time on my hands at last (7 Viewers)


great pics as always...love your Jenkin's display...the Crown Military Miniature's building looks great with them...perfect for a desert building...

not trying to hijack your thread...but your barge reminded me of one I just bought...so here's some pics of it...

it was $39.95...solid resin...13"s long...figures included...it's pretty nice...especially the price...

if you're interested...I'll send you the link...

who made the barge in your pictures...I love it...


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Thanks Mike, that's very nice, yes I would like the link. My boat is from Playmobile. The building is from Marco Polo. Figures are Blackhawk, Conte, K&C & TCS. Cheers, Robin.
Great pics Robin you have a amazing collection,might be over your way later in the Year when Westcoast play Adelaide,do i get a invite for a beer and a gander at your collection..................^&grin

Ok one cool ship, not interested in building though, have no talent, prefer to throw money at it, awaiting the Conte release now over a year late, maybe not in my life time. Wayne nothing to see here all packed away, not allowed to display other than while the wife is at work, fortunately I work from home, but happy to have a beer with you. Cheers, Robin.
here you go Robin...the comparison pics you asked for...the K&C's are just a tad smaller in my opinion...but close enough...I think they will look fine on my diorama as my barge will be in the water and away from the figures on land...you can decide for yourself...I hope the pictures help...for $39.95...this barge is a steal...it's heavy resin and well painted...

$39.95 for 4 figures and a boat...you can't beat it...


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I am in, close enough for me, thanks Michael for going to the effort. Cheers, Robin.
This is the diorama from Gordon Neilson that inspired me to copy, but no way nearly as good. Cheers, Robin.


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photo 1, THE HARTENSTEIN HOTEL- - Arnhem September 1944. Cheers, Robin.


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I have no planes, but I did think long and hard about this one due to it being different, however space being the main issue, had to pass. Thanks for sharing on my thread. Cheers, Robin.

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