Thomas Gunn sets arrived (1 Viewer)

Spot on Rob- I'm really impressed with these 2 sets.
I really hope that TG can keep up this combination of real quality and good prices.
Received my set today.. Just perfect scale, paint, weathering.. Can't wait too see what the next sets are when they are available!!

Greetings from a very satisfied costumer,

After playing(erm i mean arranging them) with them for a while,then asking my wife what she thought of them,i finally just put them in my German display cabinet.Let me tell you guys they go so well with K&C,scale,style,realism are all a perfect match.The FJ's have arrived in my Bocage!

Ouch! Sounds painful mate. I'd pop down to NHS Direct and get the nasty little blighters removed. :)


Do you think they could also remove the Nazis from my Kesserine Pass!:eek:;)

The Germans had an odd way of allocating equipment. A few favoured divisions got the most up to date equipment, and so did many newly formed "green" divisions, while veteran divisions often made due with older equipment. An MG34 at Normandy is common. The new K&C Atlantic Wall bunker has both an MG42 team and the Indian gunner has an MG34.


I don't know for sure but I feel an elite mobile force like the FJ would have most likely been issued the lighter and more reliable MG42, but as I suggested below the MG34 is certainly not out of place in this set.
Now what i'd really like to see is Normandy FJs with FG42 rifles. Best weapon from the time in my opinion. It just looks cool.
Great to use when playing Call of Duty/Wolfenstein! :)
Now what i'd really like to see is Normandy FJs with FG42 rifles. Best weapon from the time in my opinion. It just looks cool.
Great to use when playing Call of Duty/Wolfenstein! :)

Hmm....interesting post James.

Now what i'd really like to see is Normandy FJs with FG42 rifles. Best weapon from the time in my opinion. It just looks cool.
Great to use when playing Call of Duty/Wolfenstein! :)

Ditto on that suggestion.
Dragon do a 1/35 really cool looking FJ firing an FG42 from the shoulder, leaning in to the rifle. Something like that would tickle me fancy.
Ditto on that suggestion.
Dragon do a 1/35 really cool looking FJ firing an FG42 from the shoulder, leaning in to the rifle. Something like that would tickle me fancy.

I think TG would be very open to this suggestion. (not tickling your fancy i mean the FG42 suggestion!)

I saw an excellent photo in a book called "Dying for St-Lo" of a fallschirmjager sniper with foliage camo in his helmet taking aim with a scoped FG42.

That's gotta tickle anyones fancy! :)
FJ's in Normandy with Panzerfaust would float my boat as it were,and i second Sir James on his excellent idea too.

I agree there Sir Robert- but a panzerfaust without sandbags! I hear sandbags were dashed tricky to find out there in the bocage! :D
I agree there Sir Robert- but a panzerfaust without sandbags! I hear sandbags were dashed tricky to find out there in the bocage! :D


Actually James,do i mean Panzerfaust or Panzerschrek?.Can't wait to see what TG will do for their next set mate,what do you think it will be?.

Panzerschrek was the one shot job wasn't it?.


Actually James,do i mean Panzerfaust or Panzerschrek?.Can't wait to see what TG will do for their next set mate,what do you think it will be?.

Panzerschrek was the one shot job wasn't it?.


The Panerfaust was the one shot weapon. The Panzerschreck was far less common and fired 88 mm rocket propelled fin stabilized granades.



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  • panzerschrek.jpg
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The Panerfaust was the one shot weapon. The Panzerschreck was far less common and fired 88 mm rocket propelled fin stabilized granades.


Thanks Terry,they didn't want that guy to retreat did they,they've buried him up to his waist!;)


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