time on my hands at last (5 Viewers)

What a nice way once again to enjoy seeing you with time on your had featuring your Zulu War Collection on the field of Isandlwana. It was fun seeking out the various figures by Conte, Collectors Show Case. and John Jenkins and the various figures from your WB sets. Having a good idea of the time you spent in staging the various scenes and photographing them an no doubt the pleasure you had in doing so I want to thank you Robin for sharing it with us. {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Robin...lots of nice pictures you posted...your Zulu collection has really grown...cool idea posing the cattle in front of the wagon...
Impressive collection Robin. Looks like you had a lot of fun putting this together. Chris
The battle is about to HEAT up, Cheers, Robin.


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Gas, Flame or Shell, a lethal combination. Cheers, Robin.


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thanks Wayne, finding it difficult to do WW1 scenes, just keep seeing mud and trenches in my mind. Cheers, Robin.
thanks Wayne, finding it difficult to do WW1 scenes, just keep seeing mud and trenches in my mind. Cheers, Robin.
I have the JJ A/Car and now your dio has inspired me to get the T/G figures, just need W/Front Anzac's to go with them. :wink2:
Looks great Robin,but im not heading down the WW1 path even tho its tempting.
gun team 3, cheers, Robin.
Just love the Horse & gun team , been after something like that for awhile, who made the gun team? ( horses, limber & etc) The gun and figures are K&C I know.{bravo}}
Thanks mate.
The Allies await a German advance with relish. Cheers, Robin.


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Somewhere on the Somme - the inspection of a machine gun nest. Cheers, Robin.


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Great set up mate where are the trenches from,they look awesome.

Thanks Wayne/Wayne, these are the new JG trenches, mine are mud, but they also do grass ones. In my mind for WW1 all I can still think is mud and trenches. Will be looking at other forum members WW1 diorama's to break out of this mind set. Cheers, Robin.
Thanks Wayne/Wayne, these are the new JG trenches, mine are mud, but they also do grass ones. In my mind for WW1 all I can still think is mud and trenches. Will be looking at other forum members WW1 diorama's to break out of this mind set. Cheers, Robin.

Wayne,s will do mate we don't mind........................^&grin
Here, men of the 8th LH Signal Station wait with their heliograph. The ancient method of signalling by reflected sunlight was still valued by the Light Horse. Cheers, Robin.


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