Things that I really like (4 Viewers)

No one has ever liked voting, or politicians for that matter, my assertion remains; if you can't be bothered voting, don't bother complaining about your goverment.

Obviously agree with your comments about violence against Women. However blanket laws that affect All Men is grossly unfair. They should instigate tighter controls against those men with a known record of such violence.

I disagree with the premise of “you didn’t vote so you can’t complain” especially in the US two party system.

If I was invited to someone’s home for dinner and all they offered to eat was a bowl of vomit or a plate of feces I would politely decline.

After a few hours I might say I was hungry. My host would not have much to stand on if hey replied with:

“Oh no, you can’t say you are hungry after I offered such delicious meals a couple of hours ago…..”
I disagree with the premise of “you didn’t vote so you can’t complain” especially in the US two party system.

If I was invited to someone’s home for dinner and all they offered to eat was a bowl of vomit or a plate of feces I would politely decline.

After a few hours I might say I was hungry. My host would not have much to stand on if hey replied with:

“Oh no, you can’t say you are hungry after I offered such delicious meals a couple of hours ago…..”
While I appreciate your sentiment, you could do what I did when faced with unpalatable choices and do write-in candidate.
I disagree with the premise of “you didn’t vote so you can’t complain” especially in the US two party system.

If I was invited to someone’s home for dinner and all they offered to eat was a bowl of vomit or a plate of feces I would politely decline.

After a few hours I might say I was hungry. My host would not have much to stand on if hey replied with:

“Oh no, you can’t say you are hungry after I offered such delicious meals a couple of hours ago…..”

Really, would that be your response to that situation? I wouldn't 'politely decline' if offered that 'choice', like most Australians I would be more Proactive rather than the Passive Aggressive stance you suggested. Instead of complaining, do something, like Voting!
I disagree with the premise of “you didn’t vote so you can’t complain” especially in the US two party system.

If I was invited to someone’s home for dinner and all they offered to eat was a bowl of vomit or a plate of feces I would politely decline.

After a few hours I might say I was hungry. My host would not have much to stand on if hey replied with:

“Oh no, you can’t say you are hungry after I offered such delicious meals a couple of hours ago…..”
While I appreciate your sentiment, you could do what I did when faced with unpalatable choices and do write-in candidate.
Australia is much like UK and US in that we have Two major political parties, some of the minor parties win seats, as do Independants. However it remains in effect a Two horse race between the Australian Labor Party and the Australian Liberal (actually Conservative) Party. There has always been some friction between party supporters but nothing like the division I perceive in the US. Not sure about the UK, most likely similar to Soccer team supporters. Personally I have no fixed viewpoint, they are all in it for personal gain IMO. And at some stage in the past I have voted for both Major parties and even some Newbies like the Clive Palmer Party, seemed like a good idea at the time ;) And when I was young, and possibly dumb, I sometimes didn't bother to vote for reasons similar to those suggested by other forum members.

However at this time of civil unrest, mass immigration, neglect of economic policies, and the increasing limitations on the public, especially Men, I believe it's more important than ever to make sure we do our best to get out of this mess, at the least by Voting.
Really, would that be your response to that situation? I wouldn't 'politely decline' if offered that 'choice', like most Australians I would be more Proactive rather than the Passive Aggressive stance you suggested. Instead of complaining, do something, like Voting!
That would be my absolute repsonse.

Why choose between 2 inedible items so that I have the “right” to complain later about being hungry?

There is nothing passive aggressive about it, I can’t vote if my choices mean I am voting in vain.
That would be my absolute repsonse.

Why choose between 2 inedible items so that I have the “right” to complain later about being hungry?

There is nothing passive aggressive about it, I can’t vote if my choices mean I am voting in vain.
That makes no sense to me PA, if I was hungry rather than rely on inedible handouts I'd get a job to earn more money to buy my own food.

Anyway, that's enough about politics, I find politicians in general are unpalatable.

One of the things I like, is to feed the fish in the canal out front of my house. I usually feed them leftovers but recently purchased some dog food pellets which they seem to like although the Bream are wary of taking food from the surface.

I find it very relaxing to sit in the sun drinking a few cans of Beer while feeding them. Now and then a Long Tom will appear, it's not worried about eating food floating on the surface. Long Tom doesn't complain, he just snaps up the floating pieces with a long toothy grin. Of course the Bream aren't happy when Long Tom arrives, but that's life.
I disagree with the premise of “you didn’t vote so you can’t complain” especially in the US two party system.

If I was invited to someone’s home for dinner and all they offered to eat was a bowl of vomit or a plate of feces I would politely decline.

