious about your reference to Atheisists. However I have noted that many Right Wing supporters in the Media exhibit strong religious beliefs. I agree with approx 90% of what they say, I'm just wary of Fanatical beliefs from any source.
Last time I was at any religious ceremony, was for my Father's funeral, even missed a niece's wedding because of Traffic, Matt.
Wouldn't say I was religious, other than to refute the devil and this Cult of death and its followers, but if that makes me Right, so be it !
I don't bother refuting the devil, or god or santa claus. If peope want to believe, fine by me, as long as their actions don't affect my life in a negative way. That said, 'belief' be it god, crystals or whatever does help some people cope with life's difficulties. Personally I think my sense of humour and positive personality has helped me cope over the years.
I don't bother refuting the devil, or god or santa claus. If peope want to believe, fine by me, as long as their actions don't affect my life in a negative way. That said, 'belief' be it god, crystals or whatever does help some people cope with life's difficulties. Personally I think my sense of humour and positive personality has helped me cope over the years.
Each to their own Matt.
And yes, having a positive personality will definitely help as will a sense of humour.
What's is happening here thr last few weeks on top of how the previous government did not do, what they were elected to do, has bought us to this moment when two tier policing, has become one of the stand out issues.
Nothing I say or do will alter it, the man knows no shame and us only storing up problems for the future of the Country.
Each to their own Matt.
And yes, having a positive personality will definitely help as will a sense of humour.
What's is happening here thr last few weeks on top of how the previous government did not do, what they were elected to do, has bought us to this moment when two tier policing, has become one of the stand out issues.
Nothing I say or do will alter it, the man knows no shame and us only storing up problems for the future of the Country.
Yes, live and let live as they say, we tend to inherit our religious beliefs, religion was an important part of my parents upbringing but I didn't take to Sunday school let alone any subsequent religious education.

It seems most Countries are now enduring some sort of Political turmoil.
They received the largest majority in parliament since 1997, the people voted for them in massive numbers, but lets not democracy and the majority wanting it get in the way shall we..................
The UK barely had a 60% voter turn out during the last election, which is the lowest turn out since 2001. Brits are fed up, they’re not being listened too so why vote. Look at the numbers of millionaires leaving the UK, that speaks volumes. Ignore the signs are your peril and the US and Europe is going the same way…..
too much cool aid, they won and by a large majority, where are all these millionaires going and according to reasons, tax is one, but also many are Russian and scared of the sanctions, plus the article i read said it has been happening a while and that was in part due to BREXIT, which i think was the last Tory government that did that not this one.
I am thinking of going, but certainly not for the reasons you have highlighted and i am not a Millionaire, but i have the 'application form' on the shelf behind me - which is otherwise known as a Lottery Ticket.
Yes, live and let live as they say, we tend to inherit our religious beliefs, religion was an important part of my parents upbringing but I didn't take to Sunday school let alone any subsequent religious education.

It seems most Countries are now enduring some sort of Political turmoil.
I agree with you, your religion is an accident of where you are born and to whom. Someone i was the forces with who was brought up in a very religious Christian household, but totally wanted nothing to do with any religion in his adult life once told us he thought it was like having 'An invisible Friend' and all the arguments and conflicts were just different people arguing over who's 'invisible friend' was nicer and better or evil and bad.
I agree with you, your religion is an accident of where you are born and to whom. Someone i was the forces with who was brought up in a very religious Christian household, but totally wanted nothing to do with any religion in his adult life once told us he thought it was like having 'An invisible Friend' and all the arguments and conflicts were just different people arguing over who's 'invisible friend' was nicer and better or evil and bad.
I'm not a particularly religious person but have seen numerous examples where religious belief has promoted a better and more fulfilling life. I can respect that. I'm also not arrogant enough to suggest that such beliefs are based on false premises and mock them. But even if that were the case, what difference does it make if many people are positively impacted and our society is a better place for it? I see no signs that our society is better off as the number of religious practitioners has decreased. In fact, many of the destructive elements of our society would likely not exist if that belief system were in place. Of course, there can be excesses and abuses of religions but at its core it is basically a force for good in any society.
I'm not a particularly religious person but have seen numerous examples where religious belief has promoted a better and more fulfilling life. I can respect that. I'm also not arrogant enough to suggest that such beliefs are based on false premises and mock them. But even if that were the case, what difference does it make if many people are positively impacted and our society is a better place for it? I see no signs that our society is better off as the number of religious practitioners has decreased. In fact, many of the destructive elements of our society would likely not exist if that belief system were in place. Of course, there can be excesses and abuses of religions but at its core it is basically a force for good in any society.
Well, poke an altheist and they might poke you back :cool: I agree that mocking someones beliefs can be problematic, however their beliefs shouldn't be framed as being the only/best way to achieve a fair and equitable society, because that simply is not true.
too much cool aid, they won and by a large majority, where are all these millionaires going and according to reasons, tax is one, but also many are Russian and scared of the sanctions, plus the article i read said it has been happening a while and that was in part due to BREXIT, which i think was the last Tory government that did that not this one.
I am thinking of going, but certainly not for the reasons you have highlighted and i am not a Millionaire, but i have the 'application form' on the shelf behind me - which is otherwise known as a Lottery Ticket.
You can re-phrase it however you like, I'm not really fussed either way. The point I was making is 40% of the voting public chose not to vote and that's not good in any democracy.

