Tiger 211 2./s.SS.Pz.Abt.102 (2 Viewers)

Gentlemen, these fantastic collections put my modest group of three HB vehicles to shame. I could not afford any Gold Editions and was only able to secure 1 "damaged summer Panther", 1 "Re-supplying the Panther. turret #421", and, my pride and joy, a JagdPanther in ambush camo. I was very lucky to get the JagdPanther as they were all long gone when I found my dealer had two in stock. One was the ambush pattern and the other was brown and tan. I picked the ambush colors and was thankful to get it. Wonderful vehicles, all. -- Al
All I can say is "WOW!!!!!"^&cool^&cool^&cool^&cool^&cool

I have one gold edition tiger, one gold edition snorkel sherman, one gold edition sherman, but I tried to order one of the Sturmtigers two days too late.:redface2::(

I wish I could talk you out of one of those Sturmtigers!:smile2:

In addition to my gold edition items, I also have one each of the three Barkmann Panthers, a winter panther, a winter damaged panther, one summer and one winter Bergepanther, a Jagdpanther, one winter and one summer amphibious Jeep, 3 horsedrawn field kitchens, and the "Al Capone" Sherman.
I was too late to get any of the gold editions. My HB collection consists of Resupplying the Panther, 2 colour camo Jagdpanther, an olive green and black sherman and an Autumn bergepanther.

I wish I had been able to get a Gold Tiger and Sturmtiger.

In addition to my gold edition items, I also have one each of the three Barkmann Panthers, a winter panther, a winter damaged panther, one summer and one winter Bergepanther, a Jagdpanther, one winter and one summer amphibious Jeep, 3 horsedrawn field kitchens, and the "Al Capone" Sherman.
louis i have all those as well all great vehicles unfortunatly out of room so all still in boxes sounds like you have a good handle on the hb stuff congrats
I was too late to get any of the gold editions. My HB collection consists of Resupplying the Panther, 2 colour camo Jagdpanther, an olive green and black sherman and an Autumn bergepanther.

I wish I had been able to get a Gold Tiger and Sturmtiger.

congrats on owning those vehicles to have any of these vehicles in your collection is a great addition.
A few new shots.



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Spectacular, as always, Frank!^&cool^&cool If somebody told me the first photo was of a re-enactment using a real Tiger, I would have believed it.
When it comes to Tigers, no one does them better than HB! Or, sadly putting it correctly, did them...:redface2:

Superb shots. These releases were a class amongst themselves
Frank, Awsome Tiger and Awsome pic's your shots are amazing & cant get any closer to being real.
That tiger tank is a keeper well worth an arm and leg. Maybe good retirement cash just kidding.

{bravo}} Neil
Thanks for the kind words. My HB armor will always be special to me.
Very, VERY nice pic's Frank, top shelf all round! {bravo}}

Thanks again for the positive feedback.

A couple new shots featuring Tiger 211 driving along a small river.



Gee, these pic's are very realistic Frank! Love the HB Tigers and the choice of backdrop is spot-on {bravo}}

Always glad to see Tiger 211 and where it will travel to next. It is a great looking tank. -- Al

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