After a few hours I might say I was hungry. My host would not have much to stand on if hey replied with:

“Oh no, you can’t say you are hungry after I offered such delicious meals a couple of hours ago…..”
Agree, like being told you can either be killed by shooting or stabbed to death. i would still complain, but want neither.
I do think you should vote however, people fought and died for people to be able to vote and democracy. I think in Australia you have to vote by law. i also agree the 2 party system is not great, no system is perfect, for example why has the US not gone to all votes count the same when voting for President? Instead of the Electorial College? In the UK it does not seem right that someone gets elected with less than half the vote on a turnover that is less than half of the people who are eligible to vote....
I would also like to see term limits for all UK MPs, there are too many MPs [left and right] who would never lose their seats, as people would vote for a dead dog in some seats, as long as it was in their party.
Agree, like being told you can either be killed by shooting or stabbed to death. i would still complain, but want neither.
I do think you should vote however, people fought and died for people to be able to vote and democracy. I think in Australia you have to vote by law. i also agree the 2 party system is not great, no system is perfect, for example why has the US not gone to all votes count the same when voting for President? Instead of the Electorial College? In the UK it does not seem right that someone gets elected with less than half the vote on a turnover that is less than half of the people who are eligible to vote....
I would also like to see term limits for all UK MPs, there are too many MPs [left and right] who would never lose their seats, as people would vote for a dead dog in some seats, as long as it was in their party.
Why would you not choose 'Shooting' over being 'Stabbed to death', at least I would, but not the first time I have encountered 'diverse' opinions on the forum.
Agree, like being told you can either be killed by shooting or stabbed to death. i would still complain, but want neither.
I do think you should vote however, people fought and died for people to be able to vote and democracy. I think in Australia you have to vote by law. i also agree the 2 party system is not great, no system is perfect, for example why has the US not gone to all votes count the same when voting for President? Instead of the Electorial College? In the UK it does not seem right that someone gets elected with less than half the vote on a turnover that is less than half of the people who are eligible to vote....
I would also like to see term limits for all UK MPs, there are too many MPs [left and right] who would never lose their seats, as people would vote for a dead dog in some seats, as long as it was in their party.
well, you're opinion counts for nothing over here being the troll that you are. Pontificate on.
No one has ever liked voting, or politicians for that matter, my assertion remains; if you can't be bothered voting, don't bother complaining about your goverment.

Obviously agree with your comments about violence against Women. However blanket laws that affect All Men is grossly unfair. They should instigate tighter controls against those men with a known record of such violence.
Matt, I've probably put you a bit crook on the point I was trying to make. My overall concern is the obvious disconnect between voters and their respective elected representatives and the insuring disillusionment that follows. This takes time to evolve, however overall 'Trust' appears to be thinning, particularly across western societies, in their leaders, justice systems, police, educators, the medical establishment and so on.......the evidence of this is everywhere and quite frankly its scary.....
Local gas prices are $2.79.9 per gallon, and that's during a holiday weekend.
Matt, I've probably put you a bit crook on the point I was trying to make. My overall concern is the obvious disconnect between voters and their respective elected representatives and the insuring disillusionment that follows. This takes time to evolve, however overall 'Trust' appears to be thinning, particularly across western societies, in their leaders, justice systems, police, educators, the medical establishment and so on.......the evidence of this is everywhere and quite frankly its scary.....
I mostly agree with you Todd, more and more people are falling for the covert Left Wing rubbish on the internet that attempts to Destabilize Western Societies. Consequently more people than ever now distrust Politicians, Police, Doctors, Scientists etc. However I still stand by my comments regarding voting. There are a lot of countries that don't have the option to vote, why waste your Democratic right by Not voting, there's always One option that's preferable, even if it's not the Best.
I mostly agree with you Todd, more and more people are falling for the covert Left Wing rubbish on the internet that attempts to Destabilize Western Societies. Consequently more people than ever now distrust Politicians, Police, Doctors, Scientists etc. However I still stand by my comments regarding voting. There are a lot of countries that don't have the option to vote, why waste your Democratic right by Not voting, there's always One option that's preferable, even if it's not the Best.
I can’t agree with you regarding the leftist, socialist, woke stuff being covert and restricted to social media. It’s now endemic in most western societies, pushed hard by an ever increasing number of politicians, baised main system media and indoctrinated by our so called educators, including universities. If you stand up to it, question it, you’re demonised, abused, belittled and labelled racist, homophobic, right wing, etc. Free speech is under siege, as is our history, culture, religion and even gender is under question.

