Thanks Larry, next time this carrier goes to sea, I expect to have the support of your carrier^&grin This will make for some powerful force to be reckoned with. Please confirm sailing date.
Evening Robin ... Yamamoto has been calling me daily asking the same question .. {eek3} .. I have noticed a couple of rather mean looking samurai outside my door and it is making me a bit nervous. ...{sm2} You need to sail to Kure Naval Base to meet up there.
I told him that the
hull is finished and the
lower stern hanger deck is done and highly detailed both inside and out.
50% of the lower Sponson Deck is complete. Unfortunately,
the flight deck has just been started ..
1800 coffee stirrers and paddle pop sticks are a lot to cut to size and stain....{sm2} Plus, I have 500 photo etched plane tie downs that need to be drilled into the deck and installed. I have an Aircraft elevator that has been cut and ready to install into the forward flight deck however that is taking some time to get it to fit perfectly.
Bridge is designed on paper (5 levels) and materials obtained, but no construction yet.
I have been authorized by War Minister Tojo to increase the
rice and
sake ration and get the minions to work a 21 hour day. Of course if the Geisha girls would leave me alone for a while I might make more progress. {sm4} Well, maybe not!!!!
Also, I have been taking pictures and writing a -- "HOW TO Build an IJN Carrier - The AKAGI" so I can present that when I am finished.
Get your tide charts out and look for favorable winds and seas some time in September is my guess, most honorable Robin-San.
--- LaRRy -San
OH ya' --- ANDY ... I can NOT sail with only TWO aircraft so I am begging your assistance in increasing my air wing by at least two or three planes ...