I'm friends with a number of ex-pat Brits who have emigrated down here, some of them ex-cops and they have all expressed a growing concern about what is occurring in the UK, in particular the uncontrolled levels of illegal migration into the country and the resulting friction this is causing. The recent unrest speaks for itself.......
You can re-phrase it however you like, I'm not really fussed either way. The point I was making is 40% of the voting public chose not to vote and that's not good in any democracy.

I'm friends with a number of ex-pat Brits who have emigrated down here, some of them ex-cops and they have all expressed a growing concern about what is occurring in the UK, in particular the uncontrolled levels of illegal migration into the country and the resulting friction this is causing. The recent unrest speaks for itself.......

That's typical of England, the same people that don't bother to vote are usually the ones that whinge the most. And I recall a few American forum members hinting that Australians are over goverened, our compulsory voting system being an example of our lack of 'freedom'. Firstly, it's not like you go to jail here if you don't vote, you just have to provide a reasonable excuse why you didn't vote, and yes they will ask. There's over 90% response at every Australian election, the system is far from perfect here but we seem to be more cohesive than most countries. That said of course we continue to go down the rabbit hole of Political Correctness and Feminsation of Australian Society, one of the latest hot topics is controlling Male violence against Females. Well sorry to say, we are Animals and subject to emotional responses, push the wrong buttons and shite happens, you will never control that response with laws.
That's typical of England, the same people that don't bother to vote are usually the ones that whinge the most. And I recall a few American forum members hinting that Australians are over goverened, our compulsory voting system being an example of our lack of 'freedom'. Firstly, it's not like you go to jail here if you don't vote, you just have to provide a reasonable excuse why you didn't vote, and yes they will ask. There's over 90% response at every Australian election, the system is far from perfect here but we seem to be more cohesive than most countries. That said of course we continue to go down the rabbit hole of Political Correctness and Feminsation of Australian Society, one of the latest hot topics is controlling Male violence against Females. Well sorry to say, we are Animals and subject to emotional responses, push the wrong buttons and shite happens, you will never control that response with laws.
Matt, voter apathy is nothing new, however it would appear more recently voters are becoming increasing more disillusioned with their leaders when they don’t feel they are being listened too. I’m of course referring to the illegal migrant issue, which hasn’t been addressed for some years, despite repeated promises to do so. In the end voters give up, why vote no one listens or more the point does nothing or simply back peddles and lies about their true intentions. It’s a slippery slope…..

In regards to your comments regarding domestic violence, I have no time for men that think it’s ok to both physically and mentally abuse our woman and children. To me they are gutless cowards. Family violence is a plague in society and causes untold harm and there are no excuses for it.
Matt, voter apathy is nothing new, however it would appear more recently voters are becoming increasing more disillusioned with their leaders when they don’t feel they are being listened too. I’m of course referring to the illegal migrant issue, which hasn’t been addressed for some years, despite repeated promises to do so. In the end voters give up, why vote no one listens or more the point does nothing or simply back peddles and lies about their true intentions. It’s a slippery slope…..

In regards to your comments regarding domestic violence, I have no time for men that think it’s ok to both physically and mentally abuse our woman and children. To me they are gutless cowards. Family violence is a plague in society and causes untold harm and there are no excuses for it.
No one has ever liked voting, or politicians for that matter, my assertion remains; if you can't be bothered voting, don't bother complaining about your goverment.

Obviously agree with your comments about violence against Women. However blanket laws that affect All Men is grossly unfair. They should instigate tighter controls against those men with a known record of such violence.
Discussion i just had with a neighbours little girl about
"What we both want to do when we grow up?"
She is 7 and i am 62
I find chatting to kids loads of fun. They come out with the funniest things and most love it when you stop and take an interest in what they’re doing. Us so called adult's often forget what it was like being a child…..

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