Yes the public should exercise their right to vote, however when successive govts fail to address the majorities concerns, voters become disillusioned…….
I can’t agree with you regarding the leftist, socialist, woke stuff being covert and restricted to social media. It’s now endemic in most western societies, pushed hard by an ever increasing number of politicians, baised main system media and indoctrinated by our so called educators, including universities. If you stand up to it, question it, you’re demonised, abused, belittled and labelled racist, homophobic, right wing, etc. Free speech is under siege, as is our history, culture, religion and even gender is under question.

Yes the public should exercise their right to vote, however when successive govts fail to address the majorities concerns, voters become disillusioned…….

Great post.

The problem in the US is that the extreme left is equalled by the extreme right, leaving no contenders to represent the middle that might very well make up the majority.

The entire system creates a massive amount of apathy that leaves our leadership in the hands of incompetent know-nothings.

I can’t agree with you regarding the leftist, socialist, woke stuff being covert and restricted to social media. It’s now endemic in most western societies, pushed hard by an ever increasing number of politicians, baised main system media and indoctrinated by our so called educators, including universities. If you stand up to it, question it, you’re demonised, abused, belittled and labelled racist, homophobic, right wing, etc. Free speech is under siege, as is our history, culture, religion and even gender is under question.

Yes the public should exercise their right to vote, however when successive govts fail to address the majorities concerns, voters become disillusioned…….
That is not what I meant, to clarify, I meant the source of the missinformation etc is often covert, and it is certainly not restricted to the internet, or social media if you prefer that term, although they are not necessarily the same.

Of course you will always have your minority groups and other stakeholders determined to break the status quo and push for social adjustments and changes.

However there are greater ideologies at play, I'm sure most of us are aware that Russia has invaded nearby countries in more recent times and China continues to occupy easy targets such as Nepal etc. And they are both expanding their influence over adjacent Seas and waterways.

We should be more mindful that the Communist countries, especially the usual suspects such as China and Russia continue to distabilise Western Countries wherever and whenever they can. And they are clever enough to do this covertly, afterall they've had enough practice, and we make it easy for them with our free societies. And they do this via the Internet and at grassroot level, and in most countries. Covid19 was just the tip of the iceberg, believe it or not. Well of course few will believe it, they're just continue to blame their own Big government or Big Pharma or whatever, meanwhile the true shitestirrers get away with more Gold, more Resources, more Land, and more (communist) Votes etc etc.
And I should add that the Russia - Ukraine War and tensions between China and Nepal and other countries neighbouring or influenced by China I mentioned above are small potatoes compared to the excalating tensions between China vs Japan, Philippines etc in the South China Sea, that's the latest and potentially most threatening flashpoint in China's ongoing goal of Global Conquest by Economic means, but of course it won't stop there.

Great post.

The problem in the US is that the extreme left is equalled by the extreme right, leaving no contenders to represent the middle that might very well make up the majority.

The entire system creates a massive amount of apathy that leaves our leadership in the hands of incompetent know-nothings.

Western society is indeed divided, however the so called elites in our respective countries have been encouraging this for years. What better way to manage the majority by creating fear, anger and self loathing. The cancel culture of today’s society is rampant too and the void is being filled by extremists of all persuasions.
That is not what I meant, to clarify, I meant the source of the missinformation etc is often covert, and it is certainly not restricted to the internet, or social media if you prefer that term, although they are not necessarily the same.

Of course you will always have your minority groups and other stakeholders determined to break the status quo and push for social adjustments and changes.

However there are greater ideologies at play, I'm sure most of us are aware that Russia has invaded nearby countries in more recent times and China continues to occupy easy targets such as Nepal etc. And they are both expanding their influence over adjacent Seas and waterways.

We should be more mindful that the Communist countries, especially the usual suspects such as China and Russia continue to distabilise Western Countries wherever and whenever they can. And they are clever enough to do this covertly, afterall they've had enough practice, and we make it easy for them with our free societies. And they do this via the Internet and at grassroot level, and in most countries. Covid19 was just the tip of the iceberg, believe it or not. Well of course few will believe it, they're just continue to blame their own Big government or Big Pharma or whatever, meanwhile the true shitestirrers get away with more Gold, more Resources, more Land, and more (communist) Votes etc etc.
Matt, you and I have very different views on the status of the world right now and I’m going to leave it there.
Cheers Toddy
Matt, you and I have very different views on the status of the world right now and I’m going to leave it there.
Cheers Toddy
Toddy, I believe we have similar opinions regarding the current Status of the world, it's regarding the Causalities and possible Solutions that we seem to differ